diff options
-rwxr-xr-xnfs/ (renamed from nfs/
5 files changed, 151 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index afcdb89..17baf51 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ WGET="wget" # "wget --no-check-certificate" could help but is a security conce
@@ -240,9 +240,12 @@ if [ ! -d "$WORKDIR/initrd" ]
then mkdir -p "$WORKDIR/initrd/"{bin,dev,etc/rc.d,mnt/nfs,root,proc,root,sbin,sys,run/lock,run,tmp,usr/share/udhcpc,var/log}
$ROOTCMD cp -a /dev/{null,console,tty1} "$WORKDIR/initrd/dev/"
$ROOTCMD chmod 1777 "$WORKDIR/initrd/run/lock"
+ touch "$WORKDIR/initrd/etc/fstab"
ln -s "/proc/mounts" "$WORKDIR/initrd/etc/mtab"
ln -s "../run" "$WORKDIR/initrd/var/run"
ln -s "../run/lock" "$WORKDIR/initrd/var/lock"
+ echo 'root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh' > "$WORKDIR/initrd/etc/passwd"
+ echo 'root:x:0:' > "$WORKDIR/initrd/etc/group"
# XXX workaround, kernel makefile's cpio preseves everything and it is not so cool for us
@@ -344,25 +347,25 @@ echo $VERSION > "$WORKDIR/initrd/etc/eficast_version"
cat > "$WORKDIR/initrd/etc/rc.d/funcs" <<"EOF"
# echo_color <foreground_color> <background_color> [prefix_string] <message>
echo_color() {
- [ $# -eq 4 ] && echo -n "$3"
setterm --foreground "$1" --background "$2"
- [ $# -eq 4 ] && echo -n "$4" || echo -n "$3"
+ echo -n "$3"
setterm --foreground white --background black
- echo " (eficast v"$(cat /etc/eficast_version)")"
+ [ "x$4" == "xversion" ] && echo " (eficast v"$(cat /etc/eficast_version)")" || echo
-# if no args, print colored message, wait 1 minute and reboot
+# if no args, print colored message, wait 10 sec and reboot
eficast_end() {
- echo_color white green "----- EFICAST end of execution ------"
( sfx_success ; touch /run/nosound ) &
- read -t60 -p 'Ctrl+C to have a shell, Enter to skip wait time...'
+ message reboot "in 10s"
+ echo_color white green "----- EFICAST end of execution ------"
+ read -t10 -p 'Ctrl+C to have a shell, Enter to skip wait time...'
# note : rcS rescue_shell is slighly different because most of the env is not ready in rcS
rescue_shell() {
- echo
- echo_color white red "Something went wrong. Dropping to a shell."
+ echo -e "\e]2;rescue_shell\007" # Term title (tmux), intentionnal carriage return
+ echo_color white red "Something went wrong. Dropping to a shell." version
( sfx_failure ; touch /run/nosound ) &
PS1='\h:\w# ' HOME='/root/' /bin/busybox sh
@@ -397,26 +400,26 @@ network_show() {
setterm -bold off
-nfs_autorun() {
- if [ ! -x /mnt/nfs/ ]
- then echo_color white red "----- NFS server NOT ready ------"
- return 1
- fi
- echo_color white green "----- NFS server ready ------"
- echo_color green black " script will run on tty1 now"
-# tmux since 2.x absolutly wants a working UTF-8 locale
-# pane-border-* is supported since tmux 2.3
- LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 tmux \
- new-session -d 'tmux-main-pane main' \; \
+autorun() {
+ echo_color green black "$ script will run on tmux-main-pane now"
+ read -t10 -p 'Ctrl+C to have a shell, Enter to skip wait time...'
