/* * PCD8544 - Interface with Philips PCD8544 (or compatible) LCDs. * * Copyright (c) 2010 Carlos Rodrigues <cefrodrigues@gmail.com> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "PCD8544.h" #if ARDUINO < 100 #include <WProgram.h> #else #include <Arduino.h> #endif #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #define PCD8544_CMD LOW #define PCD8544_DATA HIGH extern const PROGMEM unsigned char font5x8[][5]; /* * If this was a ".h", it would get added to sketches when using * the "Sketch -> Import Library..." menu on the Arduino IDE... */ PCD8544::PCD8544(unsigned char sclk, unsigned char sdin, unsigned char dc, unsigned char reset, unsigned char sce): pin_sclk(sclk), pin_sdin(sdin), pin_dc(dc), pin_reset(reset), pin_sce(sce) {} void PCD8544::begin(unsigned char width, unsigned char height, unsigned char model) { this->width = width; this->height = height; this->column = 0; this->line = 0; // Sanitize the custom glyphs... memset(this->custom, 0, sizeof(this->custom)); // All pins are outputs (these displays cannot be read)... pinMode(this->pin_sclk, OUTPUT); pinMode(this->pin_sdin, OUTPUT); pinMode(this->pin_dc, OUTPUT); pinMode(this->pin_reset, OUTPUT); pinMode(this->pin_sce, OUTPUT); // Reset the controller state... digitalWrite(this->pin_reset, HIGH); digitalWrite(this->pin_sce, HIGH); digitalWrite(this->pin_reset, LOW); delay(100); digitalWrite(this->pin_reset, HIGH); // Set the LCD parameters... this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x21); // extended instruction set control (H=1) this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x13); // bias system (1:48) if (model == CHIP_ST7576) { this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0xe0); // higher Vop, too faint at default this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x05); // partial display mode } else { this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0xc2); // default Vop (3.06 + 66 * 0.06 = 7V) } this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x20); // extended instruction set control (H=0) this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x09); // all display segments on // Clear RAM contents... this->clear(); // Activate LCD... this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x08); // display blank this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x0c); // normal mode (0x0d = inverse mode) delay(100); // Place the cursor at the origin... this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x80); this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x40); } void PCD8544::stop() { this->clear(); this->setPower(false); } void PCD8544::clear() { this->setCursor(0, 0); for (unsigned short i = 0; i < this->width * (this->height/8); i++) { this->send(PCD8544_DATA, 0x00); } this->setCursor(0, 0); } void PCD8544::clearLine() { this->setCursor(0, this->line); for (unsigned char i = 0; i < this->width; i++) { this->send(PCD8544_DATA, 0x00); } this->setCursor(0, this->line); } void PCD8544::setPower(bool on) { this->send(PCD8544_CMD, on ? 0x20 : 0x24); } inline void PCD8544::display() { this->setPower(true); } inline void PCD8544::noDisplay() { this->setPower(false); } void PCD8544::setInverse(bool inverse) { this->send(PCD8544_CMD, inverse ? 0x0d : 0x0c); } void PCD8544::home() { this->setCursor(0, this->line); } void PCD8544::setCursor(unsigned char column, unsigned char line) { this->column = (column % this->width); this->line = (line % (this->height/9 + 1)); this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x80 | this->column); this->send(PCD8544_CMD, 0x40 | this->line); } void PCD8544::createChar(unsigned char chr, const unsigned char *glyph) { // ASCII 0-31 only... if (chr >= ' ') { return; } this->custom[chr] = glyph; } #if ARDUINO < 100 void PCD8544::write(uint8_t chr) #else size_t PCD8544::write(uint8_t chr) #endif { // ASCII 7-bit only... if (chr >= 0x80) { #if ARDUINO < 100 return; #else return 0; #endif } const unsigned char *glyph; unsigned char pgm_buffer[5]; if (chr >= ' ') { // Regular ASCII characters are kept in flash to save RAM... memcpy_P(pgm_buffer, &font5x8[chr - ' '], sizeof(pgm_buffer)); glyph = pgm_buffer; } else { // Custom glyphs, on the other hand, are stored in RAM... if (custom[chr]) { glyph = custom[chr]; } else { // Default to a space character if unset... memcpy_P(pgm_buffer, &font5x8[0], sizeof(pgm_buffer)); glyph = pgm_buffer; } } // Output one column at a time... for (unsigned char i = 0; i < 5; i++) { this->send(PCD8544_DATA, glyph[i]); } // One column between characters... this->send(PCD8544_DATA, 0x00); // Update the cursor position... this->column = (this->column + 6) % this->width; if (this->column == 0) { this->line = (this->line + 1) % (this->height/9 + 1); } #if ARDUINO >= 100 return 1; #endif } void PCD8544::drawBitmap(const unsigned char *data, unsigned char columns, unsigned char lines) { unsigned char scolumn = this->column; unsigned char sline = this->line; // The bitmap will be clipped at the right/bottom edge of the display... unsigned char mx = (scolumn + columns > this->width) ? (this->width - scolumn) : columns; unsigned char my = (sline + lines > this->height/8) ? (this->height/8 - sline) : lines; for (unsigned char y = 0; y < my; y++) { this->setCursor(scolumn, sline + y); for (unsigned char x = 0; x < mx; x++) { this->send(PCD8544_DATA, data[y * columns + x]); } } // Leave the cursor in a consistent position... this->setCursor(scolumn + columns, sline); } void PCD8544::drawColumn(unsigned char lines, unsigned char value) { unsigned char scolumn = this->column; unsigned char sline = this->line; // Keep "value" within range... if (value > lines*8) { value = lines*8; } // Find the line where "value" resides... unsigned char mark = (lines*8 - 1 - value)/8; // Clear the lines above the mark... for (unsigned char line = 0; line < mark; line++) { this->setCursor(scolumn, sline + line); this->send(PCD8544_DATA, 0x00); } // Compute the byte to draw at the "mark" line... unsigned char b = 0xff; for (unsigned char i = 0; i < lines*8 - mark*8 - value; i++) { b <<= 1; } this->setCursor(scolumn, sline + mark); this->send(PCD8544_DATA, b); // Fill the lines below the mark... for (unsigned char line = mark + 1; line < lines; line++) { this->setCursor(scolumn, sline + line); this->send(PCD8544_DATA, 0xff); } // Leave the cursor in a consistent position... this->setCursor(scolumn + 1, sline); } void PCD8544::send(unsigned char type, unsigned char data) { digitalWrite(this->pin_dc, type); digitalWrite(this->pin_sce, LOW); shiftOut(this->pin_sdin, this->pin_sclk, MSBFIRST, data); digitalWrite(this->pin_sce, HIGH); } /* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4: */