path: root/mcastseed
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Diffstat (limited to 'mcastseed')
34 files changed, 0 insertions, 6692 deletions
diff --git a/mcastseed/AUTHORS b/mcastseed/AUTHORS
deleted file mode 100644
index c338cf6..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/AUTHORS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Ludovic Pouzenc <>
-Christian Beier <>
diff --git a/mcastseed/COPYING b/mcastseed/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d60c31a..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/mcastseed/ChangeLog b/mcastseed/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/mcastseed/ b/mcastseed/
deleted file mode 100644
index b07663c..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce
-SUBDIRS = lib src
-# For Gnulib
-EXTRA_DIST = m4/gnulib-cache.m4
diff --git a/mcastseed/NEWS b/mcastseed/NEWS
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/NEWS
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/mcastseed/README b/mcastseed/README
deleted file mode 120000
index 42061c0..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mcastseed/ b/mcastseed/
deleted file mode 100644
index 98ddff0..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-This is a simple multicast file transfer with TCP back-chat.
-Greatly inspired from
-Tested on GNU/Linux Debian 8, may usable under other OS without big efforts (patches appreciated).
-# Building
-To compile, use
- autoreconf -fi && ./configure && make
diff --git a/mcastseed/ b/mcastseed/
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e292f..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Autoconf -*-
-# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-AC_INIT(mcastseeder, 0.1,
-# Args deprecated
-case $host_os in
- darwin*)
- ;;
- *mingw32*)
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
-if test "$HOST_IS_WINDOWS" = "yes"; then
- WSOCKLIB="-lws2_32"
-# Checks for programs.
-# Gnulib
-# Checks for libraries.
-# Checks for header files.
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS([OS.h fcntl.h limits.h netdb.h stddef.h stdint.h stdlib.h string.h sys/socket.h unistd.h])
-# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
-# Checks for library functions.
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS([alarm memset select socket])
- lib/Makefile
- src/Makefile])
-# Gnulib
diff --git a/mcastseed/lib/ b/mcastseed/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 38faabe..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this file. If not, see <>.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License,
-# this file may be distributed as part of a program that
-# contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under
-# the same distribution terms as the rest of that program.
-# Generated by gnulib-tool.
-# Reproduce by: gnulib-tool --import --lib=libgnu --source-base=lib --m4-base=m4 --doc-base=doc --tests-base=tests --aux-dir=. --no-conditional-dependencies --no-libtool --macro-prefix=gl rbtree-list
-AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.9.6 gnits
-noinst_HEADERS =
-noinst_LIBRARIES =
-MOSTLYCLEANFILES = core *.stackdump
-noinst_LIBRARIES += libgnu.a
-libgnu_a_SOURCES =
-libgnu_a_LIBADD = $(gl_LIBOBJS)
-libgnu_a_DEPENDENCIES = $(gl_LIBOBJS)
-EXTRA_libgnu_a_SOURCES =
-## begin gnulib module list
-libgnu_a_SOURCES += gl_list.h gl_list.c
-## end gnulib module list
-## begin gnulib module rbtree-list
-libgnu_a_SOURCES += gl_rbtree_list.h gl_rbtree_list.c gl_anyrbtree_list1.h gl_anyrbtree_list2.h gl_anytree_list1.h gl_anytree_list2.h
-## end gnulib module rbtree-list
-## begin gnulib module stdbool
-# We need the following in order to create <stdbool.h> when the system
-# doesn't have one that works.
-stdbool.h: $(top_builddir)/config.status
- $(AM_V_GEN)rm -f $@-t $@ && \
- sed -e 's/@''HAVE__BOOL''@/$(HAVE__BOOL)/g' < $(srcdir)/; \
- } > $@-t && \
- mv $@-t $@
-stdbool.h: $(top_builddir)/config.status
- rm -f $@
-MOSTLYCLEANFILES += stdbool.h stdbool.h-t
-## end gnulib module stdbool
-mostlyclean-local: mostlyclean-generic
- @for dir in '' $(MOSTLYCLEANDIRS); do \
- if test -n "$$dir" && test -d $$dir; then \
- echo "rmdir $$dir"; rmdir $$dir; \
- fi; \
- done; \
- :
diff --git a/mcastseed/lib/gl_anyrbtree_list1.h b/mcastseed/lib/gl_anyrbtree_list1.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ae0715..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/lib/gl_anyrbtree_list1.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* Sequential list data type implemented by a binary tree.
- Copyright (C) 2006, 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Bruno Haible <>, 2006.
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>. */
-/* Common code of gl_rbtree_list.c and gl_rbtreehash_list.c. */
-/* A red-black tree is a binary tree where every node is colored black or
- red such that
- 1. The root is black.
- 2. No red node has a red parent.
- Or equivalently: No red node has a red child.
- 3. All paths from the root down to any NULL endpoint contain the same
- number of black nodes.
- Let's call this the "black-height" bh of the tree. It follows that every
- such path contains exactly bh black and between 0 and bh red nodes. (The
- extreme cases are a path containing only black nodes, and a path colored
- alternately black-red-black-red-...-black-red.) The height of the tree
- therefore is >= bh, <= 2*bh.
- */
-/* -------------------------- gl_list_t Data Type -------------------------- */
-/* Color of a node. */
-typedef enum color { BLACK, RED } color_t;
-/* Concrete list node implementation, valid for this file only. */
-struct gl_list_node_impl
- struct gl_hash_entry h; /* hash table entry fields; must be first */
- struct gl_list_node_impl *left; /* left branch, or NULL */
- struct gl_list_node_impl *right; /* right branch, or NULL */
- /* Parent pointer, or NULL. The parent pointer is not needed for most
- operations. It is needed so that a gl_list_node_t can be returned
- without memory allocation, on which the functions gl_list_remove_node,
- gl_list_add_before, gl_list_add_after can be implemented. */
- struct gl_list_node_impl *parent;
- color_t color; /* node's color */
- size_t branch_size; /* number of nodes in this branch,
- = branchsize(left)+branchsize(right)+1 */
- const void *value;
-/* Concrete gl_list_impl type, valid for this file only. */
-struct gl_list_impl
- struct gl_list_impl_base base;
- /* A hash table: managed as an array of collision lists. */
- struct gl_hash_entry **table;
- size_t table_size;
- struct gl_list_node_impl *root; /* root node or NULL */
-/* A red-black tree of height h has a black-height bh >= ceil(h/2) and
- therefore at least 2^ceil(h/2) - 1 elements. So, h <= 116 (because a tree
- of height h >= 117 would have at least 2^59 - 1 elements, and because even
- on 64-bit machines,
- sizeof (gl_list_node_impl) * (2^59 - 1) > 2^64
- this would exceed the address space of the machine. */
-#define MAXHEIGHT 116
diff --git a/mcastseed/lib/gl_anyrbtree_list2.h b/mcastseed/lib/gl_anyrbtree_list2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0e2e43..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/lib/gl_anyrbtree_list2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1028 +0,0 @@
-/* Sequential list data type implemented by a binary tree.
- Copyright (C) 2006-2007, 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Bruno Haible <>, 2006.
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>. */
-/* Common code of gl_rbtree_list.c and gl_rbtreehash_list.c. */
-/* -------------------------- gl_list_t Data Type -------------------------- */
-/* Create a subtree for count >= 1 elements.
- Its black-height bh is passed as argument, with
- 2^bh - 1 <= count <= 2^(bh+1) - 1. bh == 0 implies count == 1.
- Its height is h where 2^(h-1) <= count <= 2^h - 1.
- Return NULL upon out-of-memory. */
-static gl_list_node_t
-create_subtree_with_contents (unsigned int bh,
- size_t count, const void **contents)
- size_t half1 = (count - 1) / 2;
- size_t half2 = count / 2;
- /* Note: half1 + half2 = count - 1. */
- gl_list_node_t node =
- (struct gl_list_node_impl *) malloc (sizeof (struct gl_list_node_impl));
- if (node == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (half1 > 0)
- {
- /* half1 > 0 implies count > 1, implies bh >= 1, implies
- 2^(bh-1) - 1 <= half1 <= 2^bh - 1. */
- node->left =
- create_subtree_with_contents (bh - 1, half1, contents);
- if (node->left == NULL)
- goto fail1;
- node->left->parent = node;
- }
- else
- node->left = NULL;
- node->value = contents[half1];
- if (half2 > 0)
- {
- /* half2 > 0 implies count > 1, implies bh >= 1, implies
- 2^(bh-1) - 1 <= half2 <= 2^bh - 1. */
- node->right =
- create_subtree_with_contents (bh - 1, half2, contents + half1 + 1);
- if (node->right == NULL)
- goto fail2;
- node->right->parent = node;
- }
- else
- node->right = NULL;
- node->color = (bh == 0 ? RED : BLACK);
- node->branch_size = count;
- return node;
- fail2:
- if (node->left != NULL)
- free_subtree (node->left);
- fail1:
- free (node);
- return NULL;
-static gl_list_t
-gl_tree_nx_create (gl_list_implementation_t implementation,
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn,
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn,
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn,
- bool allow_duplicates,
- size_t count, const void **contents)
- struct gl_list_impl *list =
- (struct gl_list_impl *) malloc (sizeof (struct gl_list_impl));
- if (list == NULL)
- return NULL;
- list->base.vtable = implementation;
- list->base.equals_fn = equals_fn;
- list->base.hashcode_fn = hashcode_fn;
- list->base.dispose_fn = dispose_fn;
- list->base.allow_duplicates = allow_duplicates;
- {
- size_t estimate = xsum (count, count / 2); /* 1.5 * count */
- if (estimate < 10)
- estimate = 10;
- list->table_size = next_prime (estimate);
- if (size_overflow_p (xtimes (list->table_size, sizeof (gl_hash_entry_t))))
- goto fail1;
- list->table =
- (gl_hash_entry_t *) calloc (list->table_size, sizeof (gl_hash_entry_t));
- if (list->table == NULL)
- goto fail1;
- }
- if (count > 0)
- {
- /* Assuming 2^bh - 1 <= count <= 2^(bh+1) - 2, we create a tree whose
- upper bh levels are black, and only the partially present lowest
- level is red. */
- unsigned int bh;
- {
- size_t n;
- for (n = count + 1, bh = 0; n > 1; n = n >> 1)
- bh++;
- }
- list->root = create_subtree_with_contents (bh, count, contents);
- if (list->root == NULL)
- goto fail2;
- list->root->parent = NULL;
- /* Now that the tree is built, node_position() works. Now we can
- add the nodes to the hash table. */
- if (add_nodes_to_buckets (list) < 0)
- goto fail3;
- }
- else
- list->root = NULL;
- return list;
- fail3:
- free_subtree (list->root);
- fail2:
- free (list->table);
- fail1:
- free (list);
- return NULL;
-/* Rotate left a subtree.
- B D
- / \ / \
- A D --> B E
- / \ / \
- C E A C
- Change the tree structure, update the branch sizes.
- The caller must update the colors and register D as child of its parent. */
-static gl_list_node_t
-rotate_left (gl_list_node_t b_node, gl_list_node_t d_node)
- gl_list_node_t a_node = b_node->left;
- gl_list_node_t c_node = d_node->left;
- gl_list_node_t e_node = d_node->right;
- b_node->right = c_node;
- d_node->left = b_node;
- d_node->parent = b_node->parent;
- b_node->parent = d_node;
- if (c_node != NULL)
- c_node->parent = b_node;
- b_node->branch_size =
- (a_node != NULL ? a_node->branch_size : 0)
- + 1 + (c_node != NULL ? c_node->branch_size : 0);
- d_node->branch_size =
- b_node->branch_size + 1 + (e_node != NULL ? e_node->branch_size : 0);
- return d_node;
-/* Rotate right a subtree.
- D B
- / \ / \
- B E --> A D
- / \ / \
- A C C E
- Change the tree structure, update the branch sizes.
- The caller must update the colors and register B as child of its parent. */
-static gl_list_node_t
-rotate_right (gl_list_node_t b_node, gl_list_node_t d_node)
- gl_list_node_t a_node = b_node->left;
- gl_list_node_t c_node = b_node->right;
- gl_list_node_t e_node = d_node->right;
- d_node->left = c_node;
- b_node->right = d_node;
- b_node->parent = d_node->parent;
- d_node->parent = b_node;
- if (c_node != NULL)
- c_node->parent = d_node;
- d_node->branch_size =
- (c_node != NULL ? c_node->branch_size : 0)
- + 1 + (e_node != NULL ? e_node->branch_size : 0);
- b_node->branch_size =
- (a_node != NULL ? a_node->branch_size : 0) + 1 + d_node->branch_size;
- return b_node;
-/* Ensure the tree is balanced, after an insertion operation.
- Also assigns node->color.
- parent is the given node's parent, known to be non-NULL. */
-static void
-rebalance_after_add (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node, gl_list_node_t parent)
- for (;;)
- {
- /* At this point, parent = node->parent != NULL.
- Think of node->color being RED (although node->color is not yet
- assigned.) */
- gl_list_node_t grandparent;
- gl_list_node_t uncle;
- if (parent->color == BLACK)
- {
- /* A RED color for node is acceptable. */
- node->color = RED;
- return;
- }
- grandparent = parent->parent;
- /* Since parent is RED, we know that
- grandparent is != NULL and colored BLACK. */
- if (grandparent->left == parent)
- uncle = grandparent->right;
- else if (grandparent->right == parent)
- uncle = grandparent->left;
- else
- abort ();
- if (uncle != NULL && uncle->color == RED)
- {
- /* Change grandparent from BLACK to RED, and
- change parent and uncle from RED to BLACK.
- This makes it acceptable for node to be RED. */
- node->color = RED;
- parent->color = uncle->color = BLACK;
- node = grandparent;
- }
- else
- {
- /* grandparent and uncle are BLACK. parent is RED. node wants
- to be RED too.
- In this case, recoloring is not sufficient. Need to perform
- one or two rotations. */
- gl_list_node_t *grandparentp;
- if (grandparent->parent == NULL)
- grandparentp = &list->root;
- else if (grandparent->parent->left == grandparent)
- grandparentp = &grandparent->parent->left;
- else if (grandparent->parent->right == grandparent)
- grandparentp = &grandparent->parent->right;
- else
- abort ();
- if (grandparent->left == parent)
- {
- if (parent->right == node)
- {
- /* Rotation between node and parent. */
- grandparent->left = rotate_left (parent, node);
- node = parent;
- parent = grandparent->left;
- }
- /* grandparent and uncle are BLACK. parent and node want to be
- RED. parent = grandparent->left. node = parent->left.
- grandparent parent
- bh+1 bh+1
- / \ / \
- parent uncle --> node grandparent
- bh bh bh bh
- / \ / \
- node C C uncle
- bh bh bh bh
- */
- *grandparentp = rotate_right (parent, grandparent);
- parent->color = BLACK;
- node->color = grandparent->color = RED;
- }
- else /* grandparent->right == parent */
- {
- if (parent->left == node)
- {
- /* Rotation between node and parent. */
- grandparent->right = rotate_right (node, parent);
- node = parent;
- parent = grandparent->right;
- }
- /* grandparent and uncle are BLACK. parent and node want to be
- RED. parent = grandparent->right. node = parent->right.
- grandparent parent
- bh+1 bh+1
- / \ / \
- uncle parent --> grandparent node
- bh bh bh bh
- / \ / \
- C node uncle C
- bh bh bh bh
- */
- *grandparentp = rotate_left (grandparent, parent);
- parent->color = BLACK;
- node->color = grandparent->color = RED;
- }
- return;
- }
- /* Start again with a new (node, parent) pair. */
- parent = node->parent;
- if (parent == NULL)
- {
- /* Change node's color from RED to BLACK. This increases the
- tree's black-height. */
- node->color = BLACK;
- return;
- }
- }
-/* Ensure the tree is balanced, after a deletion operation.
- CHILD was a grandchild of PARENT and is now its child. Between them,
- a black node was removed. CHILD is also black, or NULL.
- (CHILD can also be NULL. But PARENT is non-NULL.) */
-static void
-rebalance_after_remove (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t child, gl_list_node_t parent)
- for (;;)
- {
- /* At this point, we reduced the black-height of the CHILD subtree by 1.
- To make up, either look for a possibility to turn a RED to a BLACK
- node, or try to reduce the black-height tree of CHILD's sibling
- subtree as well. */
- gl_list_node_t *parentp;
- if (parent->parent == NULL)
- parentp = &list->root;
- else if (parent->parent->left == parent)
- parentp = &parent->parent->left;
- else if (parent->parent->right == parent)
- parentp = &parent->parent->right;
- else
- abort ();
- if (parent->left == child)
- {
- gl_list_node_t sibling = parent->right;
- /* sibling's black-height is >= 1. In particular,
- sibling != NULL.
- parent
- / \
- child sibling
- bh bh+1
- */
- if (sibling->color == RED)
- {
- /* sibling is RED, hence parent is BLACK and sibling's children
- are non-NULL and BLACK.
- parent sibling
- bh+2 bh+2
- / \ / \
- child sibling --> parent SR
- bh bh+1 bh+1 bh+1
- / \ / \
- SL SR child SL
- bh+1 bh+1 bh bh+1
- */
- *parentp = rotate_left (parent, sibling);
- parent->color = RED;
- sibling->color = BLACK;
- /* Concentrate on the subtree of parent. The new sibling is
- one of the old sibling's children, and known to be BLACK. */
- parentp = &sibling->left;
- sibling = parent->right;
- }
- /* Now we know that sibling is BLACK.
- parent
- / \
- child sibling
- bh bh+1
- */
- if (sibling->right != NULL && sibling->right->color == RED)
- {
- /*
- parent sibling
- bh+1|bh+2 bh+1|bh+2
- / \ / \
- child sibling --> parent SR
- bh bh+1 bh+1 bh+1
- / \ / \
- SL SR child SL
- bh bh bh bh
- */
- *parentp = rotate_left (parent, sibling);
- sibling->color = parent->color;
- parent->color = BLACK;
- sibling->right->color = BLACK;
- return;
- }
- else if (sibling->left != NULL && sibling->left->color == RED)
- {
- /*
- parent parent
- bh+1|bh+2 bh+1|bh+2
- / \ / \
- child sibling --> child SL
- bh bh+1 bh bh+1
- / \ / \
- SL SR SLL sibling
- bh bh bh bh
- / \ / \
- bh bh bh bh
- where SLL, SLR, SR are all black.
- */
- parent->right = rotate_right (sibling->left, sibling);
- /* Change sibling from BLACK to RED and SL from RED to BLACK. */
- sibling->color = RED;
- sibling = parent->right;
- sibling->color = BLACK;
- /* Now do as in the previous case. */
- *parentp = rotate_left (parent, sibling);
- sibling->color = parent->color;
- parent->color = BLACK;
- sibling->right->color = BLACK;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- if (parent->color == BLACK)
- {
- /* Change sibling from BLACK to RED. Then the entire
- subtree at parent has decreased its black-height.
- parent parent
- bh+2 bh+1
- / \ / \
- child sibling --> child sibling
- bh bh+1 bh bh
- */
- sibling->color = RED;
- child = parent;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Change parent from RED to BLACK, but compensate by
- changing sibling from BLACK to RED.
- parent parent
- bh+1 bh+1
- / \ / \
- child sibling --> child sibling
- bh bh+1 bh bh
- */
- parent->color = BLACK;
- sibling->color = RED;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (parent->right == child)
- {
- gl_list_node_t sibling = parent->left;
- /* sibling's black-height is >= 1. In particular,
- sibling != NULL.
- parent
- / \
- sibling child
- bh+1 bh
- */
- if (sibling->color == RED)
- {
- /* sibling is RED, hence parent is BLACK and sibling's children
- are non-NULL and BLACK.
- parent sibling
- bh+2 bh+2
- / \ / \
- sibling child --> SR parent
- bh+1 ch bh+1 bh+1
- / \ / \
- SL SR SL child
- bh+1 bh+1 bh+1 bh
- */
- *parentp = rotate_right (sibling, parent);
- parent->color = RED;
- sibling->color = BLACK;
- /* Concentrate on the subtree of parent. The new sibling is
- one of the old sibling's children, and known to be BLACK. */
- parentp = &sibling->right;
- sibling = parent->left;
- }
- /* Now we know that sibling is BLACK.
- parent
- / \
- sibling child
- bh+1 bh
- */
- if (sibling->left != NULL && sibling->left->color == RED)
- {
- /*
- parent sibling
- bh+1|bh+2 bh+1|bh+2
- / \ / \
- sibling child --> SL parent
- bh+1 bh bh+1 bh+1
- / \ / \
- SL SR SR child
- bh bh bh bh
- */
- *parentp = rotate_right (sibling, parent);
- sibling->color = parent->color;
- parent->color = BLACK;
- sibling->left->color = BLACK;
- return;
- }
- else if (sibling->right != NULL && sibling->right->color == RED)
- {
- /*
- parent parent
- bh+1|bh+2 bh+1|bh+2
- / \ / \
- sibling child --> SR child
- bh+1 bh bh+1 bh
- / \ / \
- SL SR sibling SRR
- bh bh bh bh
- / \ / \
- bh bh bh bh
- where SL, SRL, SRR are all black.
- */
- parent->left = rotate_left (sibling, sibling->right);
- /* Change sibling from BLACK to RED and SL from RED to BLACK. */
- sibling->color = RED;
- sibling = parent->left;
- sibling->color = BLACK;
- /* Now do as in the previous case. */
- *parentp = rotate_right (sibling, parent);
- sibling->color = parent->color;
- parent->color = BLACK;
- sibling->left->color = BLACK;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- if (parent->color == BLACK)
- {
- /* Change sibling from BLACK to RED. Then the entire
- subtree at parent has decreased its black-height.
- parent parent
- bh+2 bh+1
- / \ / \
- sibling child --> sibling child
- bh+1 bh bh bh
- */
- sibling->color = RED;
- child = parent;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Change parent from RED to BLACK, but compensate by
- changing sibling from BLACK to RED.