+ # tmux since 2.x absolutly wants a working UTF-8 locale (C.UTF-8 is okay)
+ # pane-border-* options are supported since tmux 2.3
+ tmux \
+ new-session -d "/etc/rc.d/tmux-main-pane $1" \; \
set -g pane-border-status top \; \
set -g pane-border-format " #T " \; \
set-window-option status off \; \
- split-window -t %0 -l1 pigz-watch progression \; \
- split-window -t %0 -l5 iftop-watch network \; \
- split-window -t %0 -l6 iostat-watch disk \; \
- split-window -h -p40 pstree-watch processes \; \
- select-pane -t:.0 \; \
- attach
+ split-window -t %0 -l1 pigz-watch progression
+ [ "x$1" == "xnfs" ] && tmux split-window -t %0 -l5 iftop-watch network
+ [ $(tput lines) -gt 30 ] && tmux \
+ split-window -t %0 -l6 iostat-watch cpu-disk \; \
+ split-window -t %0 -l6 mpstat-watch cpu-softintr \; \
+ split-window -h -p40 pstree-watch processes
+ tmux select-pane -t:.0 \; attach
# Hack to keep the error flow intact
if [ -r /run/autorun_res ]
then res=$(cat /run/autorun_res)
@@ -463,11 +466,19 @@ cat > "$WORKDIR/initrd/etc/inittab" <<"EOF"
::shutdown:/sbin/swapoff -a
::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r
+tty2::askfirst:/bin/sh -l
+tty3::askfirst:/bin/sh -l
+cat > "$WORKDIR/initrd/etc/profile" <<"EOF"
+export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+export TERM=linux # busybox on qemu set vt102, then tmux segfaults
+#, search for VT_OPENQRY
+# happens if qemu pass "-append console=ttyS0" or similar to the kernel
add_initrd_script "/etc/rc.d/rcS" <<"EOF"
+echo -e '\e[37;42m'----- EFICAST start of execution ------'\e[0m'
+echo -e '\e[32m/etc/rc.d/rcS script will run on /dev/console now\e[0m'
echo -e '\e[37;43m'----- rcS script started -----'\e[0m' # Hint for user about boot steps if its hangs
# Declare some funcs to have a tidy output with trace mode
@@ -509,13 +520,12 @@ network_up # Bring net interfaces up (no config)
sleep 5 # Wait for physical link detection + STP + IPv6 DAD & Autoconf
set +v
# Hint users about boot steps to help them if it hangs
-echo -e '\e[32m/etc/rc.d/rc2 script will run on tty1 now\e[0m'
+echo -e '\e[32m/etc/rc.d/rc2-or-rescue script will run on /dev/tty1 now\e[0m'
echo -e '\e[37;43m----- rcS script ended -----\e[0m'
add_initrd_script "/etc/rc.d/rc2" <<"EOF"
echo -e '\e[37;43m'----- rc2 script started -----'\e[0m' # Hint for user about boot steps if its hangs
. /etc/rc.d/funcs # Load helper functions
-export TERM=linux # FIXME: wrong default TERM=vt102, why?
setterm -blank 60 # screen sleep mode after 60 minutes
set -v # Trace execution
@@ -523,48 +533,59 @@ network_conf
-mount -v -t nfs -o nolock /mnt/nfs
-nfs_autorun && eficast_end
+autorun nfs && eficast_end
+#autorun initrd && eficast_end
set +v
echo -e '\e[37;43m'----- rc2 script ended -----'\e[0m' # Hint for user about boot steps if its hangs
-add_initrd_script "/usr/share/udhcpc/default.script" <<"EOF"
-case $1 in
- bound)
- # Configure interface and default gateway
- busybox ifconfig $interface ${mtu:+mtu $mtu} $ip netmask $subnet ${broadcast:+broadcast $broadcast}
- busybox ip -4 route add default via $router dev $interface
- # Update resolver configuration file
- [ -n "$domain" ] && R="domain $domain" || R=""
- for i in $dns; do
- R="$R\nnameserver $i"
- done
- echo -e "$R" > /etc/resolv.conf
- # Update in-kernel-memory hostname
- [ -n "$hostname" ] && hostname $hostname
- ;;
- renew | deconf) echo "no action taken: $1: $interface" >&2 ;;
- leasefail | nak) echo "configuration failed: $1: $message" >&2 ;;
+add_initrd_script "/etc/rc.d/" <<"EOF"
+read -t60 -p 'Dummy script. Ctrl+C to have a shell, Enter to skip wait time...'
