#!/bin/busybox sh # Should only started from image_capture.sh, it defines some helper functions and variables) # echo_color() [prefix text] # $outdir is the also the current working dir, garanted to be empty and writable # Many cloning/partitioning tools are available for use, see make-boot-image.sh echo_color white blue ">>> Restoring /dev/sda boot sectors" pigz -dc "$indir/sda-dd.gz" | dd of=/dev/sda count=2048 echo_color white blue ">>> Detecting new partitions" echo -e "w\nq\n" | fdisk /dev/sda echo_color white blue ">>> Restoring /dev/sda1 NTFS BOOT" pigz -dc "$indir/sda1-partclone.gz" | partclone.restore -o /dev/sda1 echo_color white blue ">>> Restoring /dev/sda2 NTFS WINDOWS" pigz -dc "$indir/sda2-partclone.gz" | partclone.restore -o /dev/sda2 echo_color white blue ">>> Restoring /dev/sda3 EXT4 LINUX" pigz -dc "$indir/sda3-partclone.gz" | partclone.restore -o /dev/sda3