- parent parent
- bh+1 bh+1
- / \ / \
- sibling child --> sibling child
- bh+1 bh bh bh
- */
- parent->color = BLACK;
- sibling->color = RED;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- abort ();
- /* Start again with a new (child, parent) pair. */
- parent = child->parent;
-#if 0 /* Already handled. */
- if (child != NULL && child->color == RED)
- {
- child->color = BLACK;
- return;
- }
- if (parent == NULL)
- return;
- }
-static void
-gl_tree_remove_node_from_tree (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node)
- gl_list_node_t parent = node->parent;
- if (node->left == NULL)
- {
- /* Replace node with node->right. */
- gl_list_node_t child = node->right;
- if (child != NULL)
- {
- child->parent = parent;
- /* Since node->left == NULL, child must be RED and of height 1,
- hence node must have been BLACK. Recolor the child. */
- child->color = BLACK;
- }
- if (parent == NULL)
- list->root = child;
- else
- {
- if (parent->left == node)
- parent->left = child;
- else /* parent->right == node */
- parent->right = child;
- /* Update branch_size fields of the parent nodes. */
- {
- gl_list_node_t p;
- for (p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent)
- p->branch_size--;
- }
- if (child == NULL && node->color == BLACK)
- rebalance_after_remove (list, child, parent);
- }
- }
- else if (node->right == NULL)
- {
- /* It is not absolutely necessary to treat this case. But the more
- general case below is more complicated, hence slower. */
- /* Replace node with node->left. */
- gl_list_node_t child = node->left;
- child->parent = parent;
- /* Since node->right == NULL, child must be RED and of height 1,
- hence node must have been BLACK. Recolor the child. */
- child->color = BLACK;
- if (parent == NULL)
- list->root = child;
- else
- {
- if (parent->left == node)
- parent->left = child;
- else /* parent->right == node */
- parent->right = child;
- /* Update branch_size fields of the parent nodes. */
- {
- gl_list_node_t p;
- for (p = parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent)
- p->branch_size--;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Replace node with the rightmost element of the node->left subtree. */
- gl_list_node_t subst;
- gl_list_node_t subst_parent;
- gl_list_node_t child;
- color_t removed_color;
- for (subst = node->left; subst->right != NULL; )
- subst = subst->right;
- subst_parent = subst->parent;
- child = subst->left;
- removed_color = subst->color;
- /* The case subst_parent == node is special: If we do nothing special,
- we get confusion about node->left, subst->left and child->parent.
- subst_parent == node
- <==> The 'for' loop above terminated immediately.
- <==> subst == subst_parent->left
- [otherwise subst == subst_parent->right]
- In this case, we would need to first set
- child->parent = node; node->left = child;
- and later - when we copy subst into node's position - again
- child->parent = subst; subst->left = child;
- Altogether a no-op. */
- if (subst_parent != node)
- {
- if (child != NULL)
- child->parent = subst_parent;
- subst_parent->right = child;
- }
- /* Update branch_size fields of the parent nodes. */
- {
- gl_list_node_t p;
- for (p = subst_parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent)
- p->branch_size--;
- }
- /* Copy subst into node's position.
- (This is safer than to copy subst's value into node, keep node in
- place, and free subst.) */
- if (subst_parent != node)
- {
- subst->left = node->left;
- subst->left->parent = subst;
- }
- subst->right = node->right;
- subst->right->parent = subst;
- subst->color = node->color;
- subst->branch_size = node->branch_size;
- subst->parent = parent;
- if (parent == NULL)
- list->root = subst;
- else if (parent->left == node)
- parent->left = subst;
- else /* parent->right == node */
- parent->right = subst;
- if (removed_color == BLACK)
- {
- if (child != NULL && child->color == RED)
- /* Recolor the child. */
- child->color = BLACK;
- else
- /* Rebalancing starts at child's parent, that is subst_parent -
- except when subst_parent == node. In this case, we need to use
- its replacement, subst. */
- rebalance_after_remove (list, child,
- subst_parent != node ? subst_parent : subst);
- }
- }
-static gl_list_node_t
-gl_tree_nx_add_first (gl_list_t list, const void *elt)
- /* Create new node. */
- gl_list_node_t new_node =
- (struct gl_list_node_impl *) malloc (sizeof (struct gl_list_node_impl));
- if (new_node == NULL)
- return NULL;
- new_node->left = NULL;
- new_node->right = NULL;
- new_node->branch_size = 1;
- new_node->value = elt;
- new_node->h.hashcode =
- (list->base.hashcode_fn != NULL
- ? list->base.hashcode_fn (new_node->value)
- : (size_t)(uintptr_t) new_node->value);
- /* Add it to the tree. */
- if (list->root == NULL)
- {
- new_node->color = BLACK;
- list->root = new_node;
- new_node->parent = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- gl_list_node_t node;
- for (node = list->root; node->left != NULL; )
- node = node->left;
- node->left = new_node;
- new_node->parent = node;
- /* Update branch_size fields of the parent nodes. */
- {
- gl_list_node_t p;
- for (p = node; p != NULL; p = p->parent)
- p->branch_size++;
- }
- /* Color and rebalance. */
- rebalance_after_add (list, new_node, node);
- }
- /* Add node to the hash table.
- Note that this is only possible _after_ the node has been added to the
- tree structure, because add_to_bucket() uses node_position(). */
- if (add_to_bucket (list, new_node) < 0)
- {
- gl_tree_remove_node_from_tree (list, new_node);
- free (new_node);
- return NULL;
- }
- hash_resize_after_add (list);
- return new_node;
-static gl_list_node_t
-gl_tree_nx_add_last (gl_list_t list, const void *elt)
- /* Create new node. */
- gl_list_node_t new_node =
- (struct gl_list_node_impl *) malloc (sizeof (struct gl_list_node_impl));
- if (new_node == NULL)
- return NULL;
- new_node->left = NULL;
- new_node->right = NULL;
- new_node->branch_size = 1;
- new_node->value = elt;
- new_node->h.hashcode =
- (list->base.hashcode_fn != NULL
- ? list->base.hashcode_fn (new_node->value)
- : (size_t)(uintptr_t) new_node->value);
- /* Add it to the tree. */
- if (list->root == NULL)
- {
- new_node->color = BLACK;
- list->root = new_node;
- new_node->parent = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- gl_list_node_t node;
- for (node = list->root; node->right != NULL; )
- node = node->right;
- node->right = new_node;
- new_node->parent = node;
- /* Update branch_size fields of the parent nodes. */
- {
- gl_list_node_t p;
- for (p = node; p != NULL; p = p->parent)
- p->branch_size++;
- }
- /* Color and rebalance. */
- rebalance_after_add (list, new_node, node);
- }
- /* Add node to the hash table.
- Note that this is only possible _after_ the node has been added to the
- tree structure, because add_to_bucket() uses node_position(). */
- if (add_to_bucket (list, new_node) < 0)
- {
- gl_tree_remove_node_from_tree (list, new_node);
- free (new_node);
- return NULL;
- }
- hash_resize_after_add (list);
- return new_node;
-static gl_list_node_t
-gl_tree_nx_add_before (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node, const void *elt)
- /* Create new node. */
- gl_list_node_t new_node =
- (struct gl_list_node_impl *) malloc (sizeof (struct gl_list_node_impl));
- if (new_node == NULL)
- return NULL;
- new_node->left = NULL;
- new_node->right = NULL;
- new_node->branch_size = 1;
- new_node->value = elt;
- new_node->h.hashcode =
- (list->base.hashcode_fn != NULL
- ? list->base.hashcode_fn (new_node->value)
- : (size_t)(uintptr_t) new_node->value);
- /* Add it to the tree. */
- if (node->left == NULL)
- node->left = new_node;
- else
- {
- for (node = node->left; node->right != NULL; )
- node = node->right;
- node->right = new_node;
- }
- new_node->parent = node;
- /* Update branch_size fields of the parent nodes. */
- {
- gl_list_node_t p;
- for (p = node; p != NULL; p = p->parent)
- p->branch_size++;
- }
- /* Color and rebalance. */
- rebalance_after_add (list, new_node, node);
- /* Add node to the hash table.
- Note that this is only possible _after_ the node has been added to the
- tree structure, because add_to_bucket() uses node_position(). */
- if (add_to_bucket (list, new_node) < 0)
- {
- gl_tree_remove_node_from_tree (list, new_node);
- free (new_node);
- return NULL;
- }
- hash_resize_after_add (list);
- return new_node;
-static gl_list_node_t
-gl_tree_nx_add_after (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node, const void *elt)
- /* Create new node. */
- gl_list_node_t new_node =
- (struct gl_list_node_impl *) malloc (sizeof (struct gl_list_node_impl));
- if (new_node == NULL)
- return NULL;
- new_node->left = NULL;
- new_node->right = NULL;
- new_node->branch_size = 1;
- new_node->value = elt;
- new_node->h.hashcode =
- (list->base.hashcode_fn != NULL
- ? list->base.hashcode_fn (new_node->value)
- : (size_t)(uintptr_t) new_node->value);
- /* Add it to the tree. */
- if (node->right == NULL)
- node->right = new_node;
- else
- {
- for (node = node->right; node->left != NULL; )
- node = node->left;
- node->left = new_node;
- }
- new_node->parent = node;
- /* Update branch_size fields of the parent nodes. */
- {
- gl_list_node_t p;
- for (p = node; p != NULL; p = p->parent)
- p->branch_size++;
- }
- /* Color and rebalance. */
- rebalance_after_add (list, new_node, node);
- /* Add node to the hash table.
- Note that this is only possible _after_ the node has been added to the
- tree structure, because add_to_bucket() uses node_position(). */
- if (add_to_bucket (list, new_node) < 0)
- {
- gl_tree_remove_node_from_tree (list, new_node);
- free (new_node);
- return NULL;
- }
- hash_resize_after_add (list);
- return new_node;
diff --git a/mcastseed/lib/gl_anytree_list1.h b/mcastseed/lib/gl_anytree_list1.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 675f107..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/lib/gl_anytree_list1.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* Sequential list data type implemented by a binary tree.
- Copyright (C) 2006, 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Bruno Haible <>, 2006.
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>. */
-/* Common code of gl_avltree_list.c, gl_rbtree_list.c,
- gl_avltreehash_list.c, gl_rbtreehash_list.c. */
-/* An item on the stack used for iterating across the elements. */
-typedef struct
- gl_list_node_t node;
- size_t rightp;
-} iterstack_item_t;
-/* A stack used for iterating across the elements. */
-typedef iterstack_item_t iterstack_t[MAXHEIGHT];
-/* Free a non-empty subtree recursively.
- This function is recursive and therefore not very fast. */
-static void
-free_subtree (gl_list_node_t node)
- if (node->left != NULL)
- free_subtree (node->left);
- if (node->right != NULL)
- free_subtree (node->right);
- free (node);
diff --git a/mcastseed/lib/gl_anytree_list2.h b/mcastseed/lib/gl_anytree_list2.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e6fe45..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/lib/gl_anytree_list2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,940 +0,0 @@
-/* Sequential list data type implemented by a binary tree.
- Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Bruno Haible <>, 2006.
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>. */
-/* Common code of gl_avltree_list.c, gl_rbtree_list.c,
- gl_avltreehash_list.c, gl_rbtreehash_list.c. */
-static gl_list_t
-gl_tree_nx_create_empty (gl_list_implementation_t implementation,
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn,
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn,
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn,
- bool allow_duplicates)
- struct gl_list_impl *list = (struct gl_list_impl *) malloc (sizeof (struct gl_list_impl));
- if (list == NULL)
- return NULL;
- list->base.vtable = implementation;
- list->base.equals_fn = equals_fn;
- list->base.hashcode_fn = hashcode_fn;
- list->base.dispose_fn = dispose_fn;
- list->base.allow_duplicates = allow_duplicates;
- list->table_size = 11;
- list->table =
- (gl_hash_entry_t *) calloc (list->table_size, sizeof (gl_hash_entry_t));
- if (list->table == NULL)
- goto fail;
- list->root = NULL;
- return list;
- fail:
- free (list);
- return NULL;
-static size_t
-gl_tree_size (gl_list_t list)
- return (list->root != NULL ? list->root->branch_size : 0);
-static const void *
-gl_tree_node_value (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node)
- return node->value;
-static int
-gl_tree_node_nx_set_value (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node, const void *elt)
- if (elt != node->value)
- {
- size_t new_hashcode =
- (list->base.hashcode_fn != NULL
- ? list->base.hashcode_fn (elt)
- : (size_t)(uintptr_t) elt);
- if (new_hashcode != node->h.hashcode)
- {
- remove_from_bucket (list, node);
- node->value = elt;
- node->h.hashcode = new_hashcode;
- if (add_to_bucket (list, node) < 0)
- {
- /* Out of memory. We removed node from a bucket but cannot add
- it to another bucket. In order to avoid inconsistencies, we
- must remove node entirely from the list. */
- gl_tree_remove_node_from_tree (list, node);
- free (node);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- else
- node->value = elt;
- }
- node->value = elt;
- return 0;
-static gl_list_node_t _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE
-gl_tree_next_node (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node)
- if (node->right != NULL)
- {
- node = node->right;
- while (node->left != NULL)
- node = node->left;
- }
- else
- {
- while (node->parent != NULL && node->parent->right == node)
- node = node->parent;
- node = node->parent;
- }
- return node;
-static gl_list_node_t _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE
-gl_tree_previous_node (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node)
- if (node->left != NULL)
- {
- node = node->left;
- while (node->right != NULL)
- node = node->right;
- }
- else
- {
- while (node->parent != NULL && node->parent->left == node)
- node = node->parent;
- node = node->parent;
- }
- return node;
-/* Return the node at the given position < gl_tree_size (list). */
-static gl_list_node_t _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE
-node_at (gl_list_node_t root, size_t position)
- /* Here we know that root != NULL. */
- gl_list_node_t node = root;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (node->left != NULL)
- {
- if (position < node->left->branch_size)
- {
- node = node->left;
- continue;
- }
- position -= node->left->branch_size;
- }
- if (position == 0)
- break;
- position--;
- node = node->right;
- }
- return node;
-static const void * _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE
-gl_tree_get_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position)
- gl_list_node_t node = list->root;
- if (!(node != NULL && position < node->branch_size))
- /* Invalid argument. */
- abort ();
- node = node_at (node, position);
- return node->value;
-static gl_list_node_t
-gl_tree_nx_set_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position, const void *elt)
- gl_list_node_t node = list->root;
- if (!(node != NULL && position < node->branch_size))
- /* Invalid argument. */
- abort ();
- node = node_at (node, position);
- if (elt != node->value)
- {
- size_t new_hashcode =
- (list->base.hashcode_fn != NULL
- ? list->base.hashcode_fn (elt)
- : (size_t)(uintptr_t) elt);
- if (new_hashcode != node->h.hashcode)
- {
- remove_from_bucket (list, node);
- node->value = elt;
- node->h.hashcode = new_hashcode;
- if (add_to_bucket (list, node) < 0)
- {
- /* Out of memory. We removed node from a bucket but cannot add
- it to another bucket. In order to avoid inconsistencies, we
- must remove node entirely from the list. */
- gl_tree_remove_node_from_tree (list, node);
- free (node);
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- else
- node->value = elt;
- }
- node->value = elt;
- return node;
-static gl_list_node_t
-gl_tree_search_from_to (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index, size_t end_index,
- const void *elt)
- if (!(start_index <= end_index
- && end_index <= (list->root != NULL ? list->root->branch_size : 0)))
- /* Invalid arguments. */
- abort ();
- {
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals = list->base.equals_fn;
- /* Iterate across all elements. */
- gl_list_node_t node = list->root;
- iterstack_t stack;
- iterstack_item_t *stack_ptr = &stack[0];
- size_t index = 0;
- if (start_index == 0)
- {
- /* Consider all elements. */
- for (;;)
- {
- /* Descend on left branch. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (node == NULL)
- break;
- stack_ptr->node = node;
- stack_ptr->rightp = 0;
- node = node->left;
- stack_ptr++;
- }
- /* Climb up again. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (stack_ptr == &stack[0])
- return NULL;
- stack_ptr--;
- if (!stack_ptr->rightp)
- break;
- }
- node = stack_ptr->node;
- /* Test against current element. */
- if (equals != NULL ? equals (elt, node->value) : elt == node->value)
- return node;
- index++;
- if (index >= end_index)
- return NULL;
- /* Descend on right branch. */
- stack_ptr->rightp = 1;
- node = node->right;
- stack_ptr++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Consider only elements at indices >= start_index.
- In this case, rightp contains the difference between the start_index
- for the parent node and the one for the child node (0 when the child
- node is the parent's left child, > 0 when the child is the parent's
- right child). */
- for (;;)
- {
- /* Descend on left branch. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (node == NULL)
- break;
- if (node->branch_size <= start_index)
- break;
- stack_ptr->node = node;
- stack_ptr->rightp = 0;
- node = node->left;
- stack_ptr++;
- }
- /* Climb up again. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (stack_ptr == &stack[0])
- return NULL;
- stack_ptr--;
- if (!stack_ptr->rightp)
- break;
- start_index += stack_ptr->rightp;
- }
- node = stack_ptr->node;
- {
- size_t left_branch_size1 =
- (node->left != NULL ? node->left->branch_size : 0) + 1;
- if (start_index < left_branch_size1)
- {
- /* Test against current element. */
- if (equals != NULL ? equals (elt, node->value) : elt == node->value)
- return node;
- /* Now that we have considered all indices < left_branch_size1,
- we can increment start_index. */
- start_index = left_branch_size1;
- }
- index++;
- if (index >= end_index)
- return NULL;
- /* Descend on right branch. */
- start_index -= left_branch_size1;
- stack_ptr->rightp = left_branch_size1;
- }
- node = node->right;
- stack_ptr++;
- }
- }
- }
-static size_t
-gl_tree_indexof_from_to (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index, size_t end_index,
- const void *elt)
- if (!(start_index <= end_index
- && end_index <= (list->root != NULL ? list->root->branch_size : 0)))
- /* Invalid arguments. */
- abort ();
- {
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals = list->base.equals_fn;
- /* Iterate across all elements. */
- gl_list_node_t node = list->root;
- iterstack_t stack;
- iterstack_item_t *stack_ptr = &stack[0];
- size_t index = 0;
- if (start_index == 0)
- {
- /* Consider all elements. */
- for (;;)
- {
- /* Descend on left branch. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (node == NULL)
- break;
- stack_ptr->node = node;
- stack_ptr->rightp = 0;
- node = node->left;
- stack_ptr++;
- }
- /* Climb up again. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (stack_ptr == &stack[0])
- return (size_t)(-1);
- stack_ptr--;
- if (!stack_ptr->rightp)
- break;
- }
- node = stack_ptr->node;
- /* Test against current element. */
- if (equals != NULL ? equals (elt, node->value) : elt == node->value)
- return index;
- index++;
- if (index >= end_index)
- return (size_t)(-1);
- /* Descend on right branch. */
- stack_ptr->rightp = 1;
- node = node->right;
- stack_ptr++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Consider only elements at indices >= start_index.
- In this case, rightp contains the difference between the start_index
- for the parent node and the one for the child node (0 when the child
- node is the parent's left child, > 0 when the child is the parent's
- right child). */
- for (;;)
- {
- /* Descend on left branch. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (node == NULL)
- break;
- if (node->branch_size <= start_index)
- break;
- stack_ptr->node = node;
- stack_ptr->rightp = 0;
- node = node->left;
- stack_ptr++;
- }
- /* Climb up again. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (stack_ptr == &stack[0])
- return (size_t)(-1);
- stack_ptr--;
- if (!stack_ptr->rightp)
- break;
- start_index += stack_ptr->rightp;
- }
- node = stack_ptr->node;
- {
- size_t left_branch_size1 =
- (node->left != NULL ? node->left->branch_size : 0) + 1;
- if (start_index < left_branch_size1)
- {
- /* Test against current element. */
- if (equals != NULL ? equals (elt, node->value) : elt == node->value)
- return index;
- /* Now that we have considered all indices < left_branch_size1,
- we can increment start_index. */
- start_index = left_branch_size1;
- }
- index++;
- if (index >= end_index)
- return (size_t)(-1);
- /* Descend on right branch. */
- start_index -= left_branch_size1;
- stack_ptr->rightp = left_branch_size1;
- }
- node = node->right;
- stack_ptr++;
- }
- }
- }
-static gl_list_node_t
-gl_tree_nx_add_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position, const void *elt)
- size_t count = (list->root != NULL ? list->root->branch_size : 0);
- if (!(position <= count))
- /* Invalid argument. */
- abort ();
- if (position == count)
- return gl_tree_nx_add_last (list, elt);
- else
- return gl_tree_nx_add_before (list, node_at (list->root, position), elt);
-static bool
-gl_tree_remove_node (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node)
- /* Remove node from the hash table.