-add_initrd_script "/etc/rc.d/rc2_or_rescue" <<"EOF"
+add_initrd_script "/etc/rc.d/rc2-or-rescue" <<"EOF"
+. /etc/rc.d/funcs # Load helper functions
if [ -f /run/rescue ]
then rm /run/rescue
- source /etc/rc.d/funcs # TODO : this probably don't work
+ echo_color green black "/etc/rc.d/rc2 dead. Spawn rescue_shell run on /dev/tty1 now"
else touch /run/rescue
- source /etc/rc.d/rc2
+ echo_color green black "/etc/rc.d/rc2 script will run on /dev/tty1 now"
+ sh -lc /etc/rc.d/rc2 # Need /etc/profile
-add_initrd_script "/bin/tmux-main-pane" <<"EOF"
-echo -ne "\e]2;$*\007" # Term title (tmux)
-trap 'echo $? > /run/autorun_res ; tmux kill-server' EXIT
-cd /mnt/nfs
+add_initrd_script "/etc/rc.d/tmux-main-pane" <<"EOF"
+# Drop a in-tmux rescue shell in case of failure, prevents clearing screen with valuable informations
+trap 'res=$?; echo $res > /run/autorun_res ; [ "$res" -eq 0 ] || rescue_shell; tmux kill-server' EXIT
+. /etc/rc.d/funcs # Load helper functions
+case $1 in
+ initrd) echo -ne "\e]2;\007" # Term title (tmux)
+ message initrd autorun
+ source /etc/rc.d/
+ ;;
+ nfs) source nfs-mount
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+ then echo_color white red "----- NFS server : not mounted ------"
+ echo_color green black "Check for failure above. Exiting rescue shell twice will retry mount"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if ! [ -x /mnt/nfs/ ]
+ then echo_color white red "----- NFS server : missing script ------"
+ echo_color green black "Check : should be present, readable and executable"
+ ls -l /mnt/nfs
+ return 2
+ fi
+ echo_color white green "----- NFS server ready ------"
+ message nfs autorun
+ echo -ne "\e]2;\007" # Term title (tmux)
+ cd /mnt/nfs && source ./
+ ;;
+ *) echo "Usage : $0 (nfs|initrd)"
+ return 1 ;;
+add_initrd_script "/bin/nfs-mount" <<"EOF"
+echo -ne "\e]2;$0\007" # Term title (tmux)
+set -v # Trace execution
+mount -v -t nfs -o nolock /mnt/nfs
add_initrd_script "/bin/iftop-watch" <<"EOF"
echo -ne "\e]2;$*\007" # Term title (tmux)
@@ -575,6 +596,14 @@ add_initrd_script "/bin/iostat-watch" <<"EOF"
echo -ne "\e]2;$*\007" # Term title (tmux)
iostat -cdmz 1 | awk '$1=="avg-cpu:" { system("clear"); } length($0) > 0 { print $0; }'
+add_initrd_script "/bin/mpstat-watch" <<"EOF"
+# Emulates watch command with mpstat
+echo -ne "\e]2;$*\007" # Term title (tmux)
+while true; do
+ mpstat -I SCPU | grep -vE '^(Linux.*|)$'
+ sleep 1
add_initrd_script "/bin/pigz-watch" <<"EOF"
# Emulate watch command using pipeview (pv) for a running pigz
echo -ne "\e]2;$*\007" # Term title (tmux)
@@ -592,20 +621,31 @@ while true; do
sleep 1
-add_initrd_script "/bin/tmux-wrap" <<"EOF"
-# tmux since 2.x absolutly wants a working UTF-8 locale
-# pane-border-* is supported since tmux 2.3
-LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 tmux \
- new-session -d 'tmux-main-pane main' \; \
- set -g pane-border-status top \; \
- set -g pane-border-format " #T " \; \
- set-window-option status off \; \
- split-window -t %0 -l1 pigz-watch progression \; \
- split-window -t %0 -l5 iftop-watch network \; \
- split-window -t %0 -l6 iostat-watch disk \; \
- split-window -h -p40 pstree-watch processes \; \
- select-pane -t:.0 \; \
- attach
+add_initrd_script "/bin/lsblk-watch" <<"EOF"
+echo -ne "\e]2;$*\007" # Term title (tmux)
+add_initrd_script "/usr/share/udhcpc/default.script" <<"EOF"
+case $1 in
+ bound)
+ # Configure interface and default gateway
