path: root/src/essais/test.c
diff options
authorLudovic Pouzenc <>2011-10-09 12:33:48 +0000
committerLudovic Pouzenc <>2011-10-09 12:33:48 +0000
commit2d91cc4a3b22a1b417ca5f707f137b84262bb4ec (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /src/essais/test.c
parent6858221c2c09590dfe05f060f8701f874d2559ac (diff)
On range tout le code actuel du trunk dans une branche nommée "0.x" et on crée une branche 1.x qui contiendra une nouvelle mouture (re-conception, méta info de packaging...).origin/trunk
git-svn-id: file:///var/svn/2011-ddhardrescue/trunk@29 d3078510-dda0-49f1-841c-895ef4b7ec81
Diffstat (limited to 'src/essais/test.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/src/essais/test.c b/src/essais/test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a3e73f..0000000
--- a/src/essais/test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#include <ncurses.h>
-WINDOW *create_newwin(int height, int width, int starty, int startx)
-{ WINDOW *local_win;
- local_win = newwin(height, width, starty, startx);
- wborder(local_win, '|', '|', '-', '-', '+', '+', '+', '+');
-// box(local_win,0,0);
- wrefresh(local_win);
- return local_win;
-int main() {
- A_NORMAL Normal display (no highlight)
- A_STANDOUT Best highlighting mode of the terminal.
- A_UNDERLINE Underlining
- A_REVERSE Reverse video
- A_BLINK Blinking
- A_DIM Half bright
- A_BOLD Extra bright or bold
- A_PROTECT Protected mode
- A_INVIS Invisible or blank mode
- A_ALTCHARSET Alternate character set
- A_CHARTEXT Bit-mask to extract a character
- COLOR_PAIR(n) Color-pair number n
- int end, ch;
- int row,col;
- char msg[256];
- WINDOW *w1;
- MEVENT event;
- initscr();
- getmaxyx(stdscr,row,col);
- raw();
- keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
- noecho();
- start_color();
- init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
- mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS, NULL);
- //w1 = create_newwin(row/2, col/2, row/4, col/4);
- w1 = create_newwin(10, 10, 10, 10);
- attron(COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD);
- mvprintw(row-2,0,"This screen has %d rows and %d columns\n",row,col);
- attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1) | A_BOLD);
- move(0,0);
- end=0;
- while (!end) {
- refresh();
- ch=getch();
- switch(ch) {
- case KEY_MOUSE:
- if(getmouse(&event) == OK) { /* When the user clicks left mouse button */
- if(event.bstate & BUTTON1_PRESSED) {
- attrset(A_NORMAL);
- printw("mouse button1\n");
- }
- }
- break;
- case KEY_F(2):
- attrset(A_NORMAL);
- printw("F2 key\n");
- break;
- case 'q':
- end=1;
- break;
- case 'b':
- mvwchgat(w1,1,0,-1, A_REVERSE, 0, NULL);
- break;
- default:
- sprintf(msg, "%c key\n", ch);
- wattrset(w1,A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE);
- wprintw(w1, msg);
- }
- }
- endwin();
- return 0;