- Note that this is only possible _before_ the node is removed from the
- tree structure, because remove_from_bucket() uses node_position(). */
- remove_from_bucket (list, node);
- gl_tree_remove_node_from_tree (list, node);
- if (list->base.dispose_fn != NULL)
- list->base.dispose_fn (node->value);
- free (node);
- return true;
-static bool
-gl_tree_remove_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position)
- gl_list_node_t node = list->root;
- if (!(node != NULL && position < node->branch_size))
- /* Invalid argument. */
- abort ();
- node = node_at (node, position);
- return gl_tree_remove_node (list, node);
-static bool
-gl_tree_remove (gl_list_t list, const void *elt)
- if (list->root != NULL)
- {
- gl_list_node_t node =
- gl_tree_search_from_to (list, 0, list->root->branch_size, elt);
- if (node != NULL)
- return gl_tree_remove_node (list, node);
- }
- return false;
-static void
-gl_tree_list_free (gl_list_t list)
- /* Iterate across all elements in post-order. */
- gl_list_node_t node = list->root;
- iterstack_t stack;
- iterstack_item_t *stack_ptr = &stack[0];
- for (;;)
- {
- /* Descend on left branch. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (node == NULL)
- break;
- stack_ptr->node = node;
- stack_ptr->rightp = false;
- node = node->left;
- stack_ptr++;
- }
- /* Climb up again. */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (stack_ptr == &stack[0])
- goto done_iterate;
- stack_ptr--;
- node = stack_ptr->node;
- if (!stack_ptr->rightp)
- break;
- /* Free the current node. */
- if (list->base.dispose_fn != NULL)
- list->base.dispose_fn (node->value);
- free (node);
- }
- /* Descend on right branch. */
- stack_ptr->rightp = true;
- node = node->right;
- stack_ptr++;
- }
- done_iterate:
- free (list);
-/* --------------------- gl_list_iterator_t Data Type --------------------- */
-static gl_list_iterator_t
-gl_tree_iterator (gl_list_t list)
- gl_list_iterator_t result;
- gl_list_node_t node;
- result.vtable = list->base.vtable;
- result.list = list;
- /* Start node is the leftmost node. */
- node = list->root;
- if (node != NULL)
- while (node->left != NULL)
- node = node->left;
- result.p = node;
- /* End point is past the rightmost node. */
- result.q = NULL;
-#if defined GCC_LINT || defined lint
- result.i = 0;
- result.j = 0;
- result.count = 0;
- return result;
-static gl_list_iterator_t
-gl_tree_iterator_from_to (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index, size_t end_index)
- size_t count = (list->root != NULL ? list->root->branch_size : 0);
- gl_list_iterator_t result;
- if (!(start_index <= end_index && end_index <= count))
- /* Invalid arguments. */
- abort ();
- result.vtable = list->base.vtable;
- result.list = list;
- /* Start node is the node at position start_index. */
- result.p = (start_index < count ? node_at (list->root, start_index) : NULL);
- /* End point is the node at position end_index. */
- result.q = (end_index < count ? node_at (list->root, end_index) : NULL);
-#if defined GCC_LINT || defined lint
- result.i = 0;
- result.j = 0;
- result.count = 0;
- return result;
-static bool
-gl_tree_iterator_next (gl_list_iterator_t *iterator,
- const void **eltp, gl_list_node_t *nodep)
- if (iterator->p != iterator->q)
- {
- gl_list_node_t node = (gl_list_node_t) iterator->p;
- *eltp = node->value;
- if (nodep != NULL)
- *nodep = node;
- /* Advance to the next node. */
- if (node->right != NULL)
- {
- node = node->right;
- while (node->left != NULL)
- node = node->left;
- }
- else
- {
- while (node->parent != NULL && node->parent->right == node)
- node = node->parent;
- node = node->parent;
- }
- iterator->p = node;
- return true;
- }
- else
- return false;
-static void
-gl_tree_iterator_free (gl_list_iterator_t *iterator)
-/* ---------------------- Sorted gl_list_t Data Type ---------------------- */
-static gl_list_node_t
-gl_tree_sortedlist_search (gl_list_t list, gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt)
- gl_list_node_t node;
- for (node = list->root; node != NULL; )
- {
- int cmp = compar (node->value, elt);
- if (cmp < 0)
- node = node->right;
- else if (cmp > 0)
- node = node->left;
- else /* cmp == 0 */
- {
- /* We have an element equal to ELT. But we need the leftmost such
- element. */
- gl_list_node_t found = node;
- node = node->left;
- for (; node != NULL; )
- {
- int cmp2 = compar (node->value, elt);
- if (cmp2 < 0)
- node = node->right;
- else if (cmp2 > 0)
- /* The list was not sorted. */
- abort ();
- else /* cmp2 == 0 */
- {
- found = node;
- node = node->left;
- }
- }
- return found;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-static gl_list_node_t
-gl_tree_sortedlist_search_from_to (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- size_t low, size_t high,
- const void *elt)
- gl_list_node_t node;
- if (!(low <= high
- && high <= (list->root != NULL ? list->root->branch_size : 0)))
- /* Invalid arguments. */
- abort ();
- for (node = list->root; node != NULL; )
- {
- size_t left_branch_size =
- (node->left != NULL ? node->left->branch_size : 0);
- if (low > left_branch_size)
- {
- low -= left_branch_size + 1;
- high -= left_branch_size + 1;
- node = node->right;
- }
- else if (high <= left_branch_size)
- node = node->left;
- else
- {
- /* Here low <= left_branch_size < high. */
- int cmp = compar (node->value, elt);
- if (cmp < 0)
- {
- low = 0;
- high -= left_branch_size + 1;
- node = node->right;
- }
- else if (cmp > 0)
- node = node->left;
- else /* cmp == 0 */
- {
- /* We have an element equal to ELT. But we need the leftmost
- such element. */
- gl_list_node_t found = node;
- node = node->left;
- for (; node != NULL; )
- {
- size_t left_branch_size2 =
- (node->left != NULL ? node->left->branch_size : 0);
- if (low > left_branch_size2)
- {
- low -= left_branch_size2 + 1;
- node = node->right;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Here low <= left_branch_size2. */
- int cmp2 = compar (node->value, elt);
- if (cmp2 < 0)
- {
- low = 0;
- node = node->right;
- }
- else if (cmp2 > 0)
- /* The list was not sorted. */
- abort ();
- else /* cmp2 == 0 */
- {
- found = node;
- node = node->left;
- }
- }
- }
- return found;
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-static size_t
-gl_tree_sortedlist_indexof (gl_list_t list, gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt)
- gl_list_node_t node;
- size_t position;
- for (node = list->root, position = 0; node != NULL; )
- {
- int cmp = compar (node->value, elt);
- if (cmp < 0)
- {
- if (node->left != NULL)
- position += node->left->branch_size;
- position++;
- node = node->right;
- }
- else if (cmp > 0)
- node = node->left;
- else /* cmp == 0 */
- {
- /* We have an element equal to ELT. But we need the leftmost such
- element. */
- size_t found_position =
- position + (node->left != NULL ? node->left->branch_size : 0);
- node = node->left;
- for (; node != NULL; )
- {
- int cmp2 = compar (node->value, elt);
- if (cmp2 < 0)
- {
- if (node->left != NULL)
- position += node->left->branch_size;
- position++;
- node = node->right;
- }
- else if (cmp2 > 0)
- /* The list was not sorted. */
- abort ();
- else /* cmp2 == 0 */
- {
- found_position =
- position
- + (node->left != NULL ? node->left->branch_size : 0);
- node = node->left;
- }
- }
- return found_position;
- }
- }
- return (size_t)(-1);
-static size_t
-gl_tree_sortedlist_indexof_from_to (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- size_t low, size_t high,
- const void *elt)
- gl_list_node_t node;
- size_t position;
- if (!(low <= high
- && high <= (list->root != NULL ? list->root->branch_size : 0)))
- /* Invalid arguments. */
- abort ();
- for (node = list->root, position = 0; node != NULL; )
- {
- size_t left_branch_size =
- (node->left != NULL ? node->left->branch_size : 0);
- if (low > left_branch_size)
- {
- low -= left_branch_size + 1;
- high -= left_branch_size + 1;
- position += left_branch_size + 1;
- node = node->right;
- }
- else if (high <= left_branch_size)
- node = node->left;
- else
- {
- /* Here low <= left_branch_size < high. */
- int cmp = compar (node->value, elt);
- if (cmp < 0)
- {
- low = 0;
- high -= left_branch_size + 1;
- position += left_branch_size + 1;
- node = node->right;
- }
- else if (cmp > 0)
- node = node->left;
- else /* cmp == 0 */
- {
- /* We have an element equal to ELT. But we need the leftmost
- such element. */
- size_t found_position =
- position + (node->left != NULL ? node->left->branch_size : 0);
- node = node->left;
- for (; node != NULL; )
- {
- size_t left_branch_size2 =
- (node->left != NULL ? node->left->branch_size : 0);
- if (low > left_branch_size2)
- {
- low -= left_branch_size2 + 1;
- node = node->right;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Here low <= left_branch_size2. */
- int cmp2 = compar (node->value, elt);
- if (cmp2 < 0)
- {
- position += left_branch_size2 + 1;
- node = node->right;
- }
- else if (cmp2 > 0)
- /* The list was not sorted. */
- abort ();
- else /* cmp2 == 0 */
- {
- found_position = position + left_branch_size2;
- node = node->left;
- }
- }
- }
- return found_position;
- }
- }
- }
- return (size_t)(-1);
-static gl_list_node_t
-gl_tree_sortedlist_nx_add (gl_list_t list, gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt)
- gl_list_node_t node = list->root;
- if (node == NULL)
- return gl_tree_nx_add_first (list, elt);
- for (;;)
- {
- int cmp = compar (node->value, elt);
- if (cmp < 0)
- {
- if (node->right == NULL)
- return gl_tree_nx_add_after (list, node, elt);
- node = node->right;
- }
- else if (cmp > 0)
- {
- if (node->left == NULL)
- return gl_tree_nx_add_before (list, node, elt);
- node = node->left;
- }
- else /* cmp == 0 */
- return gl_tree_nx_add_before (list, node, elt);
- }
-static bool
-gl_tree_sortedlist_remove (gl_list_t list, gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt)
- gl_list_node_t node = gl_tree_sortedlist_search (list, compar, elt);
- if (node != NULL)
- return gl_tree_remove_node (list, node);
- else
- return false;
diff --git a/mcastseed/lib/gl_list.c b/mcastseed/lib/gl_list.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8793298..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/lib/gl_list.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#include <config.h>
-#include "gl_list.h"
diff --git a/mcastseed/lib/gl_list.h b/mcastseed/lib/gl_list.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c9d05b0..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/lib/gl_list.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,841 +0,0 @@
-/* Abstract sequential list data type. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Bruno Haible <>, 2006.
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>. */
-#ifndef _GL_LIST_H
-#define _GL_LIST_H
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
- #error "Please include config.h first."
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* gl_list is an abstract list data type. It can contain any number of
- objects ('void *' or 'const void *' pointers) in any given order.
- Duplicates are allowed, but can optionally be forbidden.
- There are several implementations of this list datatype, optimized for
- different operations or for memory. You can start using the simplest list
- implementation, GL_ARRAY_LIST, and switch to a different implementation
- later, when you realize which operations are performed the most frequently.
- The API of the different implementations is exactly the same; when
- switching to a different implementation, you only have to change the
- gl_list_create call.
- The implementations are:
- GL_ARRAY_LIST a growable array
- GL_CARRAY_LIST a growable circular array
- GL_LINKED_LIST a linked list
- GL_AVLTREE_LIST a binary tree (AVL tree)
- GL_RBTREE_LIST a binary tree (red-black tree)
- GL_LINKEDHASH_LIST a hash table with a linked list
- GL_AVLTREEHASH_LIST a hash table with a binary tree (AVL tree)
- GL_RBTREEHASH_LIST a hash table with a binary tree (red-black tree)
- The memory consumption is asymptotically the same: O(1) for every object
- in the list. When looking more closely at the average memory consumed
- for an object, GL_ARRAY_LIST is the most compact representation, and
- The guaranteed average performance of the operations is, for a list of
- n elements:
- CARRAY with|without with|without
- duplicates duplicates
- gl_list_size O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1)
- gl_list_node_value O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1)
- gl_list_node_set_value O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O((log n)²)/O(1)
- gl_list_next_node O(1) O(1) O(log n) O(1) O(log n)
- gl_list_previous_node O(1) O(1) O(log n) O(1) O(log n)
- gl_list_get_at O(1) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O(log n)
- gl_list_set_at O(1) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_search O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n)/O(1) O(log n)/O(1)
- gl_list_search_from O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n)/O(1) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_search_from_to O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n)/O(1) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_indexof O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n) O(log n)
- gl_list_indexof_from O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_indexof_from_to O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_add_first O(n)/O(1) O(1) O(log n) O(1) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_add_last O(1) O(1) O(log n) O(1) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_add_before O(n) O(1) O(log n) O(1) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_add_after O(n) O(1) O(log n) O(1) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_add_at O(n) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_remove_node O(n) O(1) O(log n) O(n)/O(1) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_remove_at O(n) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_remove O(n) O(n) O(n) O(n)/O(1) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_list_iterator O(1) O(1) O(log n) O(1) O(log n)
- gl_list_iterator_from_to O(1) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O(log n)
- gl_list_iterator_next O(1) O(1) O(log n) O(1) O(log n)
- gl_sortedlist_search O(log n) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O(log n)
- gl_sortedlist_search_from O(log n) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O(log n)
- gl_sortedlist_indexof O(log n) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O(log n)
- gl_sortedlist_indexof_fro O(log n) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O(log n)
- gl_sortedlist_add O(n) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- gl_sortedlist_remove O(n) O(n) O(log n) O(n) O((log n)²)/O(log n)
- */
-/* -------------------------- gl_list_t Data Type -------------------------- */
-/* Type of function used to compare two elements.
- NULL denotes pointer comparison. */
-typedef bool (*gl_listelement_equals_fn) (const void *elt1, const void *elt2);
-/* Type of function used to compute a hash code.
- NULL denotes a function that depends only on the pointer itself. */
-typedef size_t (*gl_listelement_hashcode_fn) (const void *elt);
-/* Type of function used to dispose an element once it's removed from a list.
- NULL denotes a no-op. */
-typedef void (*gl_listelement_dispose_fn) (const void *elt);
-struct gl_list_impl;
-/* Type representing an entire list. */
-typedef struct gl_list_impl * gl_list_t;
-struct gl_list_node_impl;
-/* Type representing the position of an element in the list, in a way that
- is more adapted to the list implementation than a plain index.
- Note: It is invalidated by insertions and removals! */
-typedef struct gl_list_node_impl * gl_list_node_t;
-struct gl_list_implementation;
-/* Type representing a list datatype implementation. */
-typedef const struct gl_list_implementation * gl_list_implementation_t;
-#if 0 /* Unless otherwise specified, these are defined inline below. */
-/* Create an empty list.
- EQUALS_FN is an element comparison function or NULL.
- HASHCODE_FN is an element hash code function or NULL.
- DISPOSE_FN is an element disposal function or NULL.
- ALLOW_DUPLICATES is false if duplicate elements shall not be allowed in
- the list. The implementation may verify this at runtime. */
-/* declared in gl_xlist.h */
-extern gl_list_t gl_list_create_empty (gl_list_implementation_t implementation,
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn,
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn,
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn,
- bool allow_duplicates);
-/* Likewise. Return NULL upon out-of-memory. */
-extern gl_list_t gl_list_nx_create_empty (gl_list_implementation_t implementation,
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn,
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn,
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn,
- bool allow_duplicates);
-/* Create a list with given contents.
- EQUALS_FN is an element comparison function or NULL.
- HASHCODE_FN is an element hash code function or NULL.
- DISPOSE_FN is an element disposal function or NULL.
- ALLOW_DUPLICATES is false if duplicate elements shall not be allowed in
- the list. The implementation may verify this at runtime.
- COUNT is the number of initial elements.
- CONTENTS[0..COUNT-1] is the initial contents. */
-/* declared in gl_xlist.h */
-extern gl_list_t gl_list_create (gl_list_implementation_t implementation,
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn,
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn,
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn,
- bool allow_duplicates,
- size_t count, const void **contents);
-/* Likewise. Return NULL upon out-of-memory. */
-extern gl_list_t gl_list_nx_create (gl_list_implementation_t implementation,
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn,
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn,
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn,
- bool allow_duplicates,
- size_t count, const void **contents);
-/* Return the current number of elements in a list. */
-extern size_t gl_list_size (gl_list_t list);
-/* Return the element value represented by a list node. */
-extern const void * gl_list_node_value (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node);
-/* Replace the element value represented by a list node. */
-/* declared in gl_xlist.h */
-extern void gl_list_node_set_value (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node,
- const void *elt);
-/* Likewise. Return 0 upon success, -1 upon out-of-memory. */
-extern int gl_list_node_nx_set_value (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node,
- const void *elt)
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
- ;
-/* Return the node immediately after the given node in the list, or NULL
- if the given node is the last (rightmost) one in the list. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_next_node (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node);
-/* Return the node immediately before the given node in the list, or NULL
- if the given node is the first (leftmost) one in the list. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_previous_node (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node);
-/* Return the element at a given position in the list.
- POSITION must be >= 0 and < gl_list_size (list). */
-extern const void * gl_list_get_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position);
-/* Replace the element at a given position in the list.
- POSITION must be >= 0 and < gl_list_size (list).
- Return its node. */
-/* declared in gl_xlist.h */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_set_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position,
- const void *elt);
-/* Likewise. Return NULL upon out-of-memory. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_nx_set_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position,
- const void *elt)
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
- ;
-/* Search whether an element is already in the list.
- Return its node if found, or NULL if not present in the list. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_search (gl_list_t list, const void *elt);
-/* Search whether an element is already in the list,
- at a position >= START_INDEX.
- Return its node if found, or NULL if not present in the list. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_search_from (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index,
- const void *elt);
-/* Search whether an element is already in the list,
- at a position >= START_INDEX and < END_INDEX.
- Return its node if found, or NULL if not present in the list. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_search_from_to (gl_list_t list,
- size_t start_index,
- size_t end_index,
- const void *elt);
-/* Search whether an element is already in the list.
- Return its position if found, or (size_t)(-1) if not present in the list. */
-extern size_t gl_list_indexof (gl_list_t list, const void *elt);
-/* Search whether an element is already in the list,
- at a position >= START_INDEX.
- Return its position if found, or (size_t)(-1) if not present in the list. */
-extern size_t gl_list_indexof_from (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index,
- const void *elt);
-/* Search whether an element is already in the list,
- at a position >= START_INDEX and < END_INDEX.
- Return its position if found, or (size_t)(-1) if not present in the list. */
-extern size_t gl_list_indexof_from_to (gl_list_t list,
- size_t start_index, size_t end_index,
- const void *elt);
-/* Add an element as the first element of the list.
- Return its node. */
-/* declared in gl_xlist.h */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_add_first (gl_list_t list, const void *elt);
-/* Likewise. Return NULL upon out-of-memory. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_nx_add_first (gl_list_t list, const void *elt)
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
- ;
-/* Add an element as the last element of the list.
- Return its node. */
-/* declared in gl_xlist.h */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_add_last (gl_list_t list, const void *elt);
-/* Likewise. Return NULL upon out-of-memory. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_nx_add_last (gl_list_t list, const void *elt)
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
- ;
-/* Add an element before a given element node of the list.
- Return its node. */
-/* declared in gl_xlist.h */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_add_before (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node,
- const void *elt);
-/* Likewise. Return NULL upon out-of-memory. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_nx_add_before (gl_list_t list,
- gl_list_node_t node,
- const void *elt)
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
- ;
-/* Add an element after a given element node of the list.
- Return its node. */
-/* declared in gl_xlist.h */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_add_after (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node,
- const void *elt);
-/* Likewise. Return NULL upon out-of-memory. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_nx_add_after (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node,
- const void *elt)
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
- ;
-/* Add an element at a given position in the list.
- POSITION must be >= 0 and <= gl_list_size (list). */
-/* declared in gl_xlist.h */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_add_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position,
- const void *elt);
-/* Likewise. Return NULL upon out-of-memory. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_list_nx_add_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position,
- const void *elt)
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
- ;
-/* Remove an element from the list.
- Return true. */
-extern bool gl_list_remove_node (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node);
-/* Remove an element at a given position from the list.
- POSITION must be >= 0 and < gl_list_size (list).
- Return true. */
-extern bool gl_list_remove_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position);
-/* Search and remove an element from the list.
- Return true if it was found and removed. */
-extern bool gl_list_remove (gl_list_t list, const void *elt);
-/* Free an entire list.
- (But this call does not free the elements of the list.) */
-extern void gl_list_free (gl_list_t list);
-#endif /* End of inline and gl_xlist.h-defined functions. */
-/* --------------------- gl_list_iterator_t Data Type --------------------- */
-/* Functions for iterating through a list. */
-/* Type of an iterator that traverses a list.
- This is a fixed-size struct, so that creation of an iterator doesn't need
- memory allocation on the heap. */
-typedef struct
- /* For fast dispatch of gl_list_iterator_next. */
- const struct gl_list_implementation *vtable;
- /* For detecting whether the last returned element was removed. */
- gl_list_t list;
- size_t count;
- /* Other, implementation-private fields. */
- void *p; void *q;
- size_t i; size_t j;
-} gl_list_iterator_t;
-#if 0 /* These are defined inline below. */
-/* Create an iterator traversing a list.
- The list contents must not be modified while the iterator is in use,
- except for replacing or removing the last returned element. */
-extern gl_list_iterator_t gl_list_iterator (gl_list_t list);
-/* Create an iterator traversing the element with indices i,
- start_index <= i < end_index, of a list.
- The list contents must not be modified while the iterator is in use,
- except for replacing or removing the last returned element. */
-extern gl_list_iterator_t gl_list_iterator_from_to (gl_list_t list,
- size_t start_index,
- size_t end_index);
-/* If there is a next element, store the next element in *ELTP, store its
- node in *NODEP if NODEP is non-NULL, advance the iterator and return true.
- Otherwise, return false. */
-extern bool gl_list_iterator_next (gl_list_iterator_t *iterator,
- const void **eltp, gl_list_node_t *nodep);
-/* Free an iterator. */
-extern void gl_list_iterator_free (gl_list_iterator_t *iterator);
-#endif /* End of inline functions. */
-/* ---------------------- Sorted gl_list_t Data Type ---------------------- */
-/* The following functions are for lists without duplicates where the
- order is given by a sort criterion. */
-/* Type of function used to compare two elements. Same as for qsort().
- NULL denotes pointer comparison. */
-typedef int (*gl_listelement_compar_fn) (const void *elt1, const void *elt2);
-#if 0 /* Unless otherwise specified, these are defined inline below. */
-/* Search whether an element is already in the list.
- The list is assumed to be sorted with COMPAR.
- Return its node if found, or NULL if not present in the list.
- If the list contains several copies of ELT, the node of the leftmost one is
- returned. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_sortedlist_search (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt);
-/* Search whether an element is already in the list.
- The list is assumed to be sorted with COMPAR.
- Only list elements with indices >= START_INDEX and < END_INDEX are
- considered; the implementation uses these bounds to minimize the number
- of COMPAR invocations.
- Return its node if found, or NULL if not present in the list.
- If the list contains several copies of ELT, the node of the leftmost one is
- returned. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_sortedlist_search_from_to (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- size_t start_index,
- size_t end_index,
- const void *elt);
-/* Search whether an element is already in the list.
- The list is assumed to be sorted with COMPAR.
- Return its position if found, or (size_t)(-1) if not present in the list.
- If the list contains several copies of ELT, the position of the leftmost one
- is returned. */
-extern size_t gl_sortedlist_indexof (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt);
-/* Search whether an element is already in the list.
- The list is assumed to be sorted with COMPAR.
- Only list elements with indices >= START_INDEX and < END_INDEX are
- considered; the implementation uses these bounds to minimize the number
- of COMPAR invocations.