+ busybox ifconfig $interface ${mtu:+mtu $mtu} $ip netmask $subnet ${broadcast:+broadcast $broadcast}
+ busybox ip -4 route add default via $router dev $interface
+ # Update resolver configuration file
+ [ -n "$domain" ] && R="domain $domain" || R=""
+ for i in $dns; do
+ R="$R\nnameserver $i"
+ done
+ echo -e "$R" > /etc/resolv.conf
+ # Update in-kernel-memory hostname
+ [ -n "$hostname" ] && hostname $hostname
+ ;;
+ renew | deconf) echo "no action taken: $1: $interface" >&2 ;;
+ leasefail | nak) echo "configuration failed: $1: $message" >&2 ;;
add_initrd_script "/bin/message" <<"EOF"
# Output some center ASCII-art text, one line per argument
diff --git a/nfs/ b/nfs/
index ad99a8e..b2be8b2 100755
--- a/nfs/
+++ b/nfs/
@@ -1,20 +1,12 @@
#!/bin/busybox sh
-rest10() {
- # Let the user read machine_info and other usefull informations on console (or skip with Enter)
- sfx_question ; read -t10 -p 'Press Enter or wait 10 sec...'
- # Make some blank lines on console
- echo -e '\n\n\n\n\n'
# Define some handy variables
# Load helper functions
-source $scriptdir/ # Load some specific helper functions
-source /etc/rc.d/funcs # Reload init help functions
+source $scriptdir/ # Load some specific helper functions
# Check all prerequisites and exit if it fail
hostname_test || exit 1
@@ -23,9 +15,9 @@ firstdisk_test || exit 2
# Run the main action script
if nfswrite_test
then # Start deploy script after letting a chance to cancel it
- rest10 ; source $scriptdir/
+ pause10s ; source $scriptdir/
else scriptavailability_test image_capture_${hostname}.sh || exit 3
# Start capture script if all it needs is available
- rest10 ; source $scriptdir/
+ pause10s ; source $scriptdir/
diff --git a/nfs/scripts/ b/nfs/scripts/
index 5e27052..a69fb75 100644
--- a/nfs/scripts/
+++ b/nfs/scripts/
@@ -1,24 +1,34 @@
+# no args, let the user read useful informations on console (or skip with Enter)
+pause10s() {
+ sfx_question # sfx_* comes from /etc/rc.d/funcs helpers
+ read -t10 -p 'Press Enter or wait 10 sec...'
+ # Make some blank lines on console
+ echo -e '\n\n\n\n\n'
# no args, print colored message, returns 0 if hostname seems valid, returns 1 if hostname is a default one
hostname_test() {
+ BADNAME='echo_color white red ">>> hostname should not contain special characters or should not be FQDN : $hostname"'
+ # This test is for security concern, hostname will be used as shell arg
case $hostname in
- "(none)"|eficast|"") echo_color white red ">>> " "hostname is not customized : $hostname" ; return 1 ;;
- *\&*) echo_color white red ">>> " "hostname should not contain special characters or should not be FQDN : $hostname" ; return 2 ;;
- *\(*) echo_color white red ">>> " "hostname should not contain special characters or should not be FQDN : $hostname" ; return 2 ;;
- *\{*) echo_color white red ">>> " "hostname should not contain special characters or should not be FQDN : $hostname" ; return 2 ;;
- *\;*) echo_color white red ">>> " "hostname should not contain special characters or should not be FQDN : $hostname" ; return 2 ;;
- *\<*) echo_color white red ">>> " "hostname should not contain special characters or should not be FQDN : $hostname" ; return 2 ;;
- *\`*) echo_color white red ">>> " "hostname should not contain special characters or should not be FQDN : $hostname" ; return 2 ;;
- *\ *) echo_color white red ">>> " "hostname should not contain special characters or should not be FQDN : $hostname" ; return 2 ;;
- *) echo_color green black ">>> " "hostname is $hostname" ; return 0 ;;
