#ifndef SLICES_H #define SLICES_H #include #include /* IMPORTANT NOTES Slice are inclusive intervals. Let say sliceNew(1,2,S_UNKNOWN,NULL) return a [1;2] interval, so interval lenght is end-begin+1. Here, it is 2 sectors lenght slice. */ typedef enum { S_UNKNOWN, S_RECOVERED, S_UNREADABLE } sliceStatus_t; typedef unsigned long long int address_t; typedef struct _slice { address_t begin, end; sliceStatus_t status; struct _slice *next; } slice_t; typedef struct { int count; slice_t *first, *last; } slices_t; slice_t *sliceNew(address_t begin, address_t end, sliceStatus_t status, slice_t *next); // Return the numbers of slices after split (3 in the general case, 2 or 1 in particular cases. -1 is memory error) int sliceSplit(slices_t *slices, slice_t *initialSlice, address_t splitAt, sliceStatus_t statusBefore, sliceStatus_t statusAt, sliceStatus_t statusAfter); slices_t *slicesNewEmpty(); slices_t *sliceNewSingleton(begin, end, sliceStatus_t status); void slicesAppend(slices_t *slices, slice_t *slice); slice_t *slicesFindLargest(slices_t *slices, sliceStatus_t status); slice_t *slicesFindLargestFast(slices_t *slices, address_t *foundMax, sliceStatus_t status, address_t knownMax, slice_t *firstToTry); char *slicesDump(slices_t *slices, address_t *blockSize, unsigned int charCount, address_t begin, address_t end); #endif /*SLICES_H*/