<?php require_once('include/connect.inc.php'); ?>
//Pour le choix du Titre : 
if(isset($_GET['idR'])) echo "Participants de la r&eacute;union"; 
	if (isset($_GET['idL'])) echo "Modification de la liste" ; else echo "Cr&eacute;ation d'une liste";
<div class="popup_contenu">

//Pour la cr&eacute;ation de la liste et initialisation du propri&eacute;taire
echo "<form id=\"formpersonne\" action=\"\" method=\"get\" onsubmit=\"return (";
$isOwner= false; 

if (!isset($_GET['idL'])) 
	echo "(true==(isNotEmpty('listname') & ";
	echo "dataListe('participants','dataParticipants'))));\">";
	echo "Nom de la liste : <input type=\"text\" name=\"listname\" id=\"listname\" />\n";
	echo "&nbsp;est priv&eacute;e : <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"isPrivate\" checked/><br/><br/>\n";
	echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"idP\" value=\"".$_GET['idP_orga']."\" />\n";
	$isOwner = true;
	echo "dataListe('participants','dataParticipants'));\">";
	if (isset($_GET['idR'])) $req = "SELECT L.idL FROM AWOR_Liste L,AWOR_Reunion R WHERE (L.idP_Createur=".$_GET['idP_orga']." OR R.idP_Orga=".$_GET['idP_orga'].") AND R.idL=L.idL";
	// TODO : VERIFIER le select juste au dessous : table r�union inutile ???? Reunion ???
	else $req = "SELECT L.idL FROM AWOR_Liste L,AWOR_Reunion R WHERE L.idL=".$_GET['idL']." AND L.idP_Createur=".$_GET['idP_orga'];
	$result = mysql_query($req);
	if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
		$isOwner = true;

<td>Contacts disponibles </td>
<td>Participants </td>
<select name="listeDispo" id="listeDispo" onChange="loadlist('poppersonneliste.php?idL=','listeDispo','divListe');" <?php if (!$isOwner) echo ' disabled' ;?>>
<option value="None">Choisir ...</option>
<option value="Tous">Tous</option>
	$req = "SELECT idL,libelleL,estPrivee FROM AWOR_Liste WHERE (idP_Createur=".$_GET['idP_orga']." OR estPrivee='non')";
	if (isset($_GET['idL'])) $req .= " AND idL <>".$_GET['idL'];
	$req .= " ORDER BY estPrivee";
	$result = mysql_query($req);
	if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
			$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
			echo '<option value="'.htmlentities($row[0],ENT_QUOTES).'">';
			echo htmlentities($row[1],ENT_QUOTES);
			echo '</option>';
<div id="divListe">
<input name="AjouterParticipant" type="button" id="AjouterParticipant" value="Ajouter" onclick="addPers(this.form);" <?php if (!$isOwner) echo ' disabled' ;?>/><br/>
<input name="AjouterTous" type="button" id="AjouterTous" value="Ajouter Tous" onclick="addAllPers(this.form);" <?php if (!$isOwner) echo ' disabled' ;?> /><br/>
<input name="supprimerParticipant" type="button" id="supprimerParticipant" value="Retirer" onclick="removePers(this.form);" <?php if (!$isOwner) echo ' disabled' ;?>/>
<select name="participants" size="10" id="participants">
	if (isset($_GET['idL']))
		$req = "SELECT P.idP,P.courrielP,P.nomP,P.prenomP FROM AWOR_Personne P,AWOR_Appartenir A WHERE P.idP=A.idP AND A.idL=".$_GET['idL'];
		$result = mysql_query($req);
		if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
				$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
				echo '<option value="'.htmlentities($row[0],ENT_QUOTES).'">';
				echo htmlentities($row[2],ENT_QUOTES) . " " . htmlentities($row[3],ENT_QUOTES);
				echo '</option>';
<input type="text" name="courriel" id="courriel" value="" size="30" <?php if (!$isOwner) echo ' disabled' ;?>/><input type="button" value="inscrire" onclick="newPers(this.form);" <?php if (!$isOwner) echo ' disabled' ;?>/>
<?php if (isset($_GET['idL'])) echo '<input type="hidden" name="idL" value="'.$_GET['idL'].'" />'; ?>
<?php if (isset($_GET['idR'])) echo '<input type="hidden" name="idR" value="'.$_GET['idR'].'" />'; ?>
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="valider_modif_personnes" />
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Valider" /><input type="button" value="Fermer" onclick="popoff('poppersonne');" />