+ "(none)"|eficast|"") echo_color white red ">>> hostname is not customized : $hostname" ; return 1 ;;
+ *\&*) $BADNAME; return 2 ;;
+ *\(*) $BADNAME; return 2 ;;
+ *\{*) $BADNAME; return 2 ;;
+ *\;*) $BADNAME; return 2 ;;
+ *\<*) $BADNAME; return 2 ;;
+ *\`*) $BADNAME; return 2 ;;
+ *\ *) $BADNAME; return 2 ;;
+ *) echo_color green black ">>> hostname is $hostname" ; return 0 ;;
# no args, print colored message, returns 0 if NFS is read-only, returns 1 if NFS is read-write (needed for image capture)
nfswrite_test() {
if ! touch /mnt/nfs/.writetest
- then echo_color green black ">>> " "NFS is read-only"
+ then echo_color green black ">>> NFS is read-only"
return 0
- else echo_color white blue ">>> " "NFS is read-write"
+ else echo_color white blue ">>> NFS is read-write"
return 1
@@ -27,13 +37,13 @@ nfswrite_test() {
firstdisk_test() {
diskinfo=$(lsblk --list --output TRAN,MODEL --noheadings --nodeps /dev/sda)
case $diskinfo in
- sata*) echo_color green black ">>> " "First disk is SATA and is available ($diskinfo)"
+ sata*) echo_color green black ">>> First disk is SATA and is available ($diskinfo)"
return 0
- usb*) echo_color white red ">>> " "First disk is USB ($diskinfo)"
+ usb*) echo_color white red ">>> First disk is USB ($diskinfo)"
return 1
- *) echo_color white red ">>> " "First disk is unknown ($diskinfo)"
+ *) echo_color white red ">>> First disk is unknown ($diskinfo)"
return 2;
@@ -43,9 +53,9 @@ firstdisk_test() {
scriptavailability_test() {
if [ -r $script ]
- then echo_color green black ">>> " "Script $script is available"
+ then echo_color green black ">>> Script $script is available"
return 0
- else echo_color white blue ">>> " "Script $script is missing or unreadable"
+ else echo_color white blue ">>> Script $script is missing or unreadable"
return 1
diff --git a/nfs/scripts/ b/nfs/scripts/
index bc40a51..9895edd 100644
--- a/nfs/scripts/
+++ b/nfs/scripts/
@@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
# $outdir is the also the current working dir, garanted to be empty and writable
# Many cloning/partitioning tools are available for use, see
-echo_color white blue ">>> " "Capturing /dev/sda boot sectors"
+echo_color white blue ">>> Capturing /dev/sda boot sectors"
dd if=/dev/sda count=2048 2>logs/sda-dd.log | pigz --fast > sda-dd.gz 2>logs/sda-pigz.log
-echo_color white blue ">>> " "Capturing /dev/sda1 NTFS BOOT"
+echo_color white blue ">>> Capturing /dev/sda1 NTFS BOOT"
partclone.ntfs --clone -s /dev/sda1 -L logs/sda1-partclone.log --no_check | pigz --fast >sda1-partclone.gz 2>logs/sda1-pigz.log
-echo_color white blue ">>> " "Capturing /dev/sda2 NTFS WINDOWS"
+echo_color white blue ">>> Capturing /dev/sda2 NTFS WINDOWS"
partclone.ntfs --clone -s /dev/sda2 -L logs/sda2-partclone.log --no_check | pigz --fast >sda2-partclone.gz 2>logs/sda2-pigz.log
-echo_color white blue ">>> " "Capturing /dev/sda3 EXT4 LINUX"
+echo_color white blue ">>> Capturing /dev/sda3 EXT4 LINUX"
partclone.ext4 --clone -s /dev/sda3 -L logs/sda3-partclone.log --no_check | pigz --fast >sda3-partclone.gz 2>logs/sda3-pigz.log
diff --git a/nfs/scripts/ b/nfs/scripts/
index bdc5e9c..4efd715 100644
--- a/nfs/scripts/
+++ b/nfs/scripts/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/bin/busybox sh
# Should only started from (define some helper functions and variables)
-echo_color white red ">>> " "Image deploy not yet ready"
+echo_color white red ">>> Image deploy not yet ready"