/************************************************************************* * Testing sketch for Freematics OBD-II UART Adapter V2.1 * Reads and prints motion sensor data and computed orientation data * Distributed under BSD * Visit https://freematics.com/products for more product information * Written by Stanley Huang <stanley@freematics.com.au> *************************************************************************/ #include <OBD2UART.h> // On Arduino Leonardo, Micro, MEGA or DUE, hardware serial can be used for output as the adapter occupies Serial1 // On Arduino UNO and those have no Serial1, we use software serial for output as the adapter uses Serial #ifdef ARDUINO_AVR_UNO #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial mySerial(A2, A3); #else #define mySerial Serial #endif #if defined(ESP32) && !defined(Serial1) HardwareSerial Serial1(1); #endif COBD obd; void setup() { mySerial.begin(115200); while (!mySerial); // this will begin serial for (;;) { delay(1000); byte version = obd.begin(); mySerial.print("Freematics OBD-II Adapter "); if (version > 0) { mySerial.println("detected"); break; } else { mySerial.println("not detected"); } } // initialize MEMS with sensor fusion enabled bool hasMEMS = obd.memsInit(true); mySerial.print("Motion sensor is "); mySerial.println(hasMEMS ? "present" : "not present"); if (!hasMEMS) { for (;;) delay(1000); } } void loop() { int16_t acc[3] = {0}; int16_t gyro[3] = {0}; int16_t mag[3] = {0}; if (!obd.memsRead(acc, gyro, mag)) return; mySerial.print("ACC:"); mySerial.print(acc[0]); mySerial.print('/'); mySerial.print(acc[1]); mySerial.print('/'); mySerial.print(acc[2]); mySerial.print(" GYRO:"); mySerial.print(gyro[0]); mySerial.print('/'); mySerial.print(gyro[1]); mySerial.print('/'); mySerial.print(gyro[2]); mySerial.print(" MAG:"); mySerial.print(mag[0]); mySerial.print('/'); mySerial.print(mag[1]); mySerial.print('/'); mySerial.print(mag[2]); mySerial.println(); float yaw, pitch, roll; if (obd.memsOrientation(yaw, pitch, roll)) { mySerial.print("Orientation: "); mySerial.print(yaw, 2); mySerial.print(' '); mySerial.print(pitch, 2); mySerial.print(' '); mySerial.println(roll, 2); } delay(100); }