- Return its position if found, or (size_t)(-1) if not present in the list.
- If the list contains several copies of ELT, the position of the leftmost one
- is returned. */
-extern size_t gl_sortedlist_indexof_from_to (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- size_t start_index,
- size_t end_index,
- const void *elt);
-/* Add an element at the appropriate position in the list.
- The list is assumed to be sorted with COMPAR.
- Return its node. */
-/* declared in gl_xlist.h */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_sortedlist_add (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt);
-/* Likewise. Return NULL upon out-of-memory. */
-extern gl_list_node_t gl_sortedlist_nx_add (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt)
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
- ;
-/* Search and remove an element from the list.
- The list is assumed to be sorted with COMPAR.
- Return true if it was found and removed.
- If the list contains several copies of ELT, only the leftmost one is
- removed. */
-extern bool gl_sortedlist_remove (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt);
-#endif /* End of inline and gl_xlist.h-defined functions. */
-/* ------------------------ Implementation Details ------------------------ */
-struct gl_list_implementation
- /* gl_list_t functions. */
- gl_list_t (*nx_create_empty) (gl_list_implementation_t implementation,
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn,
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn,
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn,
- bool allow_duplicates);
- gl_list_t (*nx_create) (gl_list_implementation_t implementation,
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn,
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn,
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn,
- bool allow_duplicates,
- size_t count, const void **contents);
- size_t (*size) (gl_list_t list);
- const void * (*node_value) (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node);
- int (*node_nx_set_value) (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node,
- const void *elt);
- gl_list_node_t (*next_node) (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node);
- gl_list_node_t (*previous_node) (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node);
- const void * (*get_at) (gl_list_t list, size_t position);
- gl_list_node_t (*nx_set_at) (gl_list_t list, size_t position,
- const void *elt);
- gl_list_node_t (*search_from_to) (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index,
- size_t end_index, const void *elt);
- size_t (*indexof_from_to) (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index,
- size_t end_index, const void *elt);
- gl_list_node_t (*nx_add_first) (gl_list_t list, const void *elt);
- gl_list_node_t (*nx_add_last) (gl_list_t list, const void *elt);
- gl_list_node_t (*nx_add_before) (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node,
- const void *elt);
- gl_list_node_t (*nx_add_after) (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node,
- const void *elt);
- gl_list_node_t (*nx_add_at) (gl_list_t list, size_t position,
- const void *elt);
- bool (*remove_node) (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node);
- bool (*remove_at) (gl_list_t list, size_t position);
- bool (*remove_elt) (gl_list_t list, const void *elt);
- void (*list_free) (gl_list_t list);
- /* gl_list_iterator_t functions. */
- gl_list_iterator_t (*iterator) (gl_list_t list);
- gl_list_iterator_t (*iterator_from_to) (gl_list_t list,
- size_t start_index,
- size_t end_index);
- bool (*iterator_next) (gl_list_iterator_t *iterator,
- const void **eltp, gl_list_node_t *nodep);
- void (*iterator_free) (gl_list_iterator_t *iterator);
- /* Sorted gl_list_t functions. */
- gl_list_node_t (*sortedlist_search) (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt);
- gl_list_node_t (*sortedlist_search_from_to) (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- size_t start_index,
- size_t end_index,
- const void *elt);
- size_t (*sortedlist_indexof) (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt);
- size_t (*sortedlist_indexof_from_to) (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- size_t start_index, size_t end_index,
- const void *elt);
- gl_list_node_t (*sortedlist_nx_add) (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt);
- bool (*sortedlist_remove) (gl_list_t list,
- gl_listelement_compar_fn compar,
- const void *elt);
-struct gl_list_impl_base
- const struct gl_list_implementation *vtable;
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn;
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn;
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn;
- bool allow_duplicates;
-/* Define all functions of this file as accesses to the
- struct gl_list_implementation. */
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_t
-gl_list_nx_create_empty (gl_list_implementation_t implementation,
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn,
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn,
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn,
- bool allow_duplicates)
- return implementation->nx_create_empty (implementation, equals_fn,
- hashcode_fn, dispose_fn,
- allow_duplicates);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_t
-gl_list_nx_create (gl_list_implementation_t implementation,
- gl_listelement_equals_fn equals_fn,
- gl_listelement_hashcode_fn hashcode_fn,
- gl_listelement_dispose_fn dispose_fn,
- bool allow_duplicates,
- size_t count, const void **contents)
- return implementation->nx_create (implementation, equals_fn, hashcode_fn,
- dispose_fn, allow_duplicates, count,
- contents);
-gl_list_size (gl_list_t list)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->size (list);
-GL_LIST_INLINE const void *
-gl_list_node_value (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->node_value (list, node);
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
-gl_list_node_nx_set_value (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node,
- const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->node_nx_set_value (list, node, elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-gl_list_next_node (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->next_node (list, node);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-gl_list_previous_node (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->previous_node (list, node);
-GL_LIST_INLINE const void *
-gl_list_get_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->get_at (list, position);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
-gl_list_nx_set_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->nx_set_at (list, position, elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-gl_list_search (gl_list_t list, const void *elt)
- size_t size = ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable->size (list);
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->search_from_to (list, 0, size, elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-gl_list_search_from (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index, const void *elt)
- size_t size = ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable->size (list);
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->search_from_to (list, start_index, size, elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-gl_list_search_from_to (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index, size_t end_index,
- const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->search_from_to (list, start_index, end_index, elt);
-gl_list_indexof (gl_list_t list, const void *elt)
- size_t size = ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable->size (list);
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->indexof_from_to (list, 0, size, elt);
-gl_list_indexof_from (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index, const void *elt)
- size_t size = ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable->size (list);
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->indexof_from_to (list, start_index, size, elt);
-gl_list_indexof_from_to (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index, size_t end_index,
- const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->indexof_from_to (list, start_index, end_index, elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
-gl_list_nx_add_first (gl_list_t list, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->nx_add_first (list, elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
-gl_list_nx_add_last (gl_list_t list, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->nx_add_last (list, elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
-gl_list_nx_add_before (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->nx_add_before (list, node, elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
-gl_list_nx_add_after (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->nx_add_after (list, node, elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
-gl_list_nx_add_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->nx_add_at (list, position, elt);
-gl_list_remove_node (gl_list_t list, gl_list_node_t node)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->remove_node (list, node);
-gl_list_remove_at (gl_list_t list, size_t position)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->remove_at (list, position);
-gl_list_remove (gl_list_t list, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->remove_elt (list, elt);
-gl_list_free (gl_list_t list)
- ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable->list_free (list);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_iterator_t
-gl_list_iterator (gl_list_t list)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->iterator (list);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_iterator_t
-gl_list_iterator_from_to (gl_list_t list, size_t start_index, size_t end_index)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->iterator_from_to (list, start_index, end_index);
-gl_list_iterator_next (gl_list_iterator_t *iterator,
- const void **eltp, gl_list_node_t *nodep)
- return iterator->vtable->iterator_next (iterator, eltp, nodep);
-gl_list_iterator_free (gl_list_iterator_t *iterator)
- iterator->vtable->iterator_free (iterator);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-gl_sortedlist_search (gl_list_t list, gl_listelement_compar_fn compar, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->sortedlist_search (list, compar, elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-gl_sortedlist_search_from_to (gl_list_t list, gl_listelement_compar_fn compar, size_t start_index, size_t end_index, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->sortedlist_search_from_to (list, compar, start_index, end_index,
- elt);
-gl_sortedlist_indexof (gl_list_t list, gl_listelement_compar_fn compar, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->sortedlist_indexof (list, compar, elt);
-gl_sortedlist_indexof_from_to (gl_list_t list, gl_listelement_compar_fn compar, size_t start_index, size_t end_index, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->sortedlist_indexof_from_to (list, compar, start_index, end_index,
- elt);
-GL_LIST_INLINE gl_list_node_t
-#if __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4)
- __attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
-gl_sortedlist_nx_add (gl_list_t list, gl_listelement_compar_fn compar, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->sortedlist_nx_add (list, compar, elt);
-gl_sortedlist_remove (gl_list_t list, gl_listelement_compar_fn compar, const void *elt)
- return ((const struct gl_list_impl_base *) list)->vtable
- ->sortedlist_remove (list, compar, elt);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _GL_LIST_H */
diff --git a/mcastseed/lib/gl_rbtree_list.c b/mcastseed/lib/gl_rbtree_list.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d621f1..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/lib/gl_rbtree_list.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-/* Sequential list data type implemented by a binary tree.
- Copyright (C) 2006, 2008-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Bruno Haible <>, 2006.
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>. */
-#include <config.h>
-/* Specification. */
-#include "gl_rbtree_list.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-/* -------------------------- gl_list_t Data Type -------------------------- */
-/* Generic red-black tree code. */
-#include "gl_anyrbtree_list1.h"
-/* Generic binary tree code. */
-#include "gl_anytree_list1.h"
-/* Generic red-black tree code. */
-#include "gl_anyrbtree_list2.h"
-/* Generic binary tree code. */
-#include "gl_anytree_list2.h"
-/* For debugging. */
-static unsigned int
-check_invariants (gl_list_node_t node, gl_list_node_t parent)
- unsigned int left_blackheight =
- (node->left != NULL ? check_invariants (node->left, node) : 0);
- unsigned int right_blackheight =
- (node->right != NULL ? check_invariants (node->right, node) : 0);
- if (!(node->parent == parent))
- abort ();
- if (!(node->branch_size
- == (node->left != NULL ? node->left->branch_size : 0)
- + 1 + (node->right != NULL ? node->right->branch_size : 0)))
- abort ();
- if (!(node->color == BLACK || node->color == RED))
- abort ();
- if (parent == NULL && !(node->color == BLACK))
- abort ();
- if (!(left_blackheight == right_blackheight))
- abort ();
- return left_blackheight + (node->color == BLACK ? 1 : 0);
-gl_rbtree_list_check_invariants (gl_list_t list)
- if (list->root != NULL)
- check_invariants (list->root, NULL);
-const struct gl_list_implementation gl_rbtree_list_implementation =
- {
- gl_tree_nx_create_empty,
- gl_tree_nx_create,
- gl_tree_size,
- gl_tree_node_value,
- gl_tree_node_nx_set_value,
- gl_tree_next_node,
- gl_tree_previous_node,
- gl_tree_get_at,
- gl_tree_nx_set_at,
- gl_tree_search_from_to,
- gl_tree_indexof_from_to,
- gl_tree_nx_add_first,
- gl_tree_nx_add_last,
- gl_tree_nx_add_before,
- gl_tree_nx_add_after,
- gl_tree_nx_add_at,
- gl_tree_remove_node,
- gl_tree_remove_at,
- gl_tree_remove,
- gl_tree_list_free,
- gl_tree_iterator,
- gl_tree_iterator_from_to,
- gl_tree_iterator_next,
- gl_tree_iterator_free,
- gl_tree_sortedlist_search,
- gl_tree_sortedlist_search_from_to,
- gl_tree_sortedlist_indexof,
- gl_tree_sortedlist_indexof_from_to,
- gl_tree_sortedlist_nx_add,
- gl_tree_sortedlist_remove
- };
diff --git a/mcastseed/lib/gl_rbtree_list.h b/mcastseed/lib/gl_rbtree_list.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cb9d11..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/lib/gl_rbtree_list.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* Sequential list data type implemented by a binary tree.
- Copyright (C) 2006, 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Bruno Haible <>, 2006.
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>. */
-#ifndef _GL_RBTREE_LIST_H
-#define _GL_RBTREE_LIST_H
-#include "gl_list.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-extern const struct gl_list_implementation gl_rbtree_list_implementation;
-#define GL_RBTREE_LIST &gl_rbtree_list_implementation
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _GL_RBTREE_LIST_H */
diff --git a/mcastseed/lib/ b/mcastseed/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ecf203..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2001-2003, 2006-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by Bruno Haible <>, 2001.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>. */
-#ifndef _GL_STDBOOL_H
-#define _GL_STDBOOL_H
-/* ISO C 99 <stdbool.h> for platforms that lack it. */
-/* Usage suggestions:
- Programs that use <stdbool.h> should be aware of some limitations
- and standards compliance issues.
- Standards compliance:
- - <stdbool.h> must be #included before 'bool', 'false', 'true'
- can be used.
- - You cannot assume that sizeof (bool) == 1.
- - Programs should not undefine the macros bool, true, and false,
- as C99 lists that as an "obsolescent feature".
- Limitations of this substitute, when used in a C89 environment:
- - <stdbool.h> must be #included before the '_Bool' type can be used.
- - You cannot assume that _Bool is a typedef; it might be a macro.
- - Bit-fields of type 'bool' are not supported. Portable code
- should use 'unsigned int foo : 1;' rather than 'bool foo : 1;'.
- - In C99, casts and automatic conversions to '_Bool' or 'bool' are
- performed in such a way that every nonzero value gets converted
- to 'true', and zero gets converted to 'false'. This doesn't work
- with this substitute. With this substitute, only the values 0 and 1
- give the expected result when converted to _Bool' or 'bool'.
- - C99 allows the use of (_Bool)0.0 in constant expressions, but
- this substitute cannot always provide this property.
- Also, it is suggested that programs use 'bool' rather than '_Bool';
- this isn't required, but 'bool' is more common. */
-/* 7.16. Boolean type and values */
-/* BeOS <sys/socket.h> already #defines false 0, true 1. We use the same
- definitions below, but temporarily we have to #undef them. */
-#if defined __BEOS__ && !defined __HAIKU__
-# include <OS.h> /* defines bool but not _Bool */
-# undef false
-# undef true
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-# define _Bool bool
-# define bool bool
-# if defined __BEOS__ && !defined __HAIKU__
- /* A compiler known to have 'bool'. */
- /* If the compiler already has both 'bool' and '_Bool', we can assume they
- are the same types. */
-# if !@HAVE__BOOL@
-typedef bool _Bool;
-# endif
-# else
-# if !defined __GNUC__
- /* If @HAVE__BOOL@:
- Some HP-UX cc and AIX IBM C compiler versions have compiler bugs when
- the built-in _Bool type is used. See
- Similar bugs are likely with other compilers as well; this file
- wouldn't be used if <stdbool.h> was working.
- So we override the _Bool type.
- If !@HAVE__BOOL@:
- Need to define _Bool ourselves. As 'signed char' or as an enum type?
- Use of a typedef, with SunPRO C, leads to a stupid
- "warning: _Bool is a keyword in ISO C99".
- Use of an enum type, with IRIX cc, leads to a stupid
- "warning(1185): enumerated type mixed with another type".
- Even the existence of an enum type, without a typedef,
- "Invalid enumerator. (badenum)" with HP-UX cc on Tru64.
- The only benefit of the enum, debuggability, is not important
- with these compilers. So use 'signed char' and no enum. */
-# define _Bool signed char
-# else
- /* With this compiler, trust the _Bool type if the compiler has it. */
-# if !@HAVE__BOOL@
- /* For the sake of symbolic names in gdb, define true and false as
- enum constants, not only as macros.
- It is tempting to write
- typedef enum { false = 0, true = 1 } _Bool;
- so that gdb prints values of type 'bool' symbolically. But then
- values of type '_Bool' might promote to 'int' or 'unsigned int'
- (see ISO C 99; however, '_Bool' must promote to 'int'
- (see ISO C 99 So add a negative value to the
- enum; this ensures that '_Bool' promotes to 'int'. */
-typedef enum { _Bool_must_promote_to_int = -1, false = 0, true = 1 } _Bool;
-# endif
-# endif
-# endif
-# define bool _Bool
-/* The other macros must be usable in preprocessor directives. */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-# define false false
-# define true true
-# define false 0
-# define true 1
-#define __bool_true_false_are_defined 1
-#endif /* _GL_STDBOOL_H */
diff --git a/mcastseed/m4/00gnulib.m4 b/mcastseed/m4/00gnulib.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index bb37e32..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/m4/00gnulib.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# 00gnulib.m4 serial 3
-dnl Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
-dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-dnl This file must be named something that sorts before all other
-dnl gnulib-provided .m4 files. It is needed until such time as we can
-dnl assume Autoconf 2.64, with its improved AC_DEFUN_ONCE and
-dnl m4_divert semantics.
-# Until autoconf 2.63, handling of the diversion stack required m4_init
-# to be called first; but this does not happen with aclocal. Wrapping
-# the entire execution in another layer of the diversion stack fixes this.
-# Worse, prior to autoconf 2.62, m4_wrap depended on the underlying m4
-# for whether it was FIFO or LIFO; in order to properly balance with
-# m4_init, we need to undo our push just before anything wrapped within
-# the m4_init body. The way to ensure this is to wrap both sides of
-# m4_init with a one-shot macro that does the pop at the right time.
-m4_define([gl_divert_fixup], [m4_divert_pop()m4_define([$0])])
- [gl_divert_fixup()]m4_defn([m4_init])[gl_divert_fixup()])])
-# ----------------------------
-# Define NAME to expand to VALUE on the first use (whether by direct
-# expansion, or by AC_REQUIRE), and to nothing on all subsequent uses.
-# Avoid bugs in AC_REQUIRE in Autoconf 2.63 and earlier. This
-# definition is slower than the version in Autoconf 2.64, because it
-# can only use interfaces that existed since 2.59; but it achieves the
-# same effect. Quoting is necessary to avoid confusing Automake.
-m4_version_prereq([2.63.263], [],
- [AC][_DEFUN([$1],
- [AC_REQUIRE([_gl_DEFUN_ONCE([$1])],
- [m4_indir([_gl_DEFUN_ONCE([$1])])])])]dnl
-[AC][_DEFUN([_gl_DEFUN_ONCE([$1])], [$2])])])
-# gl_00GNULIB
-# -----------
-# Witness macro that this file has been included. Needed to force
-# Automake to include this file prior to all other gnulib .m4 files.
diff --git a/mcastseed/m4/extern-inline.m4 b/mcastseed/m4/extern-inline.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e578f3..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/m4/extern-inline.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-dnl 'extern inline' a la ISO C99.
-dnl Copyright 2012-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
-dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
- AH_VERBATIM([extern_inline],
-[/* Please see the Gnulib manual for how to use these macros.
- Suppress extern inline with HP-UX cc, as it appears to be broken; see
- <>.
- Suppress extern inline with Sun C in standards-conformance mode, as it
- mishandles inline functions that call each other. E.g., for 'inline void f
- (void) { } inline void g (void) { f (); }', c99 incorrectly complains
- 'reference to static identifier "f" in extern inline function'.
- This bug was observed with Sun C 5.12 SunOS_i386 2011/11/16.
- Suppress extern inline (with or without __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__)))
- on configurations that mistakenly use 'static inline' to implement
- functions or macros in standard C headers like <ctype.h>. For example,
- if isdigit is mistakenly implemented via a static inline function,
- a program containing an extern inline function that calls isdigit
- may not work since the C standard prohibits extern inline functions
- from calling static functions. This bug is known to occur on:
- OS X 10.8 and earlier; see:
- DragonFly; see
- FreeBSD; see:
- OS X 10.9 has a macro __header_inline indicating the bug is fixed for C and
- for clang but remains for g++; see <>.
- Assume DragonFly and FreeBSD will be similar. */
-#if (((defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__) \
- || defined __DragonFly__ || defined __FreeBSD__) \
- && (defined __header_inline \
- ? (defined __cplusplus && defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ \
- && ! defined __clang__) \
- : ((! defined _DONT_USE_CTYPE_INLINE_ \
- && (defined __GNUC__ || defined __cplusplus)) \
- || (defined _FORTIFY_SOURCE && 0 < _FORTIFY_SOURCE \
- && defined __GNUC__ && ! defined __cplusplus))))
-#if ((__GNUC__ \
- ? defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ && __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ \
- : (199901L <= __STDC_VERSION__ \
- && !defined __HP_cc \
- && !defined __PGI \
- && !(defined __SUNPRO_C && __STDC__))) \
-# define _GL_INLINE inline
-# define _GL_EXTERN_INLINE extern inline
-#elif (2 < __GNUC__ + (7 <= __GNUC_MINOR__) && !defined __STRICT_ANSI__ \
-# if defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ && __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__
- /* __gnu_inline__ suppresses a GCC 4.2 diagnostic. */
-# define _GL_INLINE extern inline __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__))
-# else
-# define _GL_INLINE extern inline
-# endif
-# define _GL_EXTERN_INLINE extern
-# define _GL_INLINE static _GL_UNUSED
-# define _GL_EXTERN_INLINE static _GL_UNUSED
-/* In GCC 4.6 (inclusive) to 5.1 (exclusive),
- suppress bogus "no previous prototype for 'FOO'"
- and "no previous declaration for 'FOO'" diagnostics,
- when FOO is an inline function in the header; see
- <> and
- <>. */
-#if __GNUC__ == 4 && 6 <= __GNUC_MINOR__
-# if defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ && __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-# else
- _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wsuggest-attribute=const\"")
-# endif
- _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic push") \
- _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wmissing-prototypes\"") \
- _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wmissing-declarations\"") \
- _Pragma ("GCC diagnostic pop")
diff --git a/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-cache.m4 b/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-cache.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index d75ad4f..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-cache.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this file. If not, see <>.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License,
-# this file may be distributed as part of a program that
-# contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under
-# the same distribution terms as the rest of that program.
-# Generated by gnulib-tool.
-# This file represents the specification of how gnulib-tool is used.
-# It acts as a cache: It is written and read by gnulib-tool.
-# In projects that use version control, this file is meant to be put under
-# version control, like the and various files.
-# Specification in the form of a command-line invocation:
-# gnulib-tool --import --lib=libgnu --source-base=lib --m4-base=m4 --doc-base=doc --tests-base=tests --aux-dir=. --no-conditional-dependencies --no-libtool --macro-prefix=gl rbtree-list
-# Specification in the form of a few gnulib-tool.m4 macro invocations:
- rbtree-list
diff --git a/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-common.m4 b/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-common.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index f8454c8..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-common.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-# gnulib-common.m4 serial 36
-dnl Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
-dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-# gl_COMMON
-# is expanded unconditionally through gnulib-tool magic.
- dnl Use AC_REQUIRE here, so that the code is expanded once only.
- AH_VERBATIM([_Noreturn],
-[/* The _Noreturn keyword of C11. */
-#if ! (defined _Noreturn \
- || (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && 201112 <= __STDC_VERSION__))
-# if (3 <= __GNUC__ || (__GNUC__ == 2 && 8 <= __GNUC_MINOR__) \
- || 0x5110 <= __SUNPRO_C)
-# define _Noreturn __attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
-# elif defined _MSC_VER && 1200 <= _MSC_VER
-# define _Noreturn __declspec (noreturn)
-# else
-# define _Noreturn
-# endif
- AH_VERBATIM([isoc99_inline],
-[/* Work around a bug in Apple GCC 4.0.1 build 5465: In C99 mode, it supports
- the ISO C 99 semantics of 'extern inline' (unlike the GNU C semantics of
- earlier versions), but does not display it by setting __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__.
- __APPLE__ && __MACH__ test for Mac OS X.
- __APPLE_CC__ tests for the Apple compiler and its version.
- __STDC_VERSION__ tests for the C99 mode. */
-#if defined __APPLE__ && defined __MACH__ && __APPLE_CC__ >= 5465 && !defined __cplusplus && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L && !defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
-# define __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ 1
- AH_VERBATIM([unused_parameter],
-[/* Define as a marker that can be attached to declarations that might not
- be used. This helps to reduce warnings, such as from
- GCC -Wunused-parameter. */
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 7)
-# define _GL_UNUSED __attribute__ ((__unused__))
-# define _GL_UNUSED
-/* The name _UNUSED_PARAMETER_ is an earlier spelling, although the name
- is a misnomer outside of parameter lists. */
-/* gcc supports the "unused" attribute on possibly unused labels, and
- g++ has since version 4.5. Note to support C++ as well as C,
- _GL_UNUSED_LABEL should be used with a trailing ; */
-#if !defined __cplusplus || __GNUC__ > 4 \
- || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5)
-# define _GL_UNUSED_LABEL
-/* The __pure__ attribute was added in gcc 2.96. */
-#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 96)
-# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE __attribute__ ((__pure__))
-# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE /* empty */
-/* The __const__ attribute was added in gcc 2.95. */
-#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 95)
-# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_CONST __attribute__ ((__const__))
-# define _GL_ATTRIBUTE_CONST /* empty */
- dnl Preparation for running test programs:
- dnl Tell glibc to write diagnostics from -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 to stderr, not
- dnl to /dev/tty, so they can be redirected to log files. Such diagnostics
- dnl arise e.g., in the macros gl_PRINTF_DIRECTIVE_N, gl_SNPRINTF_DIRECTIVE_N.
-# expands to a C preprocessor expression that evaluates to 1 or 0, depending
-# whether a gnulib module that has been requested shall be considered present
-# or not.
-m4_define([gl_MODULE_INDICATOR_CONDITION], [1])
-# sets the shell variable that indicates the presence of the given module to
-# a C preprocessor expression that will evaluate to 1.
- [GNULIB_[]m4_translit([[$1]],
- [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-],
-# modifies the shell variable to include the gl_MODULE_INDICATOR_CONDITION.
-# The shell variable's value is a C preprocessor expression that evaluates
-# to 0 or 1.
- m4_if(m4_defn([gl_MODULE_INDICATOR_CONDITION]), [1],
- [
- dnl Simplify the expression VALUE || 1 to 1.
- $1=1
- ],
-# gl_MODULE_INDICATOR_SET_VARIABLE_AUX_OR([variable], [condition])
-# modifies the shell variable to include the given condition. The shell
-# variable's value is a C preprocessor expression that evaluates to 0 or 1.
- dnl Simplify the expression 1 || CONDITION to 1.
- if test "$[]$1" != 1; then
- dnl Simplify the expression 0 || CONDITION to CONDITION.
- if test "$[]$1" = 0; then
- $1=$2
- else
- $1="($[]$1 || $2)"
- fi
- fi
-# gl_MODULE_INDICATOR([modulename])
-# defines a C macro indicating the presence of the given module
-# in a location where it can be used.
-# | Value | Value |
-# | in lib/ | in tests/ |
-# --------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+
-# Module present among main modules: | 1 | 1 |
-# --------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+
-# Module present among tests-related modules: | 0 | 1 |
-# --------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+
-# Module not present at all: | 0 | 0 |
-# --------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+
- AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([GNULIB_]m4_translit([[$1]],
- [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-],
- [Define to a C preprocessor expression that evaluates to 1 or 0,
- depending whether the gnulib module $1 shall be considered present.])
-# gl_MODULE_INDICATOR_FOR_TESTS([modulename])
-# defines a C macro indicating the presence of the given module
-# in lib or tests. This is useful to determine whether the module
-# should be tested.
-# | Value | Value |
-# | in lib/ | in tests/ |
-# --------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+
-# Module present among main modules: | 1 | 1 |
-# --------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+
-# Module present among tests-related modules: | 1 | 1 |
-# --------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+
-# Module not present at all: | 0 | 0 |
-# --------------------------------------------+---------+-----------+
- AC_DEFINE([GNULIB_TEST_]m4_translit([[$1]],
- [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-],
- [Define to 1 when the gnulib module $1 should be tested.])
-# asserts that there will never be a need to #define GNULIB_POSIXCHECK.
-# and thereby enables an optimization of configure and config.h.
-# Used by Emacs.
- dnl Override gl_WARN_ON_USE_PREPARE.
- dnl But hide this definition from 'aclocal'.
-# asserts that there will be no gnulib tests in the scope of the
-# and thereby enables an optimization of config.h.
-# Used by Emacs.
-# Test whether <features.h> exists.
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS_ONCE([features.h])
- if test $ac_cv_header_features_h = yes; then
- else
- fi
-# m4_foreach_w
-# is a backport of autoconf-2.59c's m4_foreach_w.
-# Remove this macro when we can assume autoconf >= 2.60.
- [m4_define([m4_foreach_w],
- [m4_foreach([$1], m4_split(m4_normalize([$2]), [ ]), [$3])])])
-# ----------------------------------------------------
-# Backport of autoconf-2.63b's macro.
-# Remove this macro when we can assume autoconf >= 2.64.
-[AS_IF([test x"AS_VAR_GET([$1])" = x""$2], [$3], [$4])])])
-# gl_PROG_CC_C99
-# Modifies the value of the shell variable CC in an attempt to make $CC
-# understand ISO C99 source code.
-# This is like AC_PROG_CC_C99, except that
-# - AC_PROG_CC_C99 did not exist in Autoconf versions < 2.60,
-# - AC_PROG_CC_C99 does not mix well with AC_PROG_CC_STDC
-# <>,
-# but many more packages use AC_PROG_CC_STDC than AC_PROG_CC_C99
-# <>.
-# Remaining problems:
-# - When AC_PROG_CC_STDC is invoked twice, it adds the C99 enabling options
-# to CC twice
-# <>.
-# - AC_PROG_CC_STDC is likely to change now that C11 is an ISO standard.
- dnl Change that version number to the minimum Autoconf version that supports
- dnl mixing AC_PROG_CC_C99 calls with AC_PROG_CC_STDC calls.
- m4_version_prereq([9.0],
-# Determines the values for AR, ARFLAGS, RANLIB that fit with the compiler.
-# The user can set the variables AR, ARFLAGS, RANLIB if he wants to override
-# the values.
- dnl Minix 3 comes with two toolchains: The Amsterdam Compiler Kit compiler
- dnl as "cc", and GCC as "gcc". They have different object file formats and
- dnl library formats. In particular, the GNU binutils programs ar and ranlib
- dnl produce libraries that work only with gcc, not with cc.
- AC_CACHE_CHECK([for Minix Amsterdam compiler], [gl_cv_c_amsterdam_compiler],
- [
- AC_EGREP_CPP([Amsterdam],
- [
-#ifdef __ACK__
- ],
- [gl_cv_c_amsterdam_compiler=yes],
- [gl_cv_c_amsterdam_compiler=no])
- ])
- dnl Don't compete with AM_PROG_AR's decision about AR/ARFLAGS if we are not
- dnl building with __ACK__.
- if test $gl_cv_c_amsterdam_compiler = yes; then
- if test -z "$AR"; then
- AR='cc -c.a'
- fi
- if test -z "$ARFLAGS"; then
- ARFLAGS='-o'
- fi
- else
- dnl AM_PROG_AR was added in automake v1.11.2. AM_PROG_AR does not AC_SUBST
- dnl ARFLAGS variable (it is filed into directly by automake
- dnl script on-demand, if not specified by ./configure of course).
- dnl Don't AC_REQUIRE the AM_PROG_AR otherwise the code for __ACK__ above
- dnl will be ignored. Also, pay attention to call AM_PROG_AR in else block
- dnl because AM_PROG_AR is written so it could re-set AR variable even for
- dnl __ACK__. It may seem like its easier to avoid calling the macro here,
- dnl but we need to AC_SUBST both AR/ARFLAGS (thus those must have some good
- dnl default value and automake should usually know them).
- m4_ifdef([AM_PROG_AR], [AM_PROG_AR], [:])
- fi
- dnl In case the code above has not helped with setting AR/ARFLAGS, use
- dnl Automake-documented default values for AR and ARFLAGS, but prefer
- dnl ${host}-ar over ar (useful for cross-compiling).
- AC_CHECK_TOOL([AR], [ar], [ar])
- if test -z "$ARFLAGS"; then
- ARFLAGS='cr'
- fi
- if test -z "$RANLIB"; then
- if test $gl_cv_c_amsterdam_compiler = yes; then
- RANLIB=':'
- else
- dnl Use the ranlib program if it is available.
- fi
- fi
-# is a backport of autoconf-2.60's AC_PROG_MKDIR_P, with a fix
-# for interoperability with automake-1.9.6 from autoconf-2.62.
-# Remove this macro when we can assume autoconf >= 2.62 or
-# autoconf >= 2.60 && automake >= 1.10.
-# AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION was introduced in 2.62, so use that as the witness.
-m4_ifdef([AC_PROG_MKDIR_P], [
- dnl For automake-1.9.6 && autoconf < 2.62: Ensure MKDIR_P is AC_SUBSTed.
- m4_define([AC_PROG_MKDIR_P],
- m4_defn([AC_PROG_MKDIR_P])[
- AC_SUBST([MKDIR_P])])], [
- dnl For autoconf < 2.60: Backport of AC_PROG_MKDIR_P.
- [AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl defined by automake
- MKDIR_P='$(mkdir_p)'
-# This definition is copied from post-2.69 Autoconf and overrides the
-# AC_C_RESTRICT macro from autoconf 2.60..2.69. It can be removed
-# once autoconf >= 2.70 can be assumed. It's painful to check version
-# numbers, and in practice this macro is more up-to-date than Autoconf
-# is, so override Autoconf unconditionally.
-[AC_CACHE_CHECK([for C/C++ restrict keyword], [ac_cv_c_restrict],
- [ac_cv_c_restrict=no
- # The order here caters to the fact that C++ does not require restrict.
- for ac_kw in __restrict __restrict__ _Restrict restrict; do
- [[typedef int *int_ptr;
- int foo (int_ptr $ac_kw ip) { return ip[0]; }
- int bar (int [$ac_kw]); /* Catch GCC bug 14050. */
- int bar (int ip[$ac_kw]) { return ip[0]; }
- ]],
- [[int s[1];
- int *$ac_kw t = s;
- t[0] = 0;
- return foo (t) + bar (t);
- ]])],
- [ac_cv_c_restrict=$ac_kw])
- test "$ac_cv_c_restrict" != no && break
- done
- ])
- AH_VERBATIM([restrict],
-[/* Define to the equivalent of the C99 'restrict' keyword, or to
- nothing if this is not supported. Do not define if restrict is
- supported directly. */
-#undef restrict
-/* Work around a bug in Sun C++: it does not support _Restrict or
- __restrict__, even though the corresponding Sun C compiler ends up with
- "#define restrict _Restrict" or "#define restrict __restrict__" in the
- previous line. Perhaps some future version of Sun C++ will work with
- restrict; if so, hopefully it defines __RESTRICT like Sun C does. */
-#if defined __SUNPRO_CC && !defined __RESTRICT
-# define _Restrict
-# define __restrict__
- case $ac_cv_c_restrict in
- restrict) ;;
- no) AC_DEFINE([restrict], []) ;;
- *) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([restrict], [$ac_cv_c_restrict]) ;;
- esac
-# is like AC_C_BIGENDIAN, except that it can be AC_REQUIREd.
-# Note that AC_REQUIRE([AC_C_BIGENDIAN]) does not work reliably because some
-# macros invoke AC_C_BIGENDIAN with arguments.
-# gl_CACHE_VAL_SILENT(cache-id, command-to-set-it)
-# is like AC_CACHE_VAL(cache-id, command-to-set-it), except that it does not
-# output a spurious "(cached)" mark in the midst of other configure output.
-# This macro should be used instead of AC_CACHE_VAL when it is not surrounded
- saved_as_echo_n="$as_echo_n"
- as_echo_n=':'
- AC_CACHE_VAL([$1], [$2])
- as_echo_n="$saved_as_echo_n"
-# AS_VAR_COPY was added in autoconf 2.63b
-[AS_LITERAL_IF([$1[]$2], [$1=$$2], [eval $1=\$$2])])
-# AC_PROG_SED was added in autoconf 2.59b
-[AC_CACHE_CHECK([for a sed that does not truncate output], ac_cv_path_SED,
- [dnl ac_script should not contain more than 99 commands (for HP-UX sed),
- dnl but more than about 7000 bytes, to catch a limit in Solaris 8 /usr/ucb/sed.
- ac_script=s/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb/
- for ac_i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do
- ac_script="$ac_script$as_nl$ac_script"
- done
- echo "$ac_script" 2>/dev/null | sed 99q >conftest.sed
- AS_UNSET([ac_script])
- if test -z "$SED"; then
- ac_path_SED_found=false
- _AS_PATH_WALK([], [
- for ac_prog in sed gsed; do
- for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do
- ac_path_SED="$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"
- AS_EXECUTABLE_P(["$ac_path_SED"]) || continue
- case `"$ac_path_SED" --version 2>&1` in
- *GNU*) ac_cv_path_SED=$ac_path_SED ac_path_SED_found=:;;
- *)
- ac_count=0
- _AS_ECHO_N([0123456789]) >
- while :
- do
- cat >conftest.tmp
- mv conftest.tmp
- cp
- echo >>
- "$ac_path_SED" -f conftest.sed < >conftest.out 2>/dev/null || break
- diff conftest.out >/dev/null 2>&1 || break
- ac_count=`expr $ac_count + 1`
- if test $ac_count -gt ${ac_path_SED_max-0}; then
- # Best so far, but keep looking for better
- ac_cv_path_SED=$ac_path_SED
- ac_path_SED_max=$ac_count
- fi
- test $ac_count -gt 10 && break
- done
- rm -f conftest.tmp conftest.out;;
- esac
- $ac_path_SED_found && break 3
- done
- done])
- if test -z "$ac_cv_path_SED"; then
- AC_ERROR([no acceptable sed could be found in \$PATH])
- fi
- else
- ac_cv_path_SED=$SED
- fi
- SED="$ac_cv_path_SED"
- AC_SUBST([SED])dnl
- rm -f conftest.sed
diff --git a/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-comp.m4 b/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-comp.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index b809eea..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-comp.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this file. If not, see <>.
-# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License,
-# this file may be distributed as part of a program that
-# contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under
-# the same distribution terms as the rest of that program.
-# Generated by gnulib-tool.
-# This file represents the compiled summary of the specification in
-# gnulib-cache.m4. It lists the computed macro invocations that need
-# to be invoked from
-# In projects that use version control, this file can be treated like
-# other built files.
-# This macro should be invoked from ./, in the section
-# "Checks for programs", right after AC_PROG_CC, and certainly before
-# any checks for libraries, header files, types and library functions.
- m4_pattern_forbid([^gl_[A-Z]])dnl the gnulib macro namespace
- m4_pattern_allow([^gl_ES$])dnl a valid locale name
- m4_pattern_allow([^gl_LIBOBJS$])dnl a variable
- m4_pattern_allow([^gl_LTLIBOBJS$])dnl a variable
- # Pre-early section.
- # Code from module extern-inline:
- # Code from module list:
- # Code from module rbtree-list:
- # Code from module stdbool:
-# This macro should be invoked from ./, in the section
-# "Check for header files, types and library functions".
- gl_cond_libtool=false
- gl_libdeps=
- gl_ltlibdeps=
- gl_m4_base='m4'
- m4_pushdef([AC_LIBOBJ], m4_defn([gl_LIBOBJ]))
- m4_pushdef([AC_REPLACE_FUNCS], m4_defn([gl_REPLACE_FUNCS]))
- m4_pushdef([AC_LIBSOURCES], m4_defn([gl_LIBSOURCES]))
- m4_pushdef([gl_LIBSOURCES_LIST], [])
- m4_pushdef([gl_LIBSOURCES_DIR], [])
- gl_source_base='lib'
- # End of code from modules
- m4_ifval(gl_LIBSOURCES_LIST, [
- m4_syscmd([test ! -d ]m4_defn([gl_LIBSOURCES_DIR])[ ||
- for gl_file in ]gl_LIBSOURCES_LIST[ ; do
- if test ! -r ]m4_defn([gl_LIBSOURCES_DIR])[/$gl_file ; then
- echo "missing file ]m4_defn([gl_LIBSOURCES_DIR])[/$gl_file" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- done])dnl
- m4_if(m4_sysval, [0], [],
- [AC_FATAL([expected source file, required through AC_LIBSOURCES, not found])])
- ])
- m4_popdef([gl_LIBSOURCES_DIR])
- m4_popdef([gl_LIBSOURCES_LIST])
- m4_popdef([AC_LIBSOURCES])
- m4_popdef([AC_REPLACE_FUNCS])
- m4_popdef([AC_LIBOBJ])
- gl_libobjs=
- gl_ltlibobjs=
- if test -n "$gl_LIBOBJS"; then
- # Remove the extension.
- sed_drop_objext='s/\.o$//;s/\.obj$//'
- for i in `for i in $gl_LIBOBJS; do echo "$i"; done | sed -e "$sed_drop_objext" | sort | uniq`; do
- gl_libobjs="$gl_libobjs $i.$ac_objext"
- gl_ltlibobjs="$gl_ltlibobjs $i.lo"
- done
- fi
- AC_SUBST([gl_LIBOBJS], [$gl_libobjs])
- AC_SUBST([gl_LTLIBOBJS], [$gl_ltlibobjs])
- ])
- gltests_libdeps=
- gltests_ltlibdeps=
- m4_pushdef([AC_LIBOBJ], m4_defn([gltests_LIBOBJ]))
- m4_pushdef([AC_REPLACE_FUNCS], m4_defn([gltests_REPLACE_FUNCS]))
- m4_pushdef([AC_LIBSOURCES], m4_defn([gltests_LIBSOURCES]))
- m4_pushdef([gltests_LIBSOURCES_LIST], [])
- m4_pushdef([gltests_LIBSOURCES_DIR], [])
- gl_source_base='tests'
- gltests_WITNESS=IN_`echo "${PACKAGE-$PACKAGE_TARNAME}" | LC_ALL=C tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ | LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/[^A-Z0-9_]/_/g'`_GNULIB_TESTS
-changequote([, ])dnl
- AC_SUBST([gltests_WITNESS])
- gl_module_indicator_condition=$gltests_WITNESS
- m4_pushdef([gl_MODULE_INDICATOR_CONDITION], [$gl_module_indicator_condition])
- m4_ifval(gltests_LIBSOURCES_LIST, [
- m4_syscmd([test ! -d ]m4_defn([gltests_LIBSOURCES_DIR])[ ||
- for gl_file in ]gltests_LIBSOURCES_LIST[ ; do
- if test ! -r ]m4_defn([gltests_LIBSOURCES_DIR])[/$gl_file ; then
- echo "missing file ]m4_defn([gltests_LIBSOURCES_DIR])[/$gl_file" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- done])dnl
- m4_if(m4_sysval, [0], [],
- [AC_FATAL([expected source file, required through AC_LIBSOURCES, not found])])
- ])
- m4_popdef([gltests_LIBSOURCES_DIR])
- m4_popdef([gltests_LIBSOURCES_LIST])
- m4_popdef([AC_LIBSOURCES])
- m4_popdef([AC_REPLACE_FUNCS])
- m4_popdef([AC_LIBOBJ])
- gltests_libobjs=
- gltests_ltlibobjs=
- if test -n "$gltests_LIBOBJS"; then
- # Remove the extension.
- sed_drop_objext='s/\.o$//;s/\.obj$//'
- for i in `for i in $gltests_LIBOBJS; do echo "$i"; done | sed -e "$sed_drop_objext" | sort | uniq`; do
- gltests_libobjs="$gltests_libobjs $i.$ac_objext"
- gltests_ltlibobjs="$gltests_ltlibobjs $i.lo"
- done
- fi
- AC_SUBST([gltests_LIBOBJS], [$gltests_libobjs])
- AC_SUBST([gltests_LTLIBOBJS], [$gltests_ltlibobjs])
- ])
- LIBGNU_LIBDEPS="$gl_libdeps"
- LIBGNU_LTLIBDEPS="$gl_ltlibdeps"
-# Like AC_LIBOBJ, except that the module name goes
-# into gl_LIBOBJS instead of into LIBOBJS.
- AS_LITERAL_IF([$1], [gl_LIBSOURCES([$1.c])])dnl
- gl_LIBOBJS="$gl_LIBOBJS $1.$ac_objext"
-# Like AC_REPLACE_FUNCS, except that the module name goes
-# into gl_LIBOBJS instead of into LIBOBJS.
- m4_foreach_w([gl_NAME], [$1], [AC_LIBSOURCES(gl_NAME[.c])])dnl
- AC_CHECK_FUNCS([$1], , [gl_LIBOBJ($ac_func)])
-# Like AC_LIBSOURCES, except the directory where the source file is
-# expected is derived from the gnulib-tool parameterization,
-# and alloca is special cased (for the alloca-opt module).
-# We could also entirely rely on EXTRA_lib..._SOURCES.
- m4_foreach([_gl_NAME], [$1], [
- m4_if(_gl_NAME, [alloca.c], [], [
- m4_define([gl_LIBSOURCES_DIR], [lib])
- m4_append([gl_LIBSOURCES_LIST], _gl_NAME, [ ])
- ])
- ])
-# Like AC_LIBOBJ, except that the module name goes
-# into gltests_LIBOBJS instead of into LIBOBJS.
-AC_DEFUN([gltests_LIBOBJ], [
- AS_LITERAL_IF([$1], [gltests_LIBSOURCES([$1.c])])dnl
- gltests_LIBOBJS="$gltests_LIBOBJS $1.$ac_objext"
-# Like AC_REPLACE_FUNCS, except that the module name goes
-# into gltests_LIBOBJS instead of into LIBOBJS.
- m4_foreach_w([gl_NAME], [$1], [AC_LIBSOURCES(gl_NAME[.c])])dnl
- AC_CHECK_FUNCS([$1], , [gltests_LIBOBJ($ac_func)])
-# Like AC_LIBSOURCES, except the directory where the source file is
-# expected is derived from the gnulib-tool parameterization,
-# and alloca is special cased (for the alloca-opt module).
-# We could also entirely rely on EXTRA_lib..._SOURCES.
- m4_foreach([_gl_NAME], [$1], [
- m4_if(_gl_NAME, [alloca.c], [], [
- m4_define([gltests_LIBSOURCES_DIR], [tests])
- m4_append([gltests_LIBSOURCES_LIST], _gl_NAME, [ ])
- ])
- ])
-# This macro records the list of files which have been installed by
-# gnulib-tool and may be removed by future gnulib-tool invocations.
- lib/gl_anyrbtree_list1.h
- lib/gl_anyrbtree_list2.h
- lib/gl_anytree_list1.h
- lib/gl_anytree_list2.h
- lib/gl_list.c
- lib/gl_list.h
- lib/gl_rbtree_list.c
- lib/gl_rbtree_list.h
- lib/
- m4/00gnulib.m4
- m4/extern-inline.m4
- m4/gnulib-common.m4
- m4/stdbool.m4
diff --git a/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-tool.m4 b/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-tool.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d2ee44..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/m4/gnulib-tool.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# gnulib-tool.m4 serial 2
-dnl Copyright (C) 2004-2005, 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
-dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-dnl The following macros need not be invoked explicitly.
-dnl Invoking them does nothing except to declare default arguments
-dnl for "gnulib-tool --import".
-dnl Usage: gl_LOCAL_DIR([DIR])
-dnl Usage: gl_MODULES([module1 module2 ...])
-dnl Usage: gl_AVOID([module1 module2 ...])
-AC_DEFUN([gl_AVOID], [])
-dnl Usage: gl_SOURCE_BASE([DIR])
-dnl Usage: gl_M4_BASE([DIR])
-AC_DEFUN([gl_M4_BASE], [])
-dnl Usage: gl_PO_BASE([DIR])
-AC_DEFUN([gl_PO_BASE], [])
-dnl Usage: gl_DOC_BASE([DIR])
-AC_DEFUN([gl_DOC_BASE], [])
-dnl Usage: gl_TESTS_BASE([DIR])
-dnl Usage: gl_WITH_TESTS
-dnl Usage: gl_LIB([LIBNAME])
-AC_DEFUN([gl_LIB], [])
-dnl Usage: gl_LGPL or gl_LGPL([VERSION])
-AC_DEFUN([gl_LGPL], [])
-dnl Usage: gl_LIBTOOL
-dnl Usage: gl_MACRO_PREFIX([PREFIX])
-dnl Usage: gl_PO_DOMAIN([DOMAIN])
-dnl Usage: gl_VC_FILES([BOOLEAN])
-AC_DEFUN([gl_VC_FILES], [])
diff --git a/mcastseed/m4/stdbool.m4 b/mcastseed/m4/stdbool.m4
deleted file mode 100644
index a556153..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/m4/stdbool.m4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Check for stdbool.h that conforms to C99.
-dnl Copyright (C) 2002-2006, 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
-dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
-dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
-#serial 6
-# Prepare for substituting <stdbool.h> if it is not supported.
- # Define two additional variables used in the Makefile substitution.
- if test "$ac_cv_header_stdbool_h" = yes; then
- else
- STDBOOL_H='stdbool.h'
- fi
- if test "$ac_cv_type__Bool" = yes; then
- else
- fi
-# AM_STDBOOL_H will be renamed to gl_STDBOOL_H in the future.
-# This version of the macro is needed in autoconf <= 2.68.
- [AC_CACHE_CHECK([for stdbool.h that conforms to C99],
- [ac_cv_header_stdbool_h],
- [[
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #if __cplusplus < 201103
- #ifndef bool
- "error: bool is not defined"
- #endif
- #ifndef false
- "error: false is not defined"
- #endif
- #if false
- "error: false is not 0"
- #endif
- #ifndef true
- "error: true is not defined"
- #endif
- #if true != 1
- "error: true is not 1"
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifndef __bool_true_false_are_defined
- "error: __bool_true_false_are_defined is not defined"
- #endif
- struct s { _Bool s: 1; _Bool t; } s;
- char a[true == 1 ? 1 : -1];
- char b[false == 0 ? 1 : -1];
- char c[__bool_true_false_are_defined == 1 ? 1 : -1];
- char d[(bool) 0.5 == true ? 1 : -1];
- /* See body of main program for 'e'. */
- char f[(_Bool) 0.0 == false ? 1 : -1];
- char g[true];
- char h[sizeof (_Bool)];
- char i[sizeof s.t];
- enum { j = false, k = true, l = false * true, m = true * 256 };
- /* The following fails for
- HP aC++/ANSI C B3910B A.05.55 [Dec 04 2003]. */
- _Bool n[m];
- char o[sizeof n == m * sizeof n[0] ? 1 : -1];
- char p[-1 - (_Bool) 0 < 0 && -1 - (bool) 0 < 0 ? 1 : -1];
- /* Catch a bug in an HP-UX C compiler. See
- */
- _Bool q = true;
- _Bool *pq = &q;
- ]],
- [[
- bool e = &s;
- *pq |= q;
- *pq |= ! q;
- /* Refer to every declared value, to avoid compiler optimizations. */
- return (!a + !b + !c + !d + !e + !f + !g + !h + !i + !!j + !k + !!l
- + !m + !n + !o + !p + !q + !pq);
- ]])],
- [ac_cv_header_stdbool_h=yes],
- [ac_cv_header_stdbool_h=no])])
diff --git a/mcastseed/src/ b/mcastseed/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f2a735..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-## Process this file with automake to produce
-AM_CPPFLAGS = -I $(top_srcdir)/lib
- -Wall \
- -Wextra \
- -pedantic \
- -Wno-format
-bin_PROGRAMS = mcastseed mcastleech random_speed_dd
-mcastseed_SOURCES = mcastseed.c sockets.c
-mcastleech_SOURCES = mcastleech.c sockets.c dgrambuf.c
-mcastleech_LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lib/libgnu.a
-random_speed_dd_SOURCES = random_speed_dd.c
diff --git a/mcastseed/src/dgrambuf.c b/mcastseed/src/dgrambuf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d4c302..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/src/dgrambuf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,583 +0,0 @@
- * dgrambuf.c - C datagrams buffer.
- *
- * Copyright 2016 by Ludovic Pouzenc <>
- */
-#define _GNU_SOURCE /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
-#include "dgrambuf.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include <sys/socket.h> /* recvmmsg() _GNU_SOURCE */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* calloc(), free() */
-#include <stdio.h> /* perror() */
-#include <errno.h> /* errno */
-#include <string.h> /* memset() */
-#include <sys/uio.h> /* writev() */
-#include <stdint.h> /* uint8_t, uint64_t */
-#include <signal.h> /* sigaction() */
-#include <unistd.h> /* alarm() */
-#include <limits.h> /* SSIZE_MAX */
-#include "gl_rbtree_list.h" /* Red-Black Tree backed Sorted list, gnulib-tool --import rbtree-list */
-struct indexed_uint {
- size_t index;
- unsigned int value;
-struct dgrambuf_stats_t {
- uint64_t dgrambuf_read_on_full;
- uint64_t recvmmsg_calls, recv_dgrams, recv_byte;
- uint64_t dgram_invalid, dgram_past, dgram_future, dgram_dup, dgram_end_marker;
- uint64_t writev_calls, write_partial, write_byte;
-struct dgrambuf_t {
- /* dgram validation after receive, takes dgram len and a pointer to the start of dgram data
- Must returns dgram seq number or 0 if invalid dgram */
- int (*validate_func)(unsigned int, void *, unsigned int*);
- struct dgrambuf_stats_t stats;
- struct sigaction sa_sigalrm;
- size_t dgram_slots;
- size_t dgram_max_size;
- size_t dgram_header_size;
- size_t iovec_slots;
- struct mmsghdr *msgs;
- struct iovec *iov_recv;
- struct iovec *iov_write; /* malloc'ed array */
- struct iovec *partial_write_iov; /* Pointer to an item of iov_write[] */
- size_t partial_write_remaining_iovcnt;
- size_t partial_write_remaining_bytes;
- unsigned int dgram_seq_last;
- unsigned int dgram_seq_base;
- unsigned int *dgram_len;
- struct indexed_uint *dgram_slot_seq; /* malloc'ed array */
- struct indexed_uint **dgram_read_active_slots; /* malloc'd array of pointers to items of dgram_slot_seq[] */
- size_t dgram_read_active_slots_count;
- struct indexed_uint **dgram_write_active_slots; /* malloc'd array of pointers to items of dgram_slot_seq[] */
- size_t dgram_write_active_slots_count;
- gl_list_t dgram_empty_slots;
- gl_list_t dgram_used_slots;
- uint8_t *buf; /* malloc-ed 2d byte array : buf[dgram_slots][dgram_max_size] */
-void _sigalrm_handler(int signum);
-int _compare_indexed_uint(const void *pa, const void *pb);
-bool _equals_indexed_uint(const void *pa, const void *pb);
-void _update_ordered_seq_numbers(dgrambuf_t dbuf);
-#ifndef HAVE_MIN_SIZE_T
-size_t min_size_t(size_t a, size_t b) { return (a<b)?a:b; }
-#endif /*HAVE_MIN_SIZE_T*/
-void dgrambuf_set_validate_func(dgrambuf_t dbuf, int (*validate_func)(unsigned int, void *, unsigned int *)) {
- dbuf->validate_func = validate_func;
-size_t dgrambuf_get_free_count(const dgrambuf_t dbuf) {
- return gl_list_size(dbuf->dgram_empty_slots);
-size_t dgrambuf_get_used_count(const dgrambuf_t dbuf) {
- return gl_list_size(dbuf->dgram_used_slots);
-ssize_t dgrambuf_recvmmsg(dgrambuf_t dbuf, int sockfd, int timeout, int *info) {
- uint8_t *dgram_base;
- ssize_t recv_byte;
- size_t i, dgram_index, recv_msg_count, free_count;
- int res;
- unsigned int seq, dgram_len;
- struct sigaction sa_old;
- struct indexed_uint *active_slot;
- gl_list_node_t pos;
- /* Info ptr is mandatory */
- *info = 0;
- /* Validate function is mandatory */
- if ( !dbuf->validate_func ) {
- return -3;
- }
- /* Buffer is full, can't receive */
- free_count = dgrambuf_get_free_count(dbuf);
- if ( free_count == 0 ) {
- dbuf->stats.dgrambuf_read_on_full++;
- /*FIXME : this locks everything if buf full + next seq missing*/
- return 0;
- }
- /* Initialize recvmmsg() syscall arguments and keep track of active slots */
- for (i=0; i < dbuf->iovec_slots && i < free_count; i++) {
- /* Pop a free slot, ignoring const modifier from gl_list_get_at() */
- dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots[i] = (struct indexed_uint *) gl_list_get_at(dbuf->dgram_empty_slots, 0);
- gl_sortedlist_remove(dbuf->dgram_empty_slots, _compare_indexed_uint, dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots[i]);
- dgram_index = dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots[i]->index;
- dbuf->iov_recv[i].iov_base = dbuf->buf + dgram_index * dbuf->dgram_max_size;
- dbuf->iov_recv[i].iov_len = dbuf->dgram_max_size;
- memset(dbuf->msgs + i, 0, sizeof(struct mmsghdr));
- dbuf->msgs[i].msg_hdr.msg_iov = dbuf->iov_recv + i;
- dbuf->msgs[i].msg_hdr.msg_iovlen = 1;
- }
- dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots_count = i;
- /* Do the syscall with alarm() to circumvent bad behavior in recvmmsg(2) timeout */
- if (timeout) {
- sigaction(SIGALRM, &(dbuf->sa_sigalrm), &sa_old);
- alarm(timeout);
- }
- res = recvmmsg(sockfd, dbuf->msgs, dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots_count, MSG_WAITFORONE, NULL);
- if (timeout) {
- alarm(0);
- sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa_old, NULL);
- }
- dbuf->stats.recvmmsg_calls++;
- if (res < 0) {
- if ( errno == EINTR ) {
- recv_msg_count = 0;
- } else {
- perror("recvmmsg()");
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- recv_msg_count = res;
- }
- if (recv_msg_count > 0) {
- dbuf->stats.recv_dgrams += recv_msg_count;
- if ( recv_msg_count == dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots_count ) {
- }
- }
- /* Check all received messages */
- for (i=0, recv_byte=0; i<recv_msg_count; i++) {
- active_slot = dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots[i];
- dgram_base = dbuf->iov_recv[i].iov_base;
- dgram_len = dbuf->msgs[i].msg_len;
- /* dgrambuf_new() adjust iovec_len to prevent overflows on ssize_t*/
- recv_byte += dgram_len;
- res = dbuf->validate_func(dgram_len, dgram_base, &seq);
- switch (res) {
- case 1:
- if ( seq < dbuf->dgram_seq_base ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "dgrambuf_recvmmsg(): #%zu past (%u)\n", i, seq);
- dbuf->stats.dgram_past++;
- } else if ( seq >= dbuf->dgram_seq_base + dbuf->dgram_slots ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "dgrambuf_recvmmsg(): #%zu future (%u)\n", i, seq);
- dbuf->stats.dgram_future++;
- } else {
- active_slot->value = seq;
- pos = gl_sortedlist_search(dbuf->dgram_used_slots, _compare_indexed_uint, active_slot);
- if ( pos != NULL ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "dgrambuf_recvmmsg(): #%zu duplicate (%u)\n", i, seq);
- dbuf->stats.dgram_dup++;
- } else {
- /*fprintf(stderr, "dgrambuf_recvmmsg(): #%zu valid (%u)\n", i, seq);*/
- pos = gl_sortedlist_nx_add(dbuf->dgram_used_slots, _compare_indexed_uint, active_slot);
- if ( pos == NULL ) /*TODO: better oom handling */
- return -4;
- dbuf->dgram_len[active_slot->index] = dgram_len;
- continue;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- fprintf(stderr, "dgrambuf_recvmmsg(): #%zu finalize (%u)\n", i, seq);
- dbuf->stats.dgram_end_marker++;
- dbuf->dgram_seq_last = seq;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "dgrambuf_recvmmsg(): #%zu invalid\n", i);
- dbuf->stats.dgram_invalid++;
- break;
- }
- /* In all invalid dgram cases, put back active_slot in dgram_free_slots */
- pos = gl_sortedlist_nx_add(dbuf->dgram_empty_slots, _compare_indexed_uint, active_slot);
- if ( !pos ) /*TODO: better oom handling */
- return -4;
- }
- /* Push remaining active slots in dgram_empty_slots */
- for (/*next i*/; i < dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots_count; i++) {
- active_slot = dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots[i];
- pos = gl_sortedlist_nx_add(dbuf->dgram_empty_slots, _compare_indexed_uint, active_slot);
- if ( !pos ) /*TODO: better oom handling */
- return -4;
- }
- dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots_count = 0;
- dbuf->stats.recv_byte += recv_byte;
- return recv_byte;
-int dgrambuf_have_data_ready_to_write(dgrambuf_t dbuf) {
- unsigned int next_dgram_seq;
- /* Last write was partial, so there is more to write */
- if ( dbuf->partial_write_remaining_bytes ) {
- return 1;
- }
- /* dgram_used_slots is empty, nothing to write */
- if ( dgrambuf_get_used_count(dbuf) == 0 ) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* Nothing to write if next dgram is not in buffer at all */
- next_dgram_seq = ((struct indexed_uint *) gl_list_get_at(dbuf->dgram_used_slots, 0))->value;
- /*fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG : dgram_seq_base==%u next_dgram_seq == %u\n", dbuf->dgram_seq_base, next_dgram_seq);*/
- if ( next_dgram_seq != dbuf->dgram_seq_base ) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* At least some data of one dgram is availble for writing out */
- return 1;
-int dgrambuf_have_received_everything(dgrambuf_t dbuf) {
- /*FIXME : Really implement this */
- return dbuf->dgram_seq_last && ( dbuf->dgram_seq_base - 1 == dbuf->dgram_seq_last );
-ssize_t dgrambuf_write(dgrambuf_t dbuf, int fd, int *info) {
- size_t dgram_index, i, vlen, total, len, remain, used_count;
- unsigned int curr_seq, prev_seq, dgram_len;
- ssize_t nwrite;
- struct iovec *iov;
- struct indexed_uint *active_slot;
- bool pos;
- /* FIXME Info ptr is mandatory */
- *info = 0;
- if ( dbuf->partial_write_remaining_bytes ) {
- /* Previous writev() was partial, continue it */
- iov = dbuf->partial_write_iov;
- vlen = dbuf->partial_write_remaining_iovcnt;
- total = dbuf->partial_write_remaining_bytes;
- } else if ( ! dgrambuf_have_data_ready_to_write(dbuf) ) {
- return 0; /* XXX Inline code ? */
- } else {
- /* Prepare a write batch, buffer state is in dgram_seq_numbers */
- iov = dbuf->iov_write;
- total = 0;
- /* Initialize iovecs for writev, take dgram payloads following the sequence numbers */
- prev_seq = 0;
- used_count = dgrambuf_get_used_count(dbuf);
- for (i = 0; i < dbuf->iovec_slots && i < used_count; i++) {
- /* Pop a used slot */
- dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots[i] = (struct indexed_uint *) gl_list_get_at(dbuf->dgram_used_slots, 0);
- gl_sortedlist_remove(dbuf->dgram_used_slots, _compare_indexed_uint, dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots[i]);
- dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots_count++;
- curr_seq = dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots[i]->value;
- /* Skip empty dgram slot */
- if ( curr_seq == 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Oops : found empty slot (i==%zu)\n", i);
- continue;
- }
- /* Skip if current dgram is a dup of the previous */
- if ( curr_seq == prev_seq ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Oops : found duplicated dgram in buffer (%u)\n", curr_seq);
- continue;
- }
- /* Skip dgram comming from the past */
- if ( curr_seq < dbuf->dgram_seq_base ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Oops : found dgram from past in buffer (%u)\n", curr_seq);
- continue;
- }
- /* Stop if current seq dgram is missing */
- if ( ( i > 0 ) && (curr_seq > prev_seq+1 ) ) {
- break;
- }
- /* Stop if first dgram to write is not in buffer at all */
- if ( ( i == 0 ) && (curr_seq != dbuf->dgram_seq_base) ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Oops : nothing to write, missing %u seq\n", dbuf->dgram_seq_base);
- break;
- }
- /* Normal case : curr_seq is the next dgram to write */
- dgram_index = dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots[i]->index;
- dgram_len = dbuf->dgram_len[dgram_index] - dbuf->dgram_header_size;
- /* Setup iovecs */
- dbuf->iov_write[i].iov_len = dgram_len;
- dbuf->iov_write[i].iov_base = dbuf->buf
- + dgram_index*dbuf->dgram_max_size + dbuf->dgram_header_size;
- /* Update counters */
- total += dgram_len;
- prev_seq = curr_seq;
- dbuf->dgram_seq_base = curr_seq + 1;
- }
- vlen = i;
- /* Nothing valid to write out (but buffer not empty, missing the next dgram) */
- if ( vlen == 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Oops : nothing to write at all\n");
- return -2;
- }
- if ( vlen == dbuf->iovec_slots ) {
- }
- }
- nwrite = writev(fd, iov, vlen);
- dbuf->stats.writev_calls++;
- if ( nwrite < 0 ) {
- /* Treat non fatal errors */
- if ( errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR) {
- /* Keeps some state informations for retry */
- dbuf->partial_write_remaining_bytes = total;
- dbuf->partial_write_remaining_iovcnt = vlen;
- dbuf->partial_write_iov = iov;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Print fatal errors and bail out */
- perror("writev()");
- return -1;
- }
- dbuf->partial_write_remaining_bytes = total - nwrite;
- if ( nwrite > 0 ) {
- dbuf->stats.write_byte += nwrite;
- if ( dbuf->partial_write_remaining_bytes ) {
- /* If the write was partially done */
- dbuf->stats.write_partial++;
- /* Find the partially written iov and update it */
- remain = nwrite;
- for (i=0; i<vlen; i++) {
- len = dbuf->iov_write[i].iov_len;
- if ( remain < len ) {
- dbuf->partial_write_remaining_iovcnt = vlen - i;
- if ( dbuf->partial_write_iov ) {
- dbuf->partial_write_iov += i;
- } else {
- dbuf->partial_write_iov = dbuf->iov_write + i;
- }
- dbuf->iov_write[i].iov_base =
- (uint8_t *) dbuf->iov_write[i].iov_base + remain;
- dbuf->iov_write[i].iov_len -= remain;
- break;
- }
- remain -= len;
- }
- if ( i == vlen ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Fatal : failed to find partial iov after partial write\n");
- return -3;
- }
- } else {
- /* Full write has happened */
- for (i=0; i<dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots_count; i++) {
- active_slot = (struct indexed_uint *) dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots[i];
- active_slot->value = 0;
- pos = gl_sortedlist_nx_add(dbuf->dgram_empty_slots, _compare_indexed_uint, active_slot);
- if ( !pos ) /*TODO: better oom handling ? */
- return -4;
- }
- dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots_count = 0;
- /* Wipe outdated partial_* values */
- dbuf->partial_write_iov = NULL;
- dbuf->partial_write_remaining_iovcnt = 0;
- }
- }
- return nwrite;
-int dgrambuf_stats(dgrambuf_t dbuf, char **allocated_string) {
- uint64_t dgram_pending = dgrambuf_get_used_count(dbuf);
- uint64_t dgram_missing = 0;
- if ( dbuf->dgram_seq_last ) {
- dgram_missing = dbuf->dgram_seq_last - (dbuf->dgram_seq_base - 1) - dgram_pending;
- }
- return asprintf(allocated_string,
- "dgrambuf_read_on_full==%d "
- "recvmmsg_calls==%d, recv_dgrams==%d, recv_byte==%d, "
- "dgram_invalid==%d, dgram_past==%d, dgram_future==%d, dgram_dup==%d, dgram_end_marker==%d, "
- "writev_calls==%d, write_partial==%d, write_byte==%d "
- "dgram_pending==%d, dgram_missing==%d",
- dbuf->stats.dgrambuf_read_on_full,
- dbuf->stats.recvmmsg_calls, dbuf->stats.recv_dgrams, dbuf->stats.recv_byte,
- dbuf->stats.dgram_invalid, dbuf->stats.dgram_past, dbuf->stats.dgram_future, dbuf->stats.dgram_dup, dbuf->stats.dgram_end_marker,
- dbuf->stats.writev_calls, dbuf->stats.write_partial, dbuf->stats.write_byte,
- dgram_pending, dgram_missing
- );
-dgrambuf_t dgrambuf_new(size_t dgram_slots, size_t dgram_max_size, size_t dgram_header_size, size_t iovec_slots) {
- const void **dgram_slot_seq_ptrs = NULL;
- dgrambuf_t dbuf;
- size_t i;
- dbuf = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dgrambuf_t));
- if (!dbuf) goto fail0;
- dbuf->validate_func = NULL;
- /* Implicit with dbuf = calloc(...)
- memset(&(dbuf->stats), 0, sizeof(struct dgrambuf_stats_t));
- memset(&(dbuf->sa_sigalrm), 0, sizeof(struct sigaction));
- */
- dbuf->sa_sigalrm.sa_handler = _sigalrm_handler;
- dbuf->dgram_slots = dgram_slots;
- dbuf->dgram_max_size = dgram_max_size;
- dbuf->dgram_header_size = dgram_header_size;
- /* writev() and dgrambuf_recvmmsg accumulates read/write bytes in ssize_t */
- iovec_slots = min_size_t(iovec_slots, SSIZE_MAX/dgram_max_size);
- dbuf->iovec_slots = iovec_slots;
- dbuf->msgs = calloc(iovec_slots, sizeof(struct mmsghdr));
- if (!dbuf->msgs) goto fail1;
- dbuf->iov_recv = calloc(iovec_slots, sizeof(struct iovec));
- if (!dbuf->iov_recv) goto fail2;
- dbuf->iov_write = calloc(iovec_slots, sizeof(struct iovec));
- if (!dbuf->iov_write) goto fail3;
- /* Implicit with dbuf = calloc(...)
- dbuf->partial_write_iov = NULL;
- dbuf->partial_write_remaining_iovcnt = 0;
- dbuf->partial_write_remaining_bytes = 0;
- dbuf->dgram_seq_last = 0;
- */
- dbuf->dgram_seq_base = 1;
- dbuf->dgram_len = calloc(dgram_slots, sizeof(unsigned int));
- if (!dbuf->dgram_len) goto fail4;
- dbuf->dgram_slot_seq = calloc(dgram_slots, sizeof(struct indexed_uint));
- if (!dbuf->dgram_slot_seq) goto fail5;
- for (i=0; i<dgram_slots; i++) {
- dbuf->dgram_slot_seq[i].index = i;
- }
- /* Implicit with dbuf = calloc(...)
- dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots_count = 0;
- */
- dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots = calloc(iovec_slots, sizeof(struct indexed_uint *));
- if (!dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots) goto fail6;
- /* Implicit with dbuf = calloc(...)
- dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots_count = 0;
- */
- dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots = calloc(iovec_slots, sizeof(struct indexed_uint *));
- if (!dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots) goto fail7;
- dgram_slot_seq_ptrs = calloc(dgram_slots, sizeof(void *));
- for (i=0; i<dgram_slots; i++) {
- dbuf->dgram_slot_seq[i].index = i;
- dgram_slot_seq_ptrs[i] = &(dbuf->dgram_slot_seq[i]);
- }
- if (!dgram_slot_seq_ptrs) goto fail7;
- dbuf->dgram_empty_slots = gl_list_nx_create(GL_RBTREE_LIST, _equals_indexed_uint,
- NULL, NULL, false, dgram_slots, dgram_slot_seq_ptrs);
- if (!dbuf->dgram_empty_slots) goto fail8;
- free(dgram_slot_seq_ptrs);
- dgram_slot_seq_ptrs=NULL;
- dbuf->dgram_used_slots = gl_list_nx_create_empty(GL_RBTREE_LIST, _equals_indexed_uint,
- NULL, NULL, false);
- if (!dbuf->dgram_used_slots) goto fail9;
- dbuf->buf = calloc(dgram_slots, dgram_max_size);
- if (!dbuf->buf) goto fail10;
- return dbuf;
-fail10: gl_list_free(dbuf->dgram_used_slots);
-fail9: gl_list_free(dbuf->dgram_empty_slots);
-fail8: free(dbuf->dgram_write_active_slots);
-fail7: free(dbuf->dgram_read_active_slots);
-fail6: free(dbuf->dgram_slot_seq);
-fail5: free(dbuf->dgram_len);
-fail4: free(dbuf->iov_write);
-fail3: free(dbuf->iov_recv);
-fail2: free(dbuf->msgs);
-fail1: free(dbuf);
-fail0: return NULL;
-void dgrambuf_free(dgrambuf_t *dbuf) {
- if (dbuf && *dbuf) {
- free((*dbuf)->buf);
- gl_list_free((*dbuf)->dgram_used_slots);
- gl_list_free((*dbuf)->dgram_empty_slots);
- free((*dbuf)->dgram_write_active_slots);
- free((*dbuf)->dgram_read_active_slots);
- free((*dbuf)->dgram_slot_seq);
- free((*dbuf)->dgram_len);
- free((*dbuf)->iov_write);
- free((*dbuf)->iov_recv);
- free((*dbuf)->msgs);
- free(*dbuf);
- *dbuf = NULL;
- }
-void _sigalrm_handler(int signum) {
- /* Nothing to do except interrupting the pending syscall */
- if (signum) {} /* Avoid compiler warning */
-int _compare_indexed_uint(const void *pa, const void *pb) {
- const struct indexed_uint *a = pa;
- const struct indexed_uint *b = pb;
- if (a->value < b->value)
- return -1;
- else if ( a->value > b->value )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- if (a->index < b->index)
- return -1;
- else if (a->index > b->index)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-bool _equals_indexed_uint(const void *pa, const void *pb) {
- const struct indexed_uint *a = pa;
- const struct indexed_uint *b = pb;
- return (a->value == b->value) /*&& (a->index == b->index)*/;
diff --git a/mcastseed/src/dgrambuf.h b/mcastseed/src/dgrambuf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a83647b..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/src/dgrambuf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef DGRAMBUF_H
-#define DGRAMBUF_H
- * dgrambuf.c - C datagrams buffer.
- *
- * Copyright 2016 by Ludovic Pouzenc <>
- */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* size_t */
-#define DGRAMBUF_RECV_EINTR 1 << 2
-typedef struct dgrambuf_t *dgrambuf_t;
-dgrambuf_t dgrambuf_new(size_t dgram_slots, size_t dgram_max_size, size_t dgram_header_size, size_t iovec_slots);
-void dgrambuf_free(dgrambuf_t *);
-void dgrambuf_set_validate_func(dgrambuf_t dbuf, int (*validate_func)(unsigned int, void *, unsigned int *));
-size_t dgrambuf_get_free_count(const dgrambuf_t);
-size_t dgrambuf_get_used_count(const dgrambuf_t);
-int dgrambuf_have_data_ready_to_write(const dgrambuf_t);
-int dgrambuf_have_received_everything(const dgrambuf_t);
-int dgrambuf_stats(dgrambuf_t dbuf, char **allocated_string);
-/* Warning : dgrambuf_recvmmsg sets and restore SIGALRM handler if timeout != 0 */
-ssize_t dgrambuf_recvmmsg(dgrambuf_t dbuf, int sockfd, int timeout, int *info);
-ssize_t dgrambuf_write(dgrambuf_t dbuf, int fd, int *info);
-#endif /* DGRAMBUF_H */
diff --git a/mcastseed/src/dgrambuf_test.c b/mcastseed/src/dgrambuf_test.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f9ef22..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/src/dgrambuf_test.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#include "dgrambuf.h"
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <netinet/ip.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-int open_test_socket();
- * Quick'n'dirty bash udp sender
- * while true; do echo $RANDOM > /dev/udp/; sleep 0.25; done
- */
-int main() {
- int res, sockfd, info;
- dgrambuf_t dgb;
- sockfd = open_test_socket();
- dgb = dgrambuf_new(3, 50, 8, 8);
- do {
- res = dgrambuf_recvmmsg(dgb, sockfd, 1, &info);
- printf("dgrambuf_recvmmsg() => %i\n", res);
- printf("dgrambuf_free_count => %zu\n", dgrambuf_get_free_count(dgb));
- } while ( res > 0 );
- return 0;
-int open_test_socket() {
- int sockfd;
- struct sockaddr_in sa;
- sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
- if (sockfd == -1) {
- perror("socket()");
- }
- sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sa.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- sa.sin_port = htons(1234);
- if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa)) == -1) {
- perror("bind()");
- }
- return sockfd;
diff --git a/mcastseed/src/mcastleech.c b/mcastseed/src/mcastleech.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3345665..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/src/mcastleech.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
- * mcastleech.c - Multicast client for huge streams to be piped to other programs (partitions cloning)
- *
- * Copyright 2016 by Ludovic Pouzenc <>
- *
- * Greatly inspired from examples written by tmouse, July 2005
- *
- */
-#define _GNU_SOURCE /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <unistd.h> /* close() */
-#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf(), stderr */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* EXIT_SUCCESS */
-#include <string.h> /* strncmp() */
-#include <fcntl.h> /* fcntl() */
-#include "sockets.h"
-#include "dgrambuf.h"
-#define MTU 1500
-#define MULTICAST_RECV_BUF (MTU-20-8)
-#define DEFAULT_MCAST_IP_STR "ff02::114"
-#define DEFAULT_PORT_STR "9000"
-/* Cmdline Arguments */
-char *prog_name = NULL;
-char *mcast_ip = NULL;
-char *port = NULL;
-/* Sockets as global, used everywhere, even in die() */
-int mcast_sock = -1; /* Multicast socket for receiving data */
-int ucast_sock = -1; /* Unicast socket for give feedback to server */
-/* Buffer used for earch recvfrom() */
-char recvbuf[MULTICAST_RECV_BUF];
-/* Huge ring buffer to absorb consumer speed variations without loosing datagrams */
-dgrambuf_t dgrambuf;
-/* Strings to print out representation of various states of the program */
-const char * const state_str[] = {
- "start",
- "wait_hello_and_connect_back",
- "wait_start_and_start_job",
- "receive_data",
- "finalize_job",
- "is_there_more_job"
-/* Some boring funcs you didn't want to read now */
-void die(char* msg);
-void usage(char *msg);
-void arg_parse(int argc, char* argv[]);
-void fsm_trace(int state);
-int get_available_mem_kb();
-void set_O_NONBLOCK(int fd, int set);
-void dgrambuf_init();
-int validate_data_dgram(unsigned int nread, void *recvbuf, unsigned int *seq);
-int send_status(int state, int info_r, int info_w);
-/* Parts of the "protocol", definitions are after main() */
-int wait_hello_and_connect_back();
-int wait_start_and_start_job();
-int receive_data();
-int finalize_job();
-int is_there_more_job();
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- int state = 1; /* state of the "protocol" state machine */
- int res;
- arg_parse(argc, argv);
- dgrambuf_init();
- /*XXX Maybe elsewhere, when popen'ing target program */
- set_O_NONBLOCK(1, 1);
-/* XXX Dummy */
- fcntl(1, F_SETPIPE_SZ, 4096);
- fprintf(stderr, "pipe_size==%i\n", fcntl(1, F_GETPIPE_SZ));
- /* Finite state machine */
- while ( state > 0 ) {
- fsm_trace(state);
- switch ( state ) {
- case 1: state = (wait_hello_and_connect_back() == 0)?2:1; break;
- case 2: state = (wait_start_and_start_job() == 0)?2:3; break;
- case 3:
- res = receive_data();
- if (res==0) state = 4;
- else if (res==1) state=3;
- else state = -1;
- break;
- case 4: state = (finalize_job() == 0)?5:-2; break;
- case 5: state = (is_there_more_job() == 0)?2:0; break; /* XXX Should retry recv ? */
- }
- }
- fsm_trace(state);
- if ( mcast_sock > 0 ) {
- close(mcast_sock);
- mcast_sock = -1;
- }
- dgrambuf_free(&dgrambuf);
- if ( state < 0 ) {
- return -state;
- }
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-int wait_hello_and_connect_back() {
- /* Buffers for host and service strings after resolve */
- char hbuf[NI_MAXHOST], sbuf[NI_MAXSERV];
- /* Server address, filled by system after first recvfrom */
- struct sockaddr_storage peer_addr;
- socklen_t peer_addr_len;
- /* Various needed variables */
- ssize_t nread;
- int res;
- /* Setup mcast_sock */
- if ( mcast_sock > 0 ) {
- close(mcast_sock);
- mcast_sock = -1;
- }
- mcast_sock = mcast_recv_socket(mcast_ip, port, MULTICAST_SO_RCVBUF_WANTED);
- if(mcast_sock < 0) {
- usage("Could not setup multicast socket. Wrong args given ?");
- }
- /* Wait for a single datagram from the server (for sync, no check on contain) */
- peer_addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
- nread = recvfrom(mcast_sock, recvbuf, MULTICAST_RECV_BUF, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &peer_addr, &peer_addr_len);
- if (nread < 0 ) {
- perror("recvfrom() failed");
- return -1;
- }
- /* Get peer informations as strings from peer_addr */
- res = getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) &peer_addr, peer_addr_len,
- if ( res != 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "getnameinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(res));
- return -2;
- }
- /* Connect back to the server, with reliable unicast */
- if ( ucast_sock > 0 ) {
- close(ucast_sock);
- }
- /* FIXME : ucast_client_socket() use DNS resolver and could block */
- ucast_sock = ucast_client_socket(hbuf,port);
- if(ucast_sock < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not setup unicast socket or connect to %s:%s\n", hbuf, port);
- return -3;
- }
- return 0;
-int wait_start_and_start_job() {
- ssize_t nread, nwrite;
- /* Wait for a "start" datagram from the server */
- nread = recvfrom(mcast_sock, recvbuf, MULTICAST_RECV_BUF, 0, NULL, 0);
- if (nread < 0 ) {
- perror("recvfrom() failed");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( nread >= 5 && strncmp("start", recvbuf, 5) == 0 ) {
- /* Reply "ready" through unicast stream socket */
- nwrite = write(ucast_sock, "ready", 5);
- if ( nwrite < 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "write() failed\n");
- return -2;
- }
- if (nwrite != 5) {
- fprintf(stderr, "write() short\n");
- return -3;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-#define DGRAMBUF_RECV_EINTR 1 << 2
-int receive_data() {
- int info_r, info_w, res;
- ssize_t nread, nwrite;
- static int noop_calls_count = 0;
- /* Read (blocking, timeout = 1 sec) */
- nread = dgrambuf_recvmmsg(dgrambuf, mcast_sock, 1, &info_r);
- if ( nread < 0 ) {
- return nread;
- }
- /* Write (non-blocking) */
- nwrite = dgrambuf_write(dgrambuf, 1, &info_w);
- if ( nwrite < 0 ) {
- return nwrite;
- }
- /*fprintf(stderr, "receive_data(): nread == %zi, nwrite == %zi\n", nread, nwrite);*/
- /* XXX Crapy dead state detection */
- if ( nread == 0 /* TEST && nwrite == 0 */ ) {
- if ( noop_calls_count > 10 ) {
- return 0;
- }
- noop_calls_count++;
- } else {
- noop_calls_count = 0;
- }
- /* Consider sending status back to seeder */
- res = send_status(1, info_r, info_w);
- if ( res < 0 ) {
- return res;
- }
- if ( dgrambuf_have_received_everything(dgrambuf) ) {
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
-int finalize_job() {
- ssize_t nwrite;
- int info_w, res;
- char *stats;
- /* Don't eat reources in a pooling fashion, blocking IO is fine when no more recv to do */
- set_O_NONBLOCK(1, 0);
- /* Flush the whole buffer */
- do {
- nwrite = dgrambuf_write(dgrambuf, 1, &info_w);
- if ( nwrite < 0 ) {
- return nwrite;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "finalize_job(): nwrite == %zi\n", nwrite);
- } while ( nwrite > 0);
- /* Inform the seeder that have have finished */
- res = send_status(2, 0, info_w);
- if ( res < 0 ) {
- return res;
- }
- res = dgrambuf_stats(dgrambuf, &stats);
- if ( res != - 1 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "finalize_job(): dgrambuf_stats : %s\n",stats);
- free(stats);
- }
- return 0;
-int is_there_more_job() {
- return 1;
-void die(char* msg) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
- if (mcast_sock > 0)
- close(mcast_sock);
- if (ucast_sock > 0)
- close(ucast_sock);
-void usage(char *msg) {
- char ubuf[256];
- if ( msg != NULL )
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
- ubuf[0] = '\0';
- snprintf(ubuf, 255, "Usage: %s [port] [mcast_ip]\n", prog_name);
- die(ubuf);
-void arg_parse(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- prog_name = argv[0];
- if ( argc > 3 )
- usage("Too many arguments");
- port = (argc >= 2)?argv[1]:DEFAULT_PORT_STR;
- mcast_ip = (argc >= 3)?argv[2]:DEFAULT_MCAST_IP_STR;
-void fsm_trace(int state) {
- static int prev_state = 0;
- if ( state < 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Abnormal exit condition %i (from %s)\n", state, state_str[prev_state]);
- } else if ( prev_state != state) {
- if ( state == 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Normal exit (from %s)\n", state_str[prev_state]);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Now in %s (from %s)\n", state_str[state], state_str[prev_state]);
- }
- prev_state = state;
- }
-int get_available_mem_kb() {
- char key[64];
- int res, value, found=0;
- FILE * fh = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
- if ( fh ) {
- while (!found && !feof(fh)) {
- res = fscanf(fh, "%63s %i kB\n", key, &value);
- if ( res < 0 )
- break;
- found = ( strncmp("MemAvailable:", key, 12) == 0 );
- }
- fclose(fh);
- }
- if ( found && value > 0 ) {
- return value;
- }
- return 0;
-void set_O_NONBLOCK(int fd, int set) {
- int res, flags;
- flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
- if ( flags == -1 ) {
- perror("fcntl(1, F_GETFL)");
- }
- if ( set ) {
- res = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
- } else {
- res = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags & !O_NONBLOCK);
- }
- if ( res == -1 ) {
- perror("fcntl(1, F_SETFL)");
- }
-void dgrambuf_init() {
- /* Guess dgrambuf size from global free memory */
- size_t dgram_count;
- int avail_mem = get_available_mem_kb();
- if ( avail_mem < MULTICAST_SO_RCVBUF_WANTED ) {
- } else {
- dgram_count = avail_mem / MULTICAST_RECV_BUF / 2 * 1024;
- }
- /* XXX Dummy
- dgram_count = 5;
- */
- /* Allocate dgrambuf */
- dgrambuf = dgrambuf_new(dgram_count, MULTICAST_RECV_BUF, DGRAM_HEADER_SIZE, MAX_IOVEC);
- if ( dgrambuf == NULL ) {
- perror("dgrambuf_new/malloc");
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "dgrambuf_get_free_count() => %zu\n", dgrambuf_get_free_count(dgrambuf));
- dgrambuf_set_validate_func(dgrambuf, validate_data_dgram);
-int validate_data_dgram(unsigned int nread, void *recvbuf, unsigned int *seq) {
- if ( nread < DGRAM_HEADER_SIZE ) {
- return 0;
- }
- if ( strncmp("data", recvbuf, 4) == 0 ) {
- *seq = ntohl( *( (uint32_t *) recvbuf+1 ) );
- return 1;
- }
- if ( strncmp("end:", recvbuf, 4) == 0 ) {
- *seq = ntohl( *( (uint32_t *) recvbuf+1 ) );
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
-int send_status(int state, int info_r, int info_w) {
- if ( state && info_r && info_w ) {}
- /* TODO Implement it */
- return 0;
diff --git a/mcastseed/src/mcastseed.c b/mcastseed/src/mcastseed.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 48f8869..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/src/mcastseed.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
- * mcastseed.c - Multicast sender for huge streams to be piped to other programs (partitions cloning)
- *
- * Copyright 2016 by Ludovic Pouzenc <>
- *
- * Greatly inspired from examples written by tmouse, July 2005
- *
- */
-#define _GNU_SOURCE /* See feature_test_macros(7) */
-#include "config.h"
-#include <unistd.h> /* close() */
-#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf(), stderr */
-#include <stdlib.h> /* atoi(), EXIT_SUCCESS */
-#include <string.h> /* strlen() */
-#include <sys/select.h> /* select(), FD_ZERO(), FD_SET() */
-#include "sockets.h"
-#define READ_BUF_LEN 256
-#define MAX_CLIENTS 256
-#define MTU 1500
-/* Linux IPv6 fragmentation don't output ethernet frames larger than 1470 when MTU==1500 */
-#define MULTICAST_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE (MTU-40-8-(14+30))
-#define DEFAULT_MCAST_IP_STR "ff02::114"
-#define DEFAULT_PORT_STR "9000"
-/* Cmdline Arguments */
-char *prog_name = NULL;
-char *mcast_ip = NULL;
-char *port = NULL;
-int mcast_ttl = 0;
-/* Sockets as global, used everywhere, even in die() */
-int mcast_sock = -1; /* Multicast socket for sending data */
-int ucast_sock = -1; /* Unicast socket for havee feedback from clients */
-/* Socket related data */
-struct addrinfo *mcast_addr = NULL;
-struct client {
- int sock;
- struct sockaddr addr;
- int state;
-} clients[MAX_CLIENTS];
-int clients_next = 0;
-/* Buffer used for earch read() */
-char readbuf[READ_BUF_LEN];
-/* Strings to print out representation of various states of the program */
-const char * const state_str[] = {
- "start",
- "send_hello",
- "accept_pending_clients_or_wait_a_bit",
- "start_job",
- "send_data",
- "wait_all_finalize_job",
- "is_there_more_job"
-/* Some boring funcs you didn't want to read now */
-void die(char* msg);
-void usage(char *msg);
-void arg_parse(int argc, char* argv[]);
-void fsm_trace(int state);
-void setup_sockets();
-void unsetup_sockets();
-/* Parts of the "protocol", definitions are after main() */
-int send_hello();
-int accept_pending_clients_or_wait_a_bit();
-int start_job();
-int send_data();
-int wait_all_finalize_job();
-int is_there_more_job();
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int state = 1; /* state of the "protocol" state machine */
- int res;
- arg_parse(argc, argv);
- setup_sockets();
- /* Finite state machine */
- while ( state > 0 ) {
- fsm_trace(state);
- switch ( state ) {
- case 1: res = send_hello(); state = (res==0)?2:-1; break;
- case 2: res = accept_pending_clients_or_wait_a_bit();
- if (res==0) state = 2; /* Some clients has just come in, try to get more */
- else if (res==1) state = 1; /* Nothing new. Keep accepting clients after another hello */
- else if (res==2) state = 3; /* Wanted clients are accepted */
- else state = -2;
- break;
- case 3: res = start_job();
- if (res==0) state = 3; /* Keep trying to convince every client to start */
- else if (res==1) state = 4; /* All clients have started the job pipe */
- else if (res==2) state = 4; /* There is dead clients but all alive are ready to go */
- else state = -3;
- break;
- case 4: res = send_data();
- if (res==0) state = 4;
- else if (res==1) state = 5; /* All data sent */
- else state = -4;
- break;
- case 5: res = wait_all_finalize_job();
- if (res==0) state = 5;
- else if (res==1) state = 6;
- else state = -5;
- case 6: res = is_there_more_job();
- if (res==0) state = 0;
- else if (res==1) state = 3;
- else state = -6;
- break;
- }
- }
- fsm_trace(state);
- unsetup_sockets();
- if ( state < 0 )
- return -state;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-int send_hello() {
- ssize_t nwrite;
- const char *payload = "hello";
- int paylen = strlen(payload);
- nwrite = sendto(mcast_sock, payload, paylen, 0, mcast_addr->ai_addr, mcast_addr->ai_addrlen);
- if ( nwrite < 0 ) {
- perror("sendto() failed");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( nwrite < paylen ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Short packet sent");
- }
- return 0;
-int accept_pending_clients_or_wait_a_bit() {
- struct timeval timeout;
- fd_set readfds, exceptfds;
- ssize_t nread;
- int res;
- FD_ZERO(&readfds);
- FD_ZERO(&exceptfds);
- FD_SET(0,&readfds);
- FD_SET(ucast_sock,&readfds);
- FD_SET(ucast_sock,&exceptfds);
- timeout.tv_sec = 2;
- timeout.tv_usec = 0;
- res = select(ucast_sock+1, &readfds, NULL, &exceptfds, &timeout);
- if ( res < 0 ) {
- perror("select() failed");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( res > 0 ) {
- if (FD_ISSET(ucast_sock, &readfds)) {
- /*TODO : this assumes that the event is an accept() while ones could be send data there */
- if ( clients_next >= MAX_CLIENTS ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Bouncing client, MAX_CLIENTS reached");
- close(accept(ucast_sock, NULL, 0));
- } else {
- socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
- clients[clients_next].sock = accept(ucast_sock, &(clients[clients_next].addr), &addrlen);
- clients[clients_next].state = 0;
- printf("Connected client on fd %i\n", clients[clients_next].sock);
- clients_next++;
- }
- }
- /*TODO : drop this keybord read with accept(), this is not portable */
- if ( FD_ISSET(0, &readfds)) {
- nread = read(0, readbuf, READ_BUF_LEN);
- if ( nread <= 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "lost stdin");
- }
- /* User wants to go now */
- return 2;
- }
- if (FD_ISSET(ucast_sock, &exceptfds)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "unhandled except on ucast_sock");
- return -2;
- }
- }
- if (res == 0 ) {
- /* Nothing happened before timeout */
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-int start_job() {
- struct timeval timeout;
- fd_set readfds, exceptfds;
- ssize_t nread, nwrite;
- int all_ready, all_non_dead_ready;
- int i, res;
- int client_sock;
- const char *payload = "start";
- int paylen = strlen(payload);
- nwrite = sendto(mcast_sock, payload, paylen, 0, mcast_addr->ai_addr, mcast_addr->ai_addrlen);
- if ( nwrite < 0 ) {
- perror("sendto() failed");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( nwrite < paylen ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Short packet sent");
- }
- all_ready = 1;
- all_non_dead_ready = 1;
- FD_ZERO(&readfds);
- FD_ZERO(&exceptfds);
- for ( i=0; i<clients_next; i++) {
- FD_SET(clients[i].sock,&readfds);
- FD_SET(clients[i].sock,&exceptfds);
- }
- timeout.tv_sec = 2;
- timeout.tv_usec = 0;
- res = select(clients_next, &readfds, NULL, &exceptfds, &timeout);
- if ( res < 0 ) {
- perror("select() failed");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( res > 0 ) {
- for ( i=0; i<clients_next; i++) {
- client_sock = clients[i].sock;
- if (FD_ISSET(client_sock, &readfds)) {
- printf("todo info from client %i\n", i);
- nread = read(client_sock, readbuf, 5);
- if ( nread <= 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "lost client %i\n", i);
- clients[i].state = 2;
- } else if ( nread < 5 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "short data from %i\n", i);
- clients[i].state = 2;
- } else if ( strncmp("ready", readbuf, 5) != 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "unexpected data from %i\n", i);
- clients[i].state = 2;
- } else {
- /* Received "ready" ack from client */
- clients[i].state = 1;
- }
- }
- if (FD_ISSET(clients[i].sock, &exceptfds)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "unhandled except on client %i\n", i);
- clients[i].state = 2;
- }
- all_ready &= (clients[i].state == 1);
- if ( clients[i].state != 2)
- all_non_dead_ready &= (clients[i].state == 1);
- }
- }
- /* (res == 0 ) nothing happened before timeout */
- if ( all_ready )
- return 1;
- if ( all_non_dead_ready )
- return 2;
- return 0;
-void send_fake(char buf[], int paylen, int i) {
- *( (uint32_t *) buf+1 ) = htonl(i);
- snprintf(buf+28, 6, "%05i", i);
- *( (char *) buf+33 ) = ')';
- sendto(mcast_sock, buf, paylen, 0, mcast_addr->ai_addr, mcast_addr->ai_addrlen);
-int send_data() {
- ssize_t nwrite;
- int i;
- /* XXX Dummy */
- memset(buf, '.', MULTICAST_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE-1);
- strcpy(buf, "dataXXXXJe suis a la plage (XXXXX)");
- send_fake(buf, paylen, 5);
- send_fake(buf, paylen, 4);
- send_fake(buf, paylen, 3);
- for (i=6; i<=100000; i+=2) {
- send_fake(buf, paylen, i);
- }
- for (i=7; i<=100000; i+=2) {
- send_fake(buf, paylen, i);
- }
- send_fake(buf, paylen, 1);
- send_fake(buf, paylen, 1);
- send_fake(buf, paylen, 2);
- *( (uint32_t *) buf+1 ) = htonl(3);
- buf[21]='m', buf[22]='e', buf[23]='r'; buf[24]='.'; buf[25]='\n'; paylen = 26;
- nwrite = sendto(mcast_sock, buf, paylen, 0, mcast_addr->ai_addr, mcast_addr->ai_addrlen);
- if ( nwrite < 0 ) {
- perror("sendto() failed");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( nwrite < paylen ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Short packet sent");
- }
- return 1;
-int wait_all_finalize_job() {
- struct timeval timeout;
- fd_set readfds, exceptfds;
- ssize_t nread, nwrite;
- int all_non_dead_done;
- int i, res;
- int client_sock;
- char buf[] = "end:XXXX";
- int paylen = strlen(buf);
- *( (uint32_t *) buf+1 ) = htonl(100000);
- nwrite = sendto(mcast_sock, buf, paylen, 0, mcast_addr->ai_addr, mcast_addr->ai_addrlen);
- if ( nwrite < 0 ) {
- perror("sendto() failed");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( nwrite < paylen ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Short packet sent");
- }
- all_non_dead_done = 1;
- FD_ZERO(&readfds);
- FD_ZERO(&exceptfds);
- for ( i=0; i<clients_next; i++) {
- FD_SET(clients[i].sock,&readfds);
- FD_SET(clients[i].sock,&exceptfds);
- }
- timeout.tv_sec = 2;
- timeout.tv_usec = 0;
- res = select(clients_next, &readfds, NULL, &exceptfds, &timeout);
- if ( res < 0 ) {
- perror("select() failed");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( res > 0 ) {
- for ( i=0; i<clients_next; i++) {
- client_sock = clients[i].sock;
- if (FD_ISSET(client_sock, &readfds)) {
- printf("todo info from client %i\n", i);
- nread = read(client_sock, readbuf, 5);
- if ( nread <= 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "lost client %i\n", i);
- clients[i].state = 2;
- } else if ( nread < 5 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "short data from %i\n", i);
- clients[i].state = 2;
- } else if ( strncmp("done.", readbuf, 5) != 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "unexpected data from %i\n", i);
- clients[i].state = 2;
- } else {
- /* Received "done." ack from client */
- clients[i].state = 3;
- }
- }
- if (FD_ISSET(clients[i].sock, &exceptfds)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "unhandled except on client %i\n", i);
- clients[i].state = 2;
- }
- if ( clients[i].state != 2)
- all_non_dead_done &= (clients[i].state == 3);
- }
- }
- /* (res == 0 ) nothing happened before timeout */
- if ( all_non_dead_done )
- return 1;
- return 0;
-int is_there_more_job() {
- return 0;
-void die(char* msg) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
- if (mcast_sock > 0)
- close(mcast_sock);
- if (ucast_sock > 0)
- close(ucast_sock);
-void usage(char *msg) {
- char ubuf[256];
- if ( msg != NULL )
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
- ubuf[0] = '\0';
- snprintf(ubuf, 255, "Usage: %s [port] [mcast_ip] [mcast_ttl]\n", prog_name);
- die(ubuf);
-void arg_parse(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- prog_name = argv[0];
- if ( argc > 3 )
- usage("Too many arguments");
- port = (argc >= 2)?argv[1]:DEFAULT_PORT_STR;
- mcast_ip = (argc >= 3)?argv[2]:DEFAULT_MCAST_IP_STR;
- mcast_ttl = (argc >= 4)?atoi(argv[3]):DEFAULT_MCAST_TTL;
- if ( mcast_ttl < 1 || mcast_ttl > 64 )
- mcast_ttl = 1;
-void fsm_trace(int state) {
- static int prev_state = 0;
- if ( state < 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Abnormal exit condition %i (from %s)\n", state, state_str[prev_state]);
- } else if ( prev_state != state) {
- if ( state == 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Normal exit (from %s)\n", state_str[prev_state]);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Now in %s (from %s)\n", state_str[state], state_str[prev_state]);
- }
- prev_state = state;
- }
-void setup_sockets() {
- /* Setup ucast_sock */
- ucast_sock = ucast_server_socket(port, MAX_PENDING_CONNECTIONS);
- if(ucast_sock < 0)
- usage("Could not setup unicast socket. Wrong args given ?");
- /* Setup mcast_sock */
- mcast_sock = mcast_send_socket(mcast_ip, port, mcast_ttl, &mcast_addr);
- if(mcast_sock < 0)
- usage("Could not setup multicast socket. Wrong args given ?");
-void unsetup_sockets() {
- if ( ucast_sock > 0 ) {
- close(ucast_sock);
- ucast_sock = 0;
- }
- if ( mcast_sock > 0 ) {
- close(mcast_sock);
- mcast_sock = 0;
- if ( mcast_addr ) {
- freeaddrinfo(mcast_addr);
- mcast_addr = 0;
- }
- }
diff --git a/mcastseed/src/random_speed_dd.c b/mcastseed/src/random_speed_dd.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d94bc0..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/src/random_speed_dd.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-char buf[0xffff];
-int main() {
- ssize_t nread, nwrite, remains;
- srandom(1); /* Always the same pseudo-random sequence */
- while ( (nread=read(0, buf, 0xfff & rand())) > 0 ) {
- remains = nread;
- while ( remains ) {
- nwrite=write(1, buf, nread);
- if ( nwrite < 0 ) {
- if ( !(errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EINTR) ) {
- perror("write");
- return nwrite;
- }
- } else {
- remains -= nwrite;
- }
- }
- /*fprintf(stderr, "nread==%zu, nwrite==%zu\n", nread, nwrite);*/
- usleep( 0xffff & rand() );
- }
- if ( nread < 0 ) {
- perror("read");
- return nread;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/mcastseed/src/sockets.c b/mcastseed/src/sockets.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aea016..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/src/sockets.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016 by Ludovic Pouzenc <>
- *
- * Greatly inspired from msock.h written by Christian Beier <>
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "sockets.h"
-int mcast_recv_socket(char *mcast_ip, char *port, int wanted_so_rcvbuf) {
- int sock;
- struct addrinfo hints = { 0 }; /* Hints for name lookup */
- struct addrinfo *ai_local = NULL; /* Local address to bind to */
- struct addrinfo *mcast_ai = NULL; /* Multicast Address */
- int yes=1;
- int status, optval;
- socklen_t optval_len;
- int dfltrcvbuf;
- /* Resolve the multicast group address */
- hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
- hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
- if ((status = getaddrinfo(mcast_ip, NULL, &hints, &mcast_ai)) != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(status));
- goto error;
- }
- /*
- * Get a local address with the same family (IPv4 or IPv6) as our multicast group
- * This is for receiving on a certain port.
- */
- hints.ai_family = mcast_ai->ai_family;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
- hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; /* Return an address we can bind to */
- if ( getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &ai_local) != 0 ) {
- fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(status));
- goto error;
- }
- /* Create socket for receiving datagrams */
- if ( (sock = socket(ai_local->ai_family, ai_local->ai_socktype, 0)) < 0 ) {
- perror("socket() failed");
- goto error;
- }
- /*
- * Enable SO_REUSEADDR to allow multiple instances of this
- * application to receive copies of the multicast datagrams.
- */
- if (setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,(char*)&yes,sizeof(int)) == -1) {
- perror("setsockopt");
- goto error;
- }
- /* Bind the local address to the multicast port */
- if ( bind(sock, ai_local->ai_addr, ai_local->ai_addrlen) != 0 ) {
- perror("bind() failed");
- goto error;
- }
- /* get/set socket receive buffer */
- optval=0;
- optval_len = sizeof(optval);
- if(getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,(char*)&optval, &optval_len) !=0) {
- perror("getsockopt");
- goto error;
- }
- dfltrcvbuf = optval;
- optval = wanted_so_rcvbuf;
- if(setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,(char*)&optval,sizeof(optval)) != 0) {
- perror("setsockopt");
- goto error;
- }
- if(getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF,(char*)&optval, &optval_len) != 0) {
- perror("getsockopt");
- goto error;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "tried to set socket receive buffer from %d to %d, got %d\n",
- dfltrcvbuf, wanted_so_rcvbuf, optval);
- /* Join the multicast group. We do this seperately depending on whether we
- * are using IPv4 or IPv6.
- */
- if ( mcast_ai->ai_family == PF_INET &&
- mcast_ai->ai_addrlen == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) ) /* IPv4 */
- {
- struct ip_mreq multicastRequest; /* Multicast address join structure */
- /* Specify the multicast group */
- memcpy(&multicastRequest.imr_multiaddr,
- &((struct sockaddr_in*)(mcast_ai->ai_addr))->sin_addr,
- sizeof(multicastRequest.imr_multiaddr));
- /* Accept multicast from any interface */
- multicastRequest.imr_interface.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- /* Join the multicast address */
- if ( setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (char*) &multicastRequest, sizeof(multicastRequest)) != 0 ) {
- perror("setsockopt() failed");
- goto error;
- }
- }
- else if ( mcast_ai->ai_family == PF_INET6 &&
- mcast_ai->ai_addrlen == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6) ) /* IPv6 */
- {
- struct ipv6_mreq multicastRequest; /* Multicast address join structure */
- /* Specify the multicast group */
- memcpy(&multicastRequest.ipv6mr_multiaddr,
- &((struct sockaddr_in6*)(mcast_ai->ai_addr))->sin6_addr,
- sizeof(multicastRequest.ipv6mr_multiaddr));
- /* Accept multicast from any interface */
- multicastRequest.ipv6mr_interface = 0;
- /* Join the multicast address */
- if ( setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, (char*) &multicastRequest, sizeof(multicastRequest)) != 0 ) {
- perror("setsockopt() failed");
- goto error;
- }
- }
- else {
- perror("Neither IPv4 or IPv6");
- goto error;
- }
- if(ai_local)
- freeaddrinfo(ai_local);
- if(mcast_ai)
- freeaddrinfo(mcast_ai);
- return sock;
- if(ai_local)
- freeaddrinfo(ai_local);
- if(mcast_ai)
- freeaddrinfo(mcast_ai);
- return -1;
-int mcast_send_socket(char* mcast_ip, char* port, int multicastTTL, struct addrinfo **mcast_ai) {
- int sock;
- struct addrinfo hints = { 0 }; /* Hints for name lookup */
- int status;
- /* Resolve destination address for multicast datagrams */
- hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
- hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
- if ((status = getaddrinfo(mcast_ip, port, &hints, mcast_ai)) != 0 )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(status));
- return -1;
- }
- /* Create socket for sending multicast datagrams */
- if ( (sock = socket((*mcast_ai)->ai_family, (*mcast_ai)->ai_socktype, 0)) < 0 ) {
- perror("socket() failed");
- freeaddrinfo(*mcast_ai);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Set TTL of multicast packet */
- if ( setsockopt(sock,
- (*mcast_ai)->ai_family == PF_INET6 ? IPPROTO_IPV6 : IPPROTO_IP,
- (*mcast_ai)->ai_family == PF_INET6 ? IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS : IP_MULTICAST_TTL,
- (char*) &multicastTTL, sizeof(multicastTTL)) != 0 ) {
- perror("setsockopt() failed");
- freeaddrinfo(*mcast_ai);
- return -1;
- }
- /* set the sending interface */
- if((*mcast_ai)->ai_family == PF_INET) {
- in_addr_t iface = INADDR_ANY; /* well, yeah, any */
- if(setsockopt (sock,
- (char*)&iface, sizeof(iface)) != 0) {
- perror("interface setsockopt() sending interface");
- freeaddrinfo(*mcast_ai);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if((*mcast_ai)->ai_family == PF_INET6) {
- unsigned int ifindex = 0; /* 0 means 'default interface'*/
- if(setsockopt (sock,
- (char*)&ifindex, sizeof(ifindex)) != 0) {
- perror("interface setsockopt() sending interface");
- freeaddrinfo(*mcast_ai);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return sock;
-int ucast_server_socket(char* port, int max_pending_conn) {
- int sock;
- struct addrinfo *serverAddr;
- struct addrinfo hints = { 0 }; /* Hints for name lookup */
- int status;
- /* Prepare an addrinfo struct for a local socket */
- hints.ai_family = PF_INET6;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
- hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
- if ((status = getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &serverAddr)) != 0 )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(status));
- return -1;
- }
- /* Create socket */
- if ( (sock = socket(serverAddr->ai_family, serverAddr->ai_socktype, serverAddr->ai_protocol)) < 0 ) {
- perror("socket() failed");
- freeaddrinfo(serverAddr);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Accepts also IPv4 traffic if the socket is INET6 */
- if(serverAddr->ai_family == PF_INET6) {
- unsigned int no = 0;
- if(setsockopt (sock,
- (char*)&no, sizeof(no)) != 0) {
- perror("setsockopt() !IPV6_V6ONLY failed");
- freeaddrinfo(serverAddr);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- /* Bind socket to local address/port */
- if ( bind(sock, serverAddr->ai_addr, serverAddr->ai_addrlen) < 0 ) {
- perror("bind() failed");
- close(sock);
- freeaddrinfo(serverAddr);
- return -1;
- }
- freeaddrinfo(serverAddr);
- /* Start listening incoming connections */
- if ( listen(sock, max_pending_conn) < 0 ) {
- perror("listen() failed");
- close(sock);
- }
- return sock;
-int ucast_client_socket(char* server_ip, char* port) {
- int sock;
- struct addrinfo *serverAddr;
- struct addrinfo hints = { 0 }; /* Hints for name lookup */
- int status;
- /* Resolve destination address */
- hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
- hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
- if ((status = getaddrinfo(server_ip, port, &hints, &serverAddr)) != 0 )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(status));
- return -1;
- }
- /* Create socket */
- if ( (sock = socket(serverAddr->ai_family, serverAddr->ai_socktype, 0)) < 0 ) {
- perror("socket() failed");
- freeaddrinfo(serverAddr);
- return -1;
- }
- /* Connect it to the remote server */
- if ( connect(sock, serverAddr->ai_addr, serverAddr->ai_addrlen) < 0 ) {
- perror("connect() failed");
- close(sock);
- freeaddrinfo(serverAddr);
- return -1;
- }
- freeaddrinfo(serverAddr);
- return sock;
diff --git a/mcastseed/src/sockets.h b/mcastseed/src/sockets.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 86f7c5b..0000000
--- a/mcastseed/src/sockets.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2016 by Ludovic Pouzenc <>
- *
- * Greatly inspired from msock.h written by Christian Beier <>
- */
-#ifndef SOCKETS_H
-#define SOCKETS_H
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <sys/un.h>
-#include <netinet/tcp.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-int mcast_recv_socket(char *mcast_ip, char *port, int wanted_so_rcvbuf);
-int mcast_send_socket(char *mcast_ip, char *port, int mcast_ttl, struct addrinfo **mcast_ai);
-int ucast_server_socket(char *port, int max_pending_conn);
-int ucast_client_socket(char *server_ip, char *port);
-#endif /*SOCKETS